
Love, Alpha
Love, Alpha
Author: J T Wilson

Chapter 1

He watched her in the distance, his mind clouded over in confusion. How could he, one of the coldest Alphas in the country, have a mate? 

The thought of having to take care of someone for the rest of his life haunted him. He always thought he was meant to run the most powerful pack that had no weaknesses; once his wolf becomes attached to hers, nothing can tear them apart. It is known to be the cause of the deaths of many great Alphas, and yet here he stood, unable to tear his eyes away from her.

Her soft, shimmering lips stood out to him from across the clearing, occasionally being grazed by her soft, silky golden hair. Her delicate fingers brushed a strand from over her crystal blue eyes as they continued to gaze over the leather-covered book resting in the center of her lap.

A soft breeze flowed over her bare shoulders, sending her scent right in his direction. A shiver traveled up his spine as his eyes rolled back into his head. A low growl erupted from his chest, wondering why she was all alone in an empty clearing. She seemed like a prize he had yet to win.

A stick breaking in the distance caught both of their attention, snapping him out of his daze.

"There you are. Alpha has been requesting your presence in his office." His ears perked up.

"Tell Darron I'm on my way." Celus began to take a few steps back, making sure he didn't alert the male that he was on his land.

"Marlo!" A younger male came running from the distance.

"What is it Jody?" Marlo growled.

"Our warriors have reported a breach in our northern borders."  His eyes darkened. Celus knew exactly what he was talking about. It was him that had crossed the boarder to follow the scent, and it was now him that they were tracking.  He knew he needed to leave now before he was caught.

Shifting into his Misty Grey wolf, he gave the beauty one last longing glance before racing back to his land.

Once he crossed the boarders, he could feel the air change alerting his beta of his return. He was soon after met with Brady's large sandy wolf.

'Alpha.' He bowed. Celus grunted, acknowledging him. 'What happened? Why did you cross into Alpha Darron's land?' He began following behind Celus towards the pack house.

'It's not important.' He huffed. If he could catch her scent from so far away, why didn't she notice him? Could she not sense him? That thought aggravated him. He had to make a visit to his neighboring pack and see what's going on. 'Get a group together. I'm making a call and we will be visiting an ally.' Brady gave him a confused look.

'We're going to Alpha Darron's land?' Celus nodded. Brady ran off to fulfill his request.

Celus felt even more confused. Any wolf could catch onto their mate's scent from miles away. There was no way she couldn't at least smell his scent. The only way that would be possible is if she had no contact with her wolf.

Celus arrived at his pack house. Once shifting back, he threw on a pair of shorts and stalked up the stairs towards his office. Picking up the phone,  he dialed Darron's number with shaky hands.

"Hello?" His gruff voice was short and firm.

"Alpha Darron. This is Alpha Celus. I would like to come over and discuss border matters with you." There was a long pause.

"Okay. I can do that." He began. "We had a territory breach, so I must look into stronger border patrol. I will allow you into my territory. See you then." And with that, he hung up.

Celus has always had a strong hatred towards Darron, but their packs' alliances were made centuries ago so it wouldn't be right of him to cross him now. There was a knock at the door before Brady's head popped into the room.

"I have collected ten warriors to accompany us. Is there anything else you would like me to do Alpha?" Celus thought long and hard before responding. 

"Prepare for anything."

"What do you mean?" Celus paced the room.

"I found my mate." Brady's face lit up.

"Really? Where? That's great man! I'm so-" Celus cut him off.

"No! No. It's not great. She's part of Darron's pack, and the worst part is she can't even sense our mate bond!" He growled and knocked over the nearest bookshelf.

"What do you mean she can't feel the bond? How is that possible?" He stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

"I don't know!" Brady dodged the chair that came hurling in his direction. Suddenly there was a knock at the door that stopped Celus' destruction. "Come in." He growled.

"Alpha." A warrior named Peter bowed before standing stiffly in the doorway.

"Peter. What is it." His eyes flashed towards Brady before refixating on Celus.

"Alpha Darron has sent a warrior to lead us into his land. He is waiting along our Southern border with Dudley and Chris."

"Thank you, Peter. We will be right down." He bowed once more before making his way down the stairs. Celus gave Brady one last frustrated look then went to follow in suit.

"Alpha. Alpha!" Brady came running after, attempting to get his attention.

"What is it." He growled.

"Is that why we're going to their territory? To investigate?" Celus stopped in his tracks.

"Investigate? Brady, I'm going to discuss border control." He gave him an unconvinced look. "Fine. If something seems unusual, then I plan to go from there. But you can not breathe a word of this. We do not want to start something with our closest ally."

