
Ch-5 The price

Ashley's POV

In the hotel lobby, I pace anxiously, trying to soothe the nerves gnawing at my insides. My heart is heavy with worry and anxiety, I want to make it quick, before my time runs out… 


The elevator doors chime open and relief washes over me, but it is rather short-lived. Tiffany rushes out, her eyes mirroring my own turmoil as  she approaches, clutching a brown packet with the medication I'd requested. 

I knew she would do it, regardless of whether or not she agrees: Tiffany is nothing if not reliable. But instead of handing the packet over, she rushes to my side, speaking in an urgent whisper;

"Ashley, please… do you even know what kind of mess you are stepping into? You are not in a state to make such serious decisions, you just lost your parents in a tragic accident just a week ago, and you've received a major shock today, just take some time to think about it."

I brush off her concerns, masking my uncertainty with false bravado.

"Nothing is going to change even then, and I'm completely fine–"

But before I can finish, Tiffany interrupts me with uncharacteristic aggression;

"Bullshit! I know you, and I know you don't make impulsive decisions like this! Ashley, just snap out of it, you can't go through with this. At least tell me what you have agreed to do–"

"Thank you for your help, Tiffany."

I sternly cut her off, despite knowing that she just wants me to reconsider and I am hurting her by my curtness. 

"I appreciate your concern, but this is something I have to do. It's the only way to save my father's company, to honor his memory."

"Ash, I'm not telling you to disrespect your dad's legacy. But I just want you to think logically about what you're doing. This isn't the answer. You're only hurting yourself, and even your parents wouldn't want this for you. They wouldn't be at peace even in the afterlife if they knew what you were planning."

Tiffany's protests fall on deaf ears as I reach for the pills, dismissing her warnings with indifference. To me, this is just a means to an end, no different from any other calculated move in the business world. 

"I'm telling you, it's no big deal. Just give me the medicine, I don't have much time right now." 

My tone sounds forced and unconvincing, even to myself, but I continue to speak, hoping that I might be able to convince myself at least.

"It's just a transaction, just like spending a night with a boyfriend. Nothing more, nothing less."


I see a flash of recognition in Tiffany's eyes; she knows exactly how stubborn her best friend can be. If there is something I have decided, then I shall not back away from it at any cost. 

And maybe, this is why she reluctantly hands over the medication, her hands trembling with worry. 

"I just wish you would reconsider…"

I waste no time in dumping out a handful of pills in my palm and swallow the bitter pills without hesitation, ignoring the pang of regret tugging at my conscience. 

With a hollow promise to see her soon, I turn towards Ethan's room, feeling a surge of warmth coursing through my veins. 

Although my steps are slightly faltering, my focus is crystal clear. Standing in front of the door, I can feel my temples throbbing with how rapidly my heart is beating in anticipation. 

Finally, I push open the door, only to be met with Ethan's surprised gaze. His expression betrays his disbelief at my return, but I pay no attention to this, my mind being driven forward by just one goal: to fulfill my end of the bargain. 

There is a faint whisper of doubt somewhere in my mind, asking me what would happen if things don't go my way… what if this is all for nothing, how can I make peace with that? 

But somehow, the surge of confidence that has taken over my body has also pushed those inhibitions aside, tucking them away in a corner. I start to walk towards him, slowly and steadily so I don't trip, while starting to undress myself. 

His face is a mask of stoicism as he sits up in bed and looks at me, his eyes glowering. A muscle in his jaw twitches, and I feel myself being pushed towards him, driven by the intoxicating cocktail of emotions and the lingering effects of the sedatives. 

I don't think much either, surrendering myself to the belief that offering myself to Ethan is a small price to pay for his assistance in reclaiming the Waverly Group.

In a desperate attempt to clear out my clouded mind, I press my lips against his, my eyes fluttering shut as I surrender to the moment. The taste of desperation lingers on my tongue as I press myself against him… 

I know that I am treading into uncharted territory, exposing myself to him like I have never before, in front of anyone. But my hands move as if they have a mind of their own, tugging at the knot of his robe.

