
Chapter 6

{Unknown pov}

I closed my laptop and placed my head in the palms of my hands. The music continued to blast through my earbuds. The song which was currently playing happened to be ‘The Night We Met,’ by Lord Huron. The musician’s voice gave me chills each time. Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My mother used to sit me down beside her, and she would play me a song on the grand piano. She was always a talented musician; if not for her, I would not have developed this deeply seeded love of music.

This song, in particular, I had recently found. It grabbed onto my soul the moment I heard it and hasn’t let go. I swear this musician must be living a similar life to me because the lyrics reflected a vital memory from my past. A memory that constantly haunts me in my sleep and has yet to release me from its ice-cold grasp.

What was it now? 4 or 5 years ago? I remember that day every night in my dreams. Over time, it had worsened; lately, I have woken up sweating almost every night. It wasn’t like I felt guilty over what happened. I knew my choices were the right ones, but sometimes I wish I had made those choices just a little bit better. I should have planned them out a little more intelligently. Strategically even. However, it had been an unexpected occurrence and one that put me in quite the predicament. 

I had wedding plans waiting to occur. I had a fiancé I was to marry and arrangements to move said fiancé into my home. Then, that night forced me to throw them in the trash and call it all off. It was the only logical thing to do. After all, I had found my soulmate. My Goddess-given mate She created to complete me, with half of my soul inside of that person. I couldn’t continue to be engaged. No matter how important the arrangement was for my people and my kingdom. My mate came first, but there was just one major problem. She was a child.

I raised my head from my hands before pushing myself up from my desk. The song repeated itself another time, but I didn’t mind. It was a pleasant, peaceful song that reminded me of my simple mistakes. I could have easily avoided my mistakes, but we live and learn. Walking over to my small bar area in the corner of my office, I grabbed a bottle of Dalmore Constellation 1964 whiskey. It cost me a quarter of a one-hundred thousand dollars when I bought it, but it was worth it in every drop.

I poured myself a glass over ice and sent a quick prayer to the Moon Goddess. Then I picked up my glass, knocked it back, and swallowed it. There was a slight burn from the alcohol, but I had grown used to it over the past few years. Alcohol has been my partner in crime after I had to leave behind my mate without telling her where to find me. Honestly, I had no idea what I was thinking that day. I saw a child, realized she was my mate, and decided to leave her behind to keep her safe. I was hoping that one day she could find her way back to me when she was older, but how the fuck would my mate do that if she didn’t even know my damn name!

I still haven’t been able to find out where she went or what happened to her in five years. You would think it shouldn’t be too hard to find a missing person, especially with the help of local law enforcement. Yet, they don’t know where my mate ended up or who she even was. There was news about her deceased mother, but not a single word on my mate. I had been looking for years to find evidence of where my little mate disappeared, and I have found nothing. Absolutely nothing at all!

While lost in my thoughts and pouring myself a second glass, I heard someone tapping their fist against the door to my office. I grunted, letting the person know I was there and acknowledging their presence. Everyone knew that sound meant I was allowing them to speak. Not even a second later came my nephew’s soft and slightly raspy voice from the other side of the door. 

“I’m sleepy, zio.” (uncle) He said.

“Come in, Spar,” I called out to him. 

He didn’t wait for a second longer before pushing open my door and waddling inside. I watched him wrap his Spiderman blanket tighter around his body. “Ciao, zio!”

“Look at you, piccolo Uomo!” (little man) After chugging it down, I grinned at him, setting my empty glass back down on the bar. Then I walked over and scooped him up in my arms. 

He was a tiny pup, only four years old. My brother found out his fiancé was pregnant shortly after I found my mate. I would have lost myself from the mate withdrawal symptoms if it hadn’t been for Caspari’s birth. Since his birth, I have been watching him from time to time. Spar and I have grown close over the years, and I would do anything for him.

“Zio, will you tell me a bedtime story?” Caspari asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

“Of course, Spar.” I smiled and gently patted his back.

I carried him to his bedroom beside mine on the castle’s top floor. Then I gently laid him down on his bed, tucking him tightly under his blankets just the way he liked. He pulled his Spiderman blanket against his chest and underneath his chin, watching me as I walked toward his bookshelf. However, before I could pick a book, Caspari quickly tapped his hand against his headboard to get my attention. 

I turned to look at him, arching my right eyebrow in a questioning manner. “What’s the matter, Spar?” I asked him.

“Not those stories, zio,” he laughed at me, shaking his head. Then he patted the seat beside him on the bed, scooting over to make room so I could sit beside him. Once I had walked back over and sat down, he looked up at me and grinned. “the one about the knight, the princess, and the evil dragon. Please?”

