
Chapter 32 Routine for a Week

The next day, after I woke up and changed into some clean clothes. The queen came into my room to discuss some matters regarding my stay.

"So I really have to pretend to be your real niece who comes from another country?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Unfortunately, yes." She said and looked at me apologetically. "It seems that your presence has caused some rumors."

"What rumors?"

"That you're a mistress is a mistress."

"What the f-" I cussed at the absurdity of it.

"Ah ah!" The queen chastised. "None of that foul behavior." She said. "So anyway, the story will be like this. You're a princess from another country with 7 older sisters and 8 older brothers."

I stared at her. "Lady? That story alone is bull-" The queen glared at me. "bulldozing my imagination. I mean, that's a lot of siblings."

"Just play along!" The queen huffed. "So because you always feel crowded in your home, you decided to move in with me and become my adoptive daughter."

"So what will happen to the princes? I thought that they were here because you have no heir. Now that you adopted me then..."

"Oh you will still choose. Think of them as your 'marriage' candidates."


"Not for real. When you leave we still need a next ruler. It's just all 'pretend'." She says.

"I-" I started. I rubbed my eyes at how ridiculous this is. "From your niece from a foreign country to become your adoptive daughter. Wow. Amazing. Truly." I said sarcastically.

The queen must not have heard my sarcasm because she seemed oblivious. "I know, right? No one would question such a fine tale!"

I gave her a look. Is she for real?

I couldn't help but be glad when someone knocked on my door.

"Why can't you be punctual!?"

Judging from the scream, it was PRINCE with all the capitals.

"Oh dear." The queen gasped. "I must have taken quite a lot of your time. You should head out now."

An idea suddenly formed in my mind and I grinned. "Actually, auntie-mom." I smiled sweetly. "Why don't we go out together?"

The queen seemed touched at my offer that I felt a bit guilty.

I said a bit.

Together we went for the door and I made sure that she went out first. As I opened the door, we saw that PRINCE Ace was about to knock one again, but paused when he saw the queen.

His mouth was hanging open and I couldn't help but snicker in delight. Serves him right. "Your highness I-" He started. I waved at him to get his attention. When finally looked, I gave him a teasing grin and stuck my tongue out. Then I pointed at the queen and made a slicing gesture through my neck and pointed at him. You dead.

He glared before looking back at the queen and bowed his head. "Forgive me for my rudeness."

"Off with his head!" I declared. Both the Queen and Ace gave me a look. "What?"

"Honey, we are not barbarians. We are civilized." The queen said. Civilized? Yeah, right. Says the one who kidnapped me. "Prince Ace, it is alright. And thank you for being serious on Rose's education. I know that it isn't easy."

"Indeed it isn't. Her attention span is below average."

"Hey!" I protested.

"Thank you again. And please do your best. As for the matter regarding the ball...?" The Queen gave me a side glance to confirm my participation. "It would be troublesome if you don't want to, but we'll manage-"

"Yeah yeah. I'm going. Might as well see what a real ball looks like." I said nonchalantly.

"Great!" The Queen clapped her hands in delight. "Have fun with your training, darling!" He waved us goodbye before she walked away.

"Come on." Ace said and started walking in the other direction. I followed him hesitantly. He's not retaliating? This is new.

"Today you'll study about all the important names in each kingdom. That includes the Dukes and Duchess along with their heir. Later I will give you a quiz. Rest assured that everything will be reported to the queen."

So this is his retaliation. Not fair.


The lesson with Ace was brutal and I thanked my schedule that I only have a few hours with him. He made me memorize a lot of names. He would even give me surprise quizzes by showing me small paintings of the Dukes and Duchess and ask me for their names.

I, of course, having forgotten their names, gave them new ones. He wasn't happy about it and made me study them again and again. If I were still a kid, then this would be child abuse.

I got out of the library, feeling like my soul just left my body. Do I have to come here again? Because I clearly don't want to.

"Hi, princess!"

"We're here to escort you."

Oh great. The twins are here.

"Hey." I told them weakly.

The twins gave me a look of worry. "Wow. What's wrong with you?"

"I'm tired." I groaned. "I think I used up all of my brain cells for the day." I mumbled.

"Rose?" It was Nate. He looked at me worriedly.

Why are we all gathered outside of the library like this?

"Hey." I greeted him. "Can I skip the twins and head for our lessons? I wanna eat." I said. The twins frowned at my proposal. Nate just laughed.

"I wish we could. I wouldn't mind it." He winked. "Unfortunately, I have to speak with the queen on some matters. I just came here to inform the twins to escort you to your new room. Queen's orders."

"What?" I must be hearing things.

"You have been transferred to a new room on the 3rd floor."

I stared at him in wonder. "Transferred? Why?"

"There are two reasons." He started, "One, your room is a complete mess. Second, so we can keep an eye on you."

I don't have to be a genius to know that my room was a mess after all the things that I threw the other day just to make a makeshift rope. But what does he mean when he says that they can have a close eye on me?