"Yes, Alpha." Peter lead them through the woods until they reached the edge of the territory. There they were met with Darron's warrior just on the other side looking very impatient.

"Finally." He snapped. Celus growled fiercely.

"You will not speak to an Alpha that way. I don't care whose pack you are in." His eyes hesitantly switched to the ground. "Now, take us to your pack house." He turned and disappeared into the trees.

Darron's pack house was a large white mansion with grand pillars and a wrap-around porch. Pack members littered the front lawn as they enjoyed picnics or played outdoor games such as football. All their attention turned to the visiting Alpha that was making his way up the walkway.

Celus was known as a vicious leader. His reputation was one of the worst in the country. Although he didn't treat his pack members harshly, anyone that dare crossed his boarder was rarely heard from again.

"Alpha Celus." Darron made his way down the long extended hallway.

"Alpha Darron." Celus acknowledged with a blank face.

"If you will follow me to my office we can discuss our important matters." He nodded and ascended the spiral staircase in the center of the grand room.

Darron's office was nowhere near as large as Celus', but it still had the same old-timely charm with the large wooden oak desk and tall bookshelf on the far wall. Darron motioned towards a long office table with multiple chairs placed around it for Celus and his men to sit at. Darron took a seat at the end closest to the door, and Celus took the seat across from the table so he could look straight at him.

"Carl." A large man with tattoo-covered arms and a large chest hidden in the corner stepped forward.

"Yes, Alpha?"

"Will you send Salen in please?" He bowed his head before leaving the room. "So," He began. "As you know, there was a breach in our border earlier this morning. We caught a scent and my warriors tracked it to your land before it disappeared. Did you find anyone suspicious in your land?" Celus steadied his breathing to make him not seem suspicious. "Maybe you could help me catch this wolf that doesn't seem to understand the meaning of territory." Celus straightened up in his seat and cleared his throat.

"I will have my warriors search for a scent that is out of the ordinary and I can let you know." There was a knock at the door before Carl and a young woman entered the room. Celus immediately recognized her.

"Thank you, Carl. Salen, come take a seat by me." The beauty bowed her head and took the empty chair to the left of Darron. Her scent invaded his senses making it nearly impossible for him to focus.

"Alpha Celus, this is my mate and future Luna, Salen." Celus held back a growl.

'His mate?!' He was mentally fuming. 'How is that even possible?!' Brady must have noticed the anger on his face, making him stand abruptly.

"Excuse me Alpha Darron, I must dismiss myself to speak with Alpha Celus in private." He bowed out of respect and practically shoved Celus out the door and into the hallway. "Dude. What is going on?" Celus huffed and leaned against the closest wall in defeat.

"Salen, the woman in there, is my mate." Brady's face paled.

"Wha-ho-" He cleared his throat before continuing. "How is that possible?" The office door creaked open and a blonde-headed angel slipped out before carefully and silently closing the door behind her. Celus froze, not knowing how to act. Even though he was a large man standing at six feet seven inches, under her gaze he felt like he could disappear into this wall.

Celus didn't know how to feel. She was promised to another Alpha already. The only way she could be with him would be if they started a war between packs.

Her crystal blue eyes locked to his, and he instantly knew she could feel their bond. The silver swirls combining with the blue showed that her wolf was fighting to surface.

"Alpha Celus." She said in a rough tone. His eyes shot to Brady, motioning for him to leave them. He nodded and made his way back into the office. 

As soon as he was out of sight, Celus glued his gaze completely on her. She took a slow step forward and reached out to touch his arm slightly.

Goosebumps were left within the trail of her fingers, sending a shiver up his spine. Losing control, he placed his hands on her cheeks and slammed his lips to hers.

Fireworks erupted between them. A growl sprung from his throat as she gripped his hair, tugging slightly. He moaned lowly, noticing the shiver that shook her body.

Suddenly, he pulled away. She looked up at him with clouded-over eyes.

"What's wrong?" She whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He grazed her cheek with the back of his hand, savoring the tingling sensation that was sent through his body. How he wished to be that strand of hair right now.

"You already have a mate." He looked down in sadness before turning away. Her hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"Wait." She said in a panicked tone. "I can explain that. Please, just listen to me."

He sighed. "What is there to explain? You promised yourself to him. There's nothing else you can say." His eyes darkened.

"It's not what you think I swear!" She yelled in a hushed tone. He sighed and ran his hand over his face. "Just give me a minute to explain this. Please." He nodded and allowed her to lead him to an empty room down the hall. There was a tv and a few lounge chairs, obviously just a guest hang-out.