I blinked at him, giving him a small smile. Taking a deep breath, I reached for his hand and gently squeezed it. “Okay, Spar, I will tell you that story again.” I chuckled at him. He rolled onto his side to face me and smiled his goofy grin. “Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess with long blonde hair and deep blue eyes. There was a big scary dragon who guarded the princess n a tall tower so that she couldn’t ever escape.”

“And then what, zio?” Spar asked. He looked more intrigued as I went on, and when I reached the part about the brave knight slaying the dragon, I could hear his adorable little giggles echoing around the room. “The knight beat that dragon up, huh, zio?”

I nodded, patting his hand while trying not to laugh. “Settle down, Spar. You will wake the entire castle.” I chuckled, beaming at him. I loved his energetic personality, but sometimes he could be crazy. “Yes, the brave knight killed the dragon and ran up to the top of the tower to rescue the princess. However, there was a magic spell on her door. The young princess could only be saved from the tower by a powerful king, and the man was only a simple knight. He had to leave her behind until he could find a way to become king.” My voice lowered in sadness, feeling a single tear slide down my cheek. 

Spar looked up at me before he reached out and gently wiped the tear off my cheek. “And when the knight became a king, he went back to find his princess, but she was gone. Lost.” He finished for me, letting out a soft yawn as he stretched his arms in the air.

“Yes, and still to this day, he is out there looking for the princess. Because she is his other half, his soulmate, and without each other, they can never be whole.” I whispered to him, moving my hand to his hair as I gently patted his head. “One day, he will find her, and she will be his queen when that day comes. She will be my queen.”

His bright sky blue eyes fluttered sleepily, and I knew that meant he was growing tired. Soon, he would fall asleep and drift into the land of dreams. “You will find her, zio. I know you will.” He mumbled dreamily, letting out another yawn.

My eyes widened at his words. I had barely even noticed that I let it slip and that Spar had quite the intellect to pick up on it. Still, I couldn’t help the amused grin that formed on my lips. This boy never ceases to amaze me. 

“Can we pray before I go to sleep?” Spar asked, startling me. He was already clasping his hands together and looking up at me.

“Of course, Caspari. The Goddess would love that.” I smiled at him before clasping my hands together as well. “Do you want to do the honors?”

Spar nodded his head, closing his eyes as he led our prayer. “Spirit of the Wolf. You who walks the wild lands,”

“Wanders.” I smiled down at him, pride blossoming in my chest.

“You who wanders the wild lands. You who stalks the quiet shadows,”

“Silent, but keep going, Spar. You’re doing great.” I told him.

A light blush rose on his cheeks as he continued the prayer. “You who runs and leaps between the moss-covered trees. Please, lend me your p-rye-mel,”

“Primal strength, you’ve got it. Keep going, buddy.” I chuckled, listening to him.

“Oh, sorry.” He giggled before resuming the prayer. “Please lend me your primal strength and the wisdom of your glowing eyes. Teach me to re-relen-relenlessly. Zio, how do you say that word?”

I chuckled, playfully ruffling his hair. “You almost had it, Spar. It’s relentlessly. Keep going.”

“Teach me to relentlessly track my desires and to stand in defense of those I love. Please show me the hidden paths and moonlit fields, fierce spirit. Walk with me in soliloo,”

“Solitude.” I grinned, listening and doing my best to help him out. For a 4-year-old, he was pretty intelligent and had learned most of this prayer after only the first few times that his father and I had prayed with him.

“Howl with me in my joy, and guard me as I move through this world.” He finished as a proud smile formed on his face. 

Caspari opened his eyes, looked up at me, and I gave him a slight nod, letting him know it was okay to finish it the way we taught him. We both threw our heads back and let out a loud howl in our Goddess’s honor. Afterward, Spar laid his head back on his pillow, letting out a quiet yawn. 

“Goodnight, zio,” he mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes.

“Goodnight, Caspari,” I whispered, rubbed his head, and then stood up from the bed, walking out of his room.

On my way out, I checked my watch and saw that it was only a little after 9 p.m. For me, that wasn’t very late at all. Deciding to kill some time before getting some rest, I headed down to the castle’s main floor, where the gym is. Carmelo would be swinging by in the morning to pick up his son, which meant that tonight would be my last night in the castle until the next time I watched him. 

The castle was the safest place for my nephew because it sat at the top of the tallest mountain, and we could overlook the surrounding area. Meanwhile, my house had nothing but trees and towering mountains, which made it nearly impossible to sense an incoming threat. That wasn’t an issue for me because I could handle myself, but Caspari could quickly be taken from there if I were to blink for even a split second.

