

Alexander seated in his throne with legs crossed as he gazed on the clan members below him. They were all laughing and celebrating because of the success in their bombardment to the L.A headquarter. Not only that, they were able to capture potential men and women who will be used in dealing with the their clan activities. Just then the door suddenly opened that made everyone froze and tilted their heads into the entrance door. The representatives of the other two factions made their grand entrance with the leadership of Sam Well , the second Boss of the Black Wolf's faction. Alexander noticed a young boy being carried by Melo, the new representative of the Fary Wolf Clan faction. He noticed everyone had given an amused look into the young boy, they were feasting him off like a hungry beast who wasn't fed in a century.

"Melo, why did you let that young boy survived?"

"He wasn't the only one who survived, Alexander." Melo reluctantly said but stood his ground at the very end. Alexander eyes narrowed, his slit pupils disappearing. No one dared to speak or even made a slightest move. As if they were afraid that Alexander might burst out anytime and kill them.

"Why didn't you kill all of them? I thought I made it clear that every year, we will commit an act of terrorism against the White Wolf's Clan!" Alexander voice was full of venom as he spat the words back. The room was filled with deafening silence when his voice echoed throughout the whole mansion.

"Because I couldn't kill him at all Alexander. This boy possessed something that was ours." Alexander rose his eyebrows in question but didn't said anything to him, letting him to continue. Just then Melo picked something from his pocket and showed it to everyone. Alexander eyes widened and everyone gasped when they saw what Melo was holding.

A handkerchief embroidered with a pair of wings. The Fary Wolf Clan faction's crest.

"Where did the young boy got the Fary Wolf's Clan  crest?"

"That we don't know. It seems a Wolf without our knowledge had masked himself from the us and decided to live a human life and married a White Wolf Clan." Melo replied at him.

"But for that to happen, a Wolf needs to be an clan." Jason, who just came, said as he settled himself in the couch. Even though they were a unified clan, each faction also has an own system of their own. The Wolf were the members who wasn't able to pass the Fary Wolf Clan faction's initiation. Originally those who didn't passed the initiation will be killed right away but when the tragedy happened 5 years ago, the Fary Wolf's Clan faction decided to use all their Wolf's as the King extra forces. Apparently, some Wolf's were rebellious enough to do this kind of things. The good news though was that the lower echelons never knew the identity of the upper echelons. So if in any case they decided to spill everything about the king, they couldn't spill because they basically didn't know anything.

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