
Packed suitcases

Giovanni's POV 

I've decided the best distraction is my work, I'm currently at the office at the  moment doing some paperwork and checking how much money I'm receiving and if there's anyone stealing from me,  I think my employees know better than to do that but you'll never. 

I hear a knock at the door and I'm assistant Hillary comes in,  Mr black Nathaniel is here to see you should I send him in,  I just nod and she leaves and in comes Nathaniel. "Boss I have the information you asked me for " He says holding a document in his hands,  I motion for him to sit 

" The name is Oliver Presley it seems his and her family are friends and they grew up together they are best friends,  while she was in med school he was doing engineering and has his own construction company.  

There's no evidence to say they are dating it looks like the relationship is purely friendship." He tells me, " I saw how he looks at her I don't look at my friends like that, let's say they are friends it's just obvious he wants them to be more than that " I can't allow that to happen and I also can't allow her to leave Paris without her being mine. I need you to make sure he leaves but she stays I want him out of my way.

 I order him "Yes boss consider it done " He says standing up and leaving. 


" Sir don't forget you have a dinner meeting with the bulgarians later on today at the Fitzgerald hotel," Hillary reminds me,  I almost forgot about that damn I guess I need to finish up here so I can go home and quickly freshen up.

" Thanks Hillary you don't have to come with me you can leave this isn't one of those meetings I need you taking minutes" I tell her she doesn't know about my drug dealings and I like to keep it that way. I wouldn't want anyone using her to get information about my business.  

" As you wish sir " Hillary says and leaves.  I finish up quickly and I also  leave the office and I make my way home.  once there I shower quickly before dressing up and hit the road to the Fitzgerald restaurant. This is going exactly how I imagined this, these idiot's think they some information they can use to destroy me and what they don't know is their source as well as the information is long gone and I'm just letting them think they have the upper hand before I pull the rug underneath them. After today I doubt they'll ever underestimate me again.

A beep from my phone, I check to see a message from Nathaniel " Boss Melody just arrived at the restaurant is coming your way " I look around and see her, she's following the hostess to her table she looks bored and tired and yet she still manages to look absolutely breathtaking. 

It's amazing how she can just be so casual yet look so spectacular,  coming here was absolutely worth it and this meeting isn't so annoying anymore.  " Look let's just get this  bullshit over with, I know you'll think you have something you can use to destroy me but unfortunately for you not anymore,  you see James your obsession with woman is also your downfall the lady who kept busy yesterday happens to be one of my girls and that snitch you had working as my bodyguard is dead.

 So you have  24 hours to hand over all the drugs and weapons you have because the information I have on you guys isn't a bluff " I say to them through gritted teeth.

 I smile to myself once I see the look on their faces, they clearly underestimated me, a grave mistake they'll live to regret. This is also a message to everybody else who dares to try take me on.


 I catch Melody looking at me and she quickly pretends like she wasn't staring at me,  don't worry kitten soon you'll have me all to yourself. And that obnoxious boyfriend of hers arrives with flowers,  it's quite obvious his in love with her and his in the friend zone for now.  

Meaning I must act fast before things change.  " Nathaniel, you know what you have to do " I send a text to Nathaniel I've had enough of this Oliver person he needs to go very soon. 


Melodys POV 

I wake in the morning and get out of bed only to trip and fall, damn it what are these suitcases doing here Oliver can be fool at Times geez who leaves suitcases in the way. 

I decide to start with mine and try to move it and realize it's heavy, that's weird because on my first night here I actually put my clothes in the wardrobe, I like my things organized. I open the suitcase and it's my clothes packed what the hell is going on.

 And right on Time Oliver comes in his already dressed and bathed. " You finally woke up, I took the liberty of ordering you room service he says handing me food.  I don't really care about food right now " Oliver why are my bags packed " I ask him I'm really pissed right " We've only been here for 4 days the trip is for 2 weeks and you've already packed our things without even saying anything to me " I ask him with a pissed of tone.

 " I'm doing this to protect you this is a dangerous city we shouldn't have come here we are leaving today " He says to me nonchalantly " And who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do huh.. Are you my dad huh look I'm not going to be told by you what to do, your not ordering me around I'm not your child " I yell before going to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. 


I take a shower to try and calm myself I'm so angry I feel like crying right now,  what the hell is wrong with Oliver his turning into someone I can hardly recognize right now. once I'm done bathing and styling my hair I put on some clothes and decide I need some air I can't handle all this right now.

 I make way out of the hotel and walk around for a while I don't even know where I'm going, I came across a coffee place and decide to go in only then do I realize that I don't have my phone nor any money on me shit can this day get any worse.

ľ " Looks like you need the coffee more than I do " Hillary what is she doing here " Hillary what are you doing here " I ask her surprised to see her.  " I always come here in the morning my boss is a devil I have to get him coffee every morning so his less grumpy and I get one for myself as well " She says and I burst out laughing surely his not so bad how does she manage to always make me feel better.

  " Well I'm glad you find my struggles to be humorous, beautiful" She says looking at me with flirtatious eyes.  And I blush beautiful that's the second time she's said that do you think she's flirting with me, surely not. " As much as I'd love to stay and chat the boss is waiting take care beautiful " She says and leaves not before leaving me with her coffee, does she know I don't have money. She's really sweet I wonder why her fiance decided to leave her at the altar. 

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