In my mind, there is no turning back now, and I allow myself to be dominated by the fierce desire to please Ethan at any cost.

I can feel his arms snaking around me, pulling me closer and sending shivers down my spine. Before I can dwell on these doubts any longer, I feel myself beginning to black out, the world around me fading into darkness as the effects of the medication take hold, making my mind hazy… 

With a last fleeting thought, I surrender myself to him, and to the only remaining hope that this arrangement would secure the future of Waverly Group.

My senses were almost numb, but in the depths of my mind, fragments of reality danced like shadows on the periphery– fleeting and indistinct, as I lost all track of time. 

Disconnected images flickered before my eyes– Ethan's face hovering over mine, my own whimpers, the intoxicating aroma of sandalwood, the soft rustle of bed sheets beneath us, the distant sound of a clock ticking away the seconds… 

Ethan's POV

No matter what, I just can't look away as she comes to a stop at the edge of my bed, her preppy top and formal skirt lying discarded on the floor.

I never expected that girl to ever willingly show her face to me again… let alone come back to my own room, but here she is, standing in front of me in nothing but her lacey black lingerie, exposing almost her entire body and her well defined cleavage. 

I watch in silent astonishment as she bares herself before me, as if she is completely determined to prove herself. Even though I had been feeling mad at her, I feel a stirring of desire deep within myself as she draws nearer with an eagerness that is so different from her earlier uncertainty. 

She presses herself against me, working hard to undress me; and although her actions are awkward and clumsy, there is an undeniable appeal to her passionate advances. I can sense her arousal through her lacy panties, and my hands move on their own to press and rub against the silky material.

The way her body responds to my touch… she is almost dripping wet already, and just the anticipation of burying myself deep into her sweetness makes my groin start to pulsate… it's definitely crazy that I can want someone like this, even though I have just met her… 

Finally, she succeeds in untying the knot of my robe, leaving me in nothing but my boxers, where a noticeable bulge is beginning to form. I can feel her gaze travel down my body and linger on my sculpted abs, as a flash of desperation flickers in her eyes.

"Do you like what you see?" I tease, unable to resist a smirk at her response. Yet, her moaning reply catches me off guard, sending a shiver down my spine.

But I manage to regain some control as I pull her closer,

"I never offer someone a losing deal…" 

Despite my initial misgivings, I feel my own desire ignited by her raw, uncontrolled enthusiasm… evident in each tentative touch and fervent kiss that she marks on me.

I kiss her back, but my mind is consumed by a storm of conflicting emotions. Every touch, every caress, is a reminder of her… Emily, the woman I once loved and now resent with every fiber of my being. 

It's as if she's haunting me, her face, her eyes, her voice, her hair—everything about Ashley threatens to consume me whole.

But for some reason, I still find myself unable to resist the pull; her desperation is like a siren song that calls out to my body. 

I know that she hasn't done anything against me, but I just can't resist the temptation to manipulate her… as if I will be able to exact my revenge on Emily somehow.

I lift my hands, gently lowering the straps of her bra, revealing her smooth skin, and she clings to me, her sweat soaked body rubbing against mine… stroking the heat of the moment. 

Both my mind and the room have turned into a battleground of passion and regret: I can't shake the nagging sense of guilt tugging at my conscience. 

I know that what I'm doing is wrong, that I'm using Ashley's vulnerability to satisfy my own selfish desires. And yet, I can't seem to stop myself, the need for revenge burning within my heart like a wildfire.

A part of me is thriving in the thrill of victory, the satisfaction of knowing that I've finally gotten what I wanted— at least for now.

Thinking this, I position myself above her, gently guiding my length into her, filling her up completely. A soft moan escapes her lips as she holds onto me tighter, digging her nails into my back, demanding more of the sensation I was giving her…

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