

Suddenly, a handsome looking young man with bright green eyes came and stood next to her. When she looked over at him, she could see light brown hair, and was better dresses than any lord she had ever seen. Then he looked down at her and began to speak.

     "This a fabulous party. One of the biggest I've ever seen."

     "Yes. My father does know how to throw one."

      "You're Lord Simon's daughter? Looking as beautiful as you do, I should've known. Forgive me, I'm Louis."

       "Well, it's nice to meet you, your highness."

       "Just Louis."

       "Okay. Just Louis then."

        "Alright, stop messing around, Kitty Cat. Would you like to dance, my lady?"

        " I would love to."

Louis led her out on the dance floor and for a moment, they were lost in each other. Laughing and talking and twirling around the dance floor seemed like heaven. They didn't even notice that they were the only ones on the dance floor and everyone was looking at them. Lord Simon and King Francis were watching them and smiling. Lord Simon looked over at King Simon and began speaking with him.

     "Well, my king, it looks like we didn't have to do anything to get those two to like each other. I told you they remember the other."

     "It would appear that way, Lord Simon. Unfortunately, I need to speak with my son for a moment. I wish I didn't from how happy they look."

When the dance was finished, Pierre went over to Louis. He, himself, hated to break them up. It was probably the happiest he'd ever seen her. He walked up to Louis and told him his father needed to speak with him in private.

      "I will be back, my lady. As soon as I find out what my father wants, I'll be right back by your side. Don't disappear on me."

      "I'll wait right here. But Prince William may ask me to dance."

      "Then, it would be my honor to rescue you."

Sure enough, a couple of minutes after Louis left her side, Prince William asked her to dance. It was hard because William barely knew French and she didn't know English.

     " My lady, would you like to dance?"


 She tried to pay attention to William, but she just didn't understand him. It had been a while since she was with Louis, and she was hoping he would come back and rescue her, as promised. Luckily, Louis knew English and came and freed her from William.

   "Excuse me, William, but I will finish this dance with her. She doesn't know English, so she has no idea what you've been saying. Plus, you have two left feet. And I hopefully plan on having her for a wife."

   "Careful, Louis, mother says I can take her for a wife if I wanted to. I could, right now, you know. There would be nothing you could do about it, either, Louis."

   "How will you ask her? She doesn't speak your language. Her father won't help you. She's his only child left. Besides, you're English, everyone here is French. No one would blame her if she turned you down."

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