
His Donna (His Series)
His Donna (His Series)
Author: NeeNia


"If you help us against Spain Mafias, we'll give you whatever you want," said Simon "Money, jewels, property, anything."

"There's nothing that you can offer me that I don't already have," said Alexander , "And plus, they hasn't touched my people. I don't have any reason to declare war against British Don."

"We both know you're not dumb enough to believe that," said Kim, " They has it out for all Mafias in this world. While their Don stayed away from your dragon mafia group so far, that doesn't mean he won't in the future. Being the Don of dragons Mafias will only protect you for so long."

Alexander smirked at the two government representatives in front of him. The leader was right of course, Alexander knew that British Mafia Don was only biding his time before they made their move. And Alexander knew that helping the government was the best way to get rid of forien enemy before they gathered any more followers. He had heard whispers that they was planning on destroying the entire Mafias chain as soon as they had displaced the government. Of course that didn't mean that Alexander was going to simply help the government without compensation.

"Fine," sighed Alexander dramatically, "I can't think of anything I want right now. When I think of it, I'll let the government know. But I want a contract stating that I get anything I want in exchange for my army."

"No," spat Simon, "The government will most certainly not agree to something so preposterous."

"Fine by me," said Alexander, getting up. "If you want to throw the one chance you have at defeating forien Mafias down the drain, that's your prerogative. Personally, I'd take advantage of  tip, but I won't stop you from walking to your death in an hour."

"Wait," said Kim, stopping Alexander before he could leave, "Simon, we don't have a choice. We just don't have enough time to gather people to fight with them. Without his army of dragons Mafias, we don't stand a chance."

Simon glared at Alexnader before nodding resolutely and motioned for Alexander  to take out  the document. With a flourish, Alexander take theout  contract and a pen. When everyone finished signing in , Alexander  finalized  the contract and handed Simon a copy"

"I'll send a message to my people. They'll be outside the dragon Den Hall waiting for British Mafias ambush," said Alexander "Oh and Kim? I will came back and take what I want just wait and ready to give me the particular thing, you know maybe it's yours most favourite thing" Alexander said with smirk and leave the place while his people's is following him.

Kim knows one day government will pay the price . 

But what ?

What precious thing they will have in future which Alexander want , maybe nothing?


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