
Chapter 3

"Can I come in?" Jackson asked Maggie, who was still standing at the door motionless.

This question seemed to snap her out of her state of shock, she pulled the door closer to her body.

"No, you can't, crazy people are not allowed in," she said, ready to go inside to call the police just in case he doesn't leave, but his bored expression and the taut voice stopped her in her track.

"Margaret. Take a look at this folder." he offered it again "I'll be back in an hour." he said, turned around and left. Maggie noticed the same car from earlier parked in front of her house. This guy, this Jack person, got into his car, started the engine, and took off, so she closed the door and went back inside.

She placed the folder on the table and sat on the chair before she opened it to find a marriage certificate inside with what looked like her signature on it. 'What the hell?' she took the piece of paper and brought it closer to her face thinking that some miracle with happening and that it will disappear into thin air. She read what was written on it again and again looking for something, anything that will prove this was some kind of mistake, that it wasn't her data enlisted on the marriage certificate in front of her. But no matter how much she wished, not a single letter on it changed.

In disbelieve, Maggie took another paper from the folder, and it was a marriage license, with the same data on it.

It was clear as a day... Margaret Colt, date of birth: July 01. 1996. Charleston, South Carolina, blah, blah, blah, even her social security number matched the one on the papers, more blah, blah, blah, is married to Jackson Peters, date of birth: May, 15. 1987. Chicago... at the end of the page, date of June  01. 2018. Wait! What? That was less than two months ago! And she has never been to Chicago!

Under those papers, she found a copy of her driver's license and a copy of her passport.

"This is not possible! It's not happening!" she cried out loud, putting her hands on her head, trying to lessen the sudden pain in her head. She stood up slowly and went to a cabinet where she kept aspirins and other medicines. She took two pills and swallowed them with a glass of water. Even though she didn't like taking any sort of pills or medications, she knew that this time the headache she was feeling wouldn't go away by itself. No, no, it will only grow from here, so she opted for prevention.

Maggie didn't know what to think about what was in front of her. There was her personal information on the certificates, copies of her documents, her picture on them, there was no doubt in that, but she also knew that she wasn't married. She never even met the guy before!

There has to be some explanation for this! So she decided to just wait for him to come back and clear up everything.

And true to his word, minutes before 8 o'clock, he rang the doorbell. Her heavy legs took her to the front door, and she opened them wide, letting him in. He walked in with a smirk on his face. As he walked by, Maggie noticed how tall he was, a solid foot taller than her, and this strange energy that he emitted, the energy that intimidated her in some way.

Reluctantly, Maggie closed the door and went after him only to find him sitting comfortably on her sofa. He looked around with a serious face that gave just a slight hint of amusement before he spoke: "So, dear wife, what do you say?"

"I say that you need to stop calling me that because I am not your wife!" she seethed through her teeth while standing in front of him. Only the coffee table was separating them.  

"I beg to differ." he answered calmly "You've seen the documents. We, and that means you and me, are legally married." he talked in slow motion looking her straight in the eyes, and she felt at that moment like he was talking to an idiot, so she swallowed the lump that was stuck in her throat and went to the kitchen to get a chair that she placed across from him and sat on it. The folder that he brought earlier, she carefully put on the coffee table.

"Care to explain all of this?" Maggie folded her arms across her chest and returned the stare. This guy was causing her blood pressure to rise, her blood to boil. He was acting like he had a stick up his a.. and she hated guys that acted that way.

"I am not sure what exactly you don't get. You've seen the documents." their staring contest never stopped.

"I have seen them! What I don't get is how's this possible, since I've seen you an hour ago for the first time in my life," she could barely contain herself from screaming at him, and he looked amused by her irritation.

"That's not exactly true, is it?" but when his question went unanswered, he continued, "Yesterday at the restaurant and last night at the club?" he questioned with his brows slightly raised, and after that, the look of recognition passed Maggie's face.

"Yes, I remember you now... Are you a stalker too?" she fake-gasped.

"No. I just wanted to see who I'm dealing with here beforehand..."

"Ok, let's cut the crap, shall we? I have an early shift tomorrow, and I'd like to get to bed as soon as possible, so please..." Maggie had enough of his ... whatever this was... assessment, judgment... so she motioned her hand towards the folder in front of them.

"As I said, we are legally married, and I came here to discuss our situation with you."

"Well, in my opinion, there's nothing to discuss. This is obviously some sort of mistake, and I guess we can sort it out easily. We can file for divorce first thing tomorrow," she started to laugh uncontrollably after those words, she just couldn't stop herself. Jackson watched her patiently, his bored expression did not waver for a second.

"I'm sorry about this," she muttered once she managed to stop laughing and catch her breath, "It's been a crazy couple of years and this... well it's just a cherry on top." she sighed and took one more deep breath feeling completely calmed.

"I've heard. Your mother's ill, and she's been in a hospital for what? two years now?" when he noticed her startled expression, he added: "I had my PI check you out once I realized you were real."

"Somehow, that doesn't even surprise me."

"I came here tonight because I have a proposition for you. The one I assume you won't be able to reject, judging by the lack of furniture to sell," Jackson sounded resigned.

"You know what?! Get out, right now!" something was off about this guy, and Maggie had no intention to make any deal with him. In her mind, it would be equivalent to making a deal with the Devil himself. Everything about him screamed 'run' and this, how she acted all cocky was just it, an act.

Jackson didn't move, he showed no intention of leaving before he says what he intended.

"I will pay all of the future expenses of your mother's treatment, both mortgages on your house, and the best recovery facility for the cancer patients just outside of Chicago once she's released from the hospital for as long as it takes," Jackson stated his offer calmly.

Maggie looked at him in disbelieve. This could solve all of her problems in the long run. But what's the catch? There always has to be a catch.

"And in return?" she questioned, not daring to blink.

"We stay married for two years. You pretend to be my wife for the public and..." he muttered something that Maggie didn't quite get "and after that time, you can go back to your old life. So, what do you say?"

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
Sounds good but why?
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
LOL no crazy people are not allowed in my house

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