Upon reaching the gym, I shrugged off my suit jacket and tie. Then I slipped my shoes and socks off before placing them on a nearby bench. Afterward, I unbuttoned and removed my shirt, placing it on the bench. Finally, I walked over to the pullup bar and jumped up to grab onto it. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to hang with my arms fully extended before slowly pulling my weight above the bar. 

I could feel my back, shoulders, and neck muscles contracting as I raised my body above the bar and slowly lowered back down. After completing five sets of fifty slow reps, I dropped down and walked to the water fountain. I chugged some water, sighing at the feeling of the cold liquid as it slid down my throat.

While drinking the water, I felt a prickling sensation at the back of my head and groaned in annoyance. One of my scouts was trying to contact me via mind-link. I opened the communication and braced myself for whatever he was about to say.

^Cosa vuoi?^ (what do you need) I asked, trying not to growl in annoyance. I could feel Aztec, my Lycan, stirring within me. He was growing impatient over the years, more so each day.

Lycans are like wolves, but we are much more substantial. Werewolves only have human and wolf parts. Meanwhile, we have our human, wolf, and Lycan parts. In a way, wolves have it much easier because they do not have two beings barking back and forth at each other. Looking at it from that angle, I wished I was a mere werewolf because some days, Akela and Aztec’s bickering made it hard to concentrate.

^Sir, there is suspicious activity near the West Border.^ Cameron responded through the link. He was a young Lycan male, only 20 years old, and one of my top Elites.

I sighed, running my fingers through my sweat-soaked hair and shoving a few wild strands out of my face. ^What sort of suspicious activity, Cameron?^

I could hear him visibly swallow and picture the poor kid trembling on his feet. ^Well, Sir, a bright light was glowing in the distance before it disappeared.^

^And now?^ I asked.

^And now Kodiak is freaking out because he smells vampires, Sir.^

^Vampires?^ Akela, my wolf, growled. He started pacing back and forth inside my mind. ^Let me out; I want to bite off their heads!^

He and Aztec were seething within me. They have always held a deep hatred for vampires. We all did after what happened many years ago. It was a tragedy that cost my mother and almost my youngest brother, Aurelio, their lives. My father also lost his sanity in the aftermath of it all. Nobody could blame him. He lost my mother, his fated mate. Without her, his soul was split and damned him to spend eternity as only half of himself. It’s tragic what happens to those who lose their mates to death. Rejection is much safer and less lethal but still damn painful.

I sighed in frustration, running my fingers through my hair once again. I knew that if I checked my appearance in the mirror, I would indeed look a mess. My feet mindlessly paced back and forth, copying the actions of my wolf as he did the same in my mind. ^How many of them are there, Cameron?^

^I can only smell one, but there is something else. A peculiar scent is coming from the same direction.^ Cameron responded in an instant.

^Track it down and contact your brigade to follow you,^ I ordered while I walked over to the heavy-weighted punching bag. All of my soldiers had been training to fight entire armies; I knew they were more than capable of handling a few vampires without me. ^Kill on sight, no questions asked. Find out what is that other scent. If it’s not a threat, restrain it and bring it to the castle immediately. Siamo chiari?^ (are we clear)

^SIR, YES, SIR!^ Cameron obeyed before I cut the link.

I resumed my training, focusing on the bag in front of me as I threw a left hook and a right hook. My beasts had unsettling thoughts about the vampire and, even more so, the mysterious creature with it. Not many beings were brave enough to hang around the vampires. Vampires were selfish and bloodthirsty creatures. They drink the blood of living things, like leeches and other disgusting parasites.

I tried to take out this nerving tingling sensation by beating the heavy bag until my fists were black and blue. Even until the bag busted open and sand spilled everywhere from the final blow. However, nothing seemed to be working. With a sigh, I stepped away from the mess and mind linked an omega to come to pick it up. It felt like hours passed as I went back to my office and over to my small bar to pour myself another glass. I chose Lycan Whiskey this time because regular alcohol never took the edge off. I filled my drink and then chugged the contents down my throat. The burn was much more robust, allowing a heavy sigh to escape my lips. While walking over to sit at my desk, I once again felt the prickling sensation in my head and opened it up.

Cameron’s voice flooded my head; sounding out of breath. ^Sir, we caught the vampire and are chasing the other creature now. It’s a young female shifter, and she’s petrified! How should we proceed?^

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goodnovel comment avatar
Alyse F. Yvonne
oooooo I cannot wait!!!!!!

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