

Alexander stood at the altar waiting for his Ashly to arrive. When Sam and Lisa walked in with the other, Sam led his finance down the aisle while Lisa took the rest of the group to their seats next to their parents. Ashly was stunning in the gold Dress and Alexander couldn't stop himself from staring. When Ashly reached his side, Cat began the ceremony.

"Mafia Don Alexander  , do you take this woman to be your Donna, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" asked Cat.

"I do," replied Alexander .

"Ashly, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

Ashly looked into the crowd full of guest . She spotted her siblings in the front row, next to her parents. Her mother was glaring at her, as if daring her to disobey the authority. Even if she refused, she was sure that Alexander would still continue the ceremony. Knowing that she didn't have another choice, she took a deep breath and said, "I do."

Nodding her head, Cat a began chanting and marriage Mantra. Alexander began smiling and Ashly  gasped when she felt Alexander is straring at her intensely . A few moments later, cat stop her mantra   and Alexander nod his head towards everyone insure that he take Ashly as his.

"Alexander and Ashly , you have declared your consent before the all the people's. May God in his goodness, strengthen you consent and fill you both with his blessings," said Cat. "You may now kiss your bride."

Alexander gave Ashly a bright smile as he stepped forward, wrapped an arm around Ashly  neck and kissed her. Not knowing what to do, Ashly stood there, letting Alexander deepen the kiss. When Alexander   finally ended the kiss and stepped back, Ashly   was sure her face was bright red.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you, for the first time ,Mafia Don and his Donna ," announced Cat.

"According to Mafias custom mafia don change the Donna name"

Ashly eyes become wide .

Her name are also going to take away from her.

Her freedom, her family now her name.

Alexander turn around and see towards crowd.

"Today I make a bound with most beautiful person I ever see in my life she is your Donna, she is my wife so respect her, if anyone dare to respect her I burn them alive, it doesn't matter if you are government  or any other Mafias, it doesn't matter if you are his parents or siblings". Alexander  gare to Ashly parents and wink towards her siblings who giving him death gare.

"So as a Mafia leader and by following our custom I change her name , now her name is Alexandra ,my Alexandra your Donna whether you take my name it's essential to take his also we both are one now we are one soul".

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