As if reading my mind the Ren answered. "It's not like we don't trust you, okay? We are just looking out for your safety."

"Same floor as you guys? Even him?" I jerk my thumb towards the library. where a dragon slumbers.

"You better believe it." Said Nate as he leaned at the back. "But unfortunately, you're at the opposite wing. We're in the west while you're in the east."

I must have looked troubled because Dan quickly spoke. "If you're worried about Nate doing something to you then you don't have to worry. These wolves can take him." He said and hit his chest with his fist. Nate glared at the twins as they glared at him.

Nate glare at the twins and shook his head. "I would love to stay and chat, but I better go now so I can be back in time for our lesson. You guys better be nice to her. She's tired." Nate said to the twins

Ren rolled his eyes at Nate before turning his head in my direction. He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. "Shall we, my lady?" He mockingly offered me his arm to me and spoke in a deep matured voice.

I grinned. "Why of course, good sir." I said in a really bad accent as I mockingly took his arm. Dan came to my other side and offered me his arm as well, which I took. As if on cue, we all turned to the East wing and marched.

"Great. Just a few days in the castle and they already made her as one of them." Nate mumbled behind us.

Once we were at the East wing we stopped. "So which way to my room?" I asked.

"Before that, we want to show you something." Dan said and grinned.

I gave him an uncertain look. "Okay...lead the way then."

Dan and Ren nodded as they walked beside me. We walked straight for a few moments before they turned to a corner and finally stopped in front of a door. Dan turned the knob and opened the door wide as he took a side step. "After you." He said and stopped Ren from coming in once he took a step forward. "Woah there, brother. Have you ever heard of the saying 'ladies first? Where are your manners?" He gave Ren a disapproving look before turning his gaze to me. "Rose, forgive my imbecile of a brother. Forget that this ever happened because it would ruin our reputation as gentlemen. Now." Dan turned his gaze back to his brother. "If you'll excuse me. We have a lady waiting here."

Ren only rolled his eyes at Dan as he made a way for me to pass. Before I could fully pass Ren, he made a mocking face to Dan that only I could see that we started laughing.

"What was that all about?" Dan asked.

"Nothing." Ren and I said in unison.

The room - or should I say a giant walk-in closet - was very big and was filled with gigantic closets and shelves that hang different assortments of dresses, accessories, shoes, and etc. Heck, this room is thrice as big as my old room. And I'm talking about the room that I have here in the palace. It was like a library, but instead of books, it held clothing.

I stood in awe as I admired the place while Ren and Dan were busy looking for something. And by the looks of it, they were arguing about which pair to take.

After a couple of minutes, they were back with a pair of pink flat shoes.

Why does this scene seem so familiar?

I gasped in delight. So they do have flats in this world!

They placed the shoes on the floor and helped me wear them. After that I gave them a look. "Why is this room full of clothing items?"

"That's because it is a closet." Said Dan, confirming something that I already expected. "This room is stored with clothes for guests. Every palace has one." My jaw dropped. All these items for guests?! They sure do put a lot of hospitality on their guests.

Boy if I was one of them then I would never leave. But I actually left. Once.

"Alright, enough gaping and let's go." Ren ushered us out of the room and we started walking again. As we were walking, We happen to pass by one of the many large windows of the castle and got a nice view of the sky. It was a beautiful day for a walk. I just wanted to go out and breathe in some fresh air.

One thing I like about this world is that the air is fresh and unpolluted. The air is always cold even under the glaring sun. I love how this world is thriving without destroying anything. I guess being on a break from technology is actually good. I don't crave for wifi that much now.

"Tonight's a full moon." He said. Ren looked up and nodded.

"Yeah. Can't wait for our night run." Ren then stretched his arm out as if he was warming his muscles up for a run.

Meanwhile, I only look at both of them in confusion. "Why are guys taking a night run? Can't you just do it in the morning? You know, before the sun rises?"

Ren and Dan both looked at each other and laughed. Did I say something funny?

"I think you got it all wrong." Ren shook his head as he laughed.

"When Ren says taking a might run, we didn't mean in our human form." Dan explained.

Not in their human form? Does that mean..."Are you guys saying that you guys are gonna run in...your dog forms?"

As soon as they heard the word 'dog' they stopped laughing and glared at me. "Werewolves. Not dogs." Dan corrected. "And don't ever call us dogs." Ren added.

By the looks on their faces, they were pretty much offended.


"But aren't wolves in the dog family?"

"Yes, but wolves are more cooler and powerful than dogs." Argued Ren.

"Wolves have sharp teeth, right?"

They nodded.

"They have furs."

A nod again.

"Have sensitive noses and ears."

They nodded again.

"They howl."

A nod.

I grinned. "Dogs do those things too." I have to bite my lips to keep myself from laughing, because the looks on their faces and their reactions were just hilarious.



"Oh, okay." I shrugged. "So fetching my shoes for me today and during my second day here in the palace have nothing to do with it?" They gave me a murderous look as