


I woke up this morning with a bad feeling. I knew it had to do with my angel and I didn’t like it one bit. I could tell when I went down for breakfast that Kendrick was feeling the same way I was. Looking around most of the guys seemed to be feeling the same way. I tried my hardest to keep my angel from leaving the packhouse and heading into town with Tallyn and Lailani but they were adamant that they needed a few more things for the pups and other things. I let her go very unwillingly as did Kendrick and Eddie. I looked up at the sky thinking that it would be dark and overcast but no, it was the perfect day out. The sun was shining and it was hot and humid. Typical weather for this time of year. They had been gone a few hours when Dreston and Nikolas came tearing into the packhouse at the same time Carter, Luke, and Myles came flying through the front door. I knew at that moment that something was very wrong. Dreston was carrying a crystal ball. I wasn’t sure what
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Natalie Kay Janine Baker-Martin
over and done with.

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