

"For God sake, put some clothes on," said Alexander, as he stepped out of in into Win and Sam  bedroom.

"Alexander!" screamed Win as he quickly wrapped a blanket around himself. Sam put his own clothes back on before handing Win pants to him.

"Alexander, what on earth are you doing here? It's your wedding night!" exclaimed Sam.

"I hurt her," said Alexander , guilt clear in his voice, as he slid to the ground.

"What do you mean you hurt her?" asked Win cautiously, afraid to set Alexander off.

"I don't know what came over me. One second everything was fine. But then Alexandra  panicked and shoved me off of her, scratching me. Next thing I know, I had her tied up and I was threatening her. I didn't snap out of it until Alexandra started crying and begging me not to hurt her," said Alexander.

"What exactly did you do or say to her?" asked Sam, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Alexander  closed his eyes in shame, "I told her that since government thought of us as monsters, I was going to play my part. I told her I was going to take her dry and then let my friends take turns with her. She was so scared, begging and apologizing."

"Alexander! How could you?"asked Win, clearly disgusted with his friend. "Please tell me you didn't follow through with any of that."

"Of course not! I snapped out of it when she started sobbing and begging me. I untied her and came straight here," said Alexander .

"You have to go back," said Sam, "You have to follow the custom."

"What? Sam! Alexander shouldn't be near that girl right now. I've never been one to care for others, but this is insane. Think of what could've happened if Alexander hadn't snapped out of it."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking of. Two episodes in two days is bad. He needs the bond to be completed the custom. The sooner he has sex with the her, the sooner all this shits come under control back under control. If anyone knows about Don didn't make a love to his Donna in their first ,you have any idea what will happen?"

"I can't. What if I lose control again?" asked Alexander.

"We'll go with you. If it sounds like something is wrong, we'll come in and stop you," said Sam.


When Alexander opened the door, he had expected to find his Alexandra where he had left her. Instead, she was sleeping on the bed, curled underneath the blankets. She was sleeping so deeply that even the door opening hadn't waken her up. Alexander  could see the tear tracks on the her face and knew that she had likely cried herself to sleep. Placing a hand on Alexandra   shoulder, he gently shook the sleeping wife.

Alexandra eyes widened in fear when she saw that the Don  had returned. Her first instinct was to get off of the bed, but she knew that it would only make things worse for herself. So she forced herself to stay on the bed.

"It's okay, Alexandra, I promise I won't hurt you," said Alexander . Seeing doubt in Alexandra eyes, Alexander continued, "I know you have no reason to trust me after what happened, but I really won't hurt you. And I'm sorry about before, I didn't mean for that to happen. Sit up, I'll explain everything to you." Not knowing what else she could do, Alexandra  let Alexander   help her sit up, making sure to keep the blanket tightly wrapped around herself.

"I know Lisa told you about my history with my father. I just got some anger issue after that but hey I promise it will never happen again" said Alexander.

Alexandra wanted to believe him . She wanted to believe that she wasn't bonded to a monster. But her mind kept replaying the threats and the groping.

"Alexandra , I hate to ask, especially after what happened, but do you think you're up for finishing the ... ummm you know? If there was any other way, I would wait. But that's now two episodes in just as many days. I can't risk leaving anyone know about it and if anyone knows about we didn't make a love of our first night they  possibly hurt you in future. But hey I promise I'll be gentle."

Alexandra stared at her hands, not sure what to say. "I understand, but what if I do something to anger you or you..." She trailed off.

"Alexandra, look at me," Alexander said softly, lifting Alexandra chin. "I won't hurt you. Win and Sam are right outside. They will come in and stop me if need be. Nothing like that will happen again. I promise you that."

"Okay," said Alexandra. 

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