Salen cleared her throat and fidgeted with her hands in her lap.

"I don't understand." Celus voiced, trying to get his mind straight.

"My father was Cole Westbrook, Alpha of the Northern Shore Pack." He nodded. He had heard of that pack before, his father having had done business with him before when he was a little boy. "Anyways, our pack was going under and he wanted to make sure he had a stable place for his members before they were overthrown by rogue packs." She began pacing the floor in front of him, playing with her hands anxiously. "He had worked closely with Alpha Darron on some security measures when they discussed what he planned to do with his members. They struck up a deal; Alpha Darron would take in all the members, and in return I must become his mate and lead with him." Celus gripped the arm of the chair.

"So you didn't have a choice?" He asked through gritted teeth. She shook her head with a sad look.

"I always wanted what was best for my members, but I don't know what to do anymore. My father took it too far." He reached out and took her hand in his.

"We will figure this out together." She smiled up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Well..." She began, "We don't have much time." She sniffled and wiped tears from her cheek with her free hand. He looked at her confusingly.

"What do you mean?"

"Darron is planning the Luna ceremony in two weeks. After that, I will be permanently mated to him." She began sobbing uncontrollably. He pulled her into his chest, stroking her hair and breathing in her scent.

"It's going to be okay. We will figure this out. I promise." She gripped his shirt and pulled herself closer to him.

"Alpha Celus!" Someone shouted down the hallway, alerting him. He hugged Salen tightly one last time before standing straight and brushing off his clothes.

"We should probably get back before anyone gets suspicious." She nodded and made one last attempt to rid her face of tears. Celus looked down at her with sorrow, wanting nothing more than to take her in his arms and never let her go. "I promise it will all work out." She sighed.

"I really hope so." Celus left and went back to the office, making sure they didn't enter together so no one would be suspicious. Darron was standing by the window, looking down at his members taking over the front lawn of his pack house. He had a scornful look on his face, not noticing Celus' return.

"Darron." He said in a low tone. His head snapped towards him, wiping the look from his face.

"Please sit. We have much more to discuss."

"So," Celus cleared his throat, "I hear you've taken on new pack members. How is everything going with that so far?"

Darron rolled his eyes. "It could be going better. Many of them are unskilled and untrained. I just only wish bringing them in would have benefited my wellbeing more than they are."

"I understand." Celus said in a low tone, slightly glaring at the so-called Alpha sitting across the table from him. Even though he held the title, he was no leader. He only focused on what benefited him instead of the members of his pack. 

One of Darron's warriors knocked on his door. Celus recognized him from the clearing earlier that day with Salen.

"Marlo, what is it?" Darron stood abruptly, looking for any excuse to leave their meeting. Marlo sniffed the air and slowly turned his confused gaze to Celus.

His eyes shown with recognition, causing Celus to shift slightly in his seat. Marlo turned to his alpha and motioned towards the hallway. He nodded and followed after him, closing the door behind them to make their conversation more private.

"What is it?" Darron growled, not liking the suspense.

"I came here to tell you that your father would like to speak with you." He nodded, dropping his shoulders slightly. "I must say, Alpha Celus' scent seems very familiar to me."

"What do you mean?" Darron's ears perked up. He already didn't like Celus, so anything that Marlo can say will send him over the edge.

"I mean it's identical to the scent we picked up in the clearing today." He processed the new information he had just received.

"So you're saying it was Celus that was in my territory earlier?" Marlo nodded. "Well why would that be?" He hissed, growing angrier by the second.

"I'm not sure." He smashed his fist into the nearest wall, creating a large hole where it had taken the impact.

"Well find out. Quickly." He growled, his eyes nearly completely black.

"Yes Alpha." Marlo bowed and rushed down the stairs in search of the other members he had gone tracking with that morning.

Celus pushed the door open confidently, unaware of the conversation that just took place moments before. His men all stood close behind him, awaiting their next move.

"I hate to leave so suddenly, but I must be getting back to my pack. Do let me know what your decisions are on your border patrol. I'm sure we can work something out to help keep our lands safe and rid of any trespassers." Darron nodded and shook his hand, trying to read any expression on his face.

He was determined to find out what was going on, and he was not going to rest until then.

He watched as Celus and his men walked away, a glare permanently etched onto his already menacing face.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
this seems promising,probably gonna binge readin this tonight ❤ btw,is there any way i can keep up with your work? do you have social media?
goodnovel comment avatar
Aren't werewolves supposed to have this great sense of hearing? How could he not hear right outside the door of the room he was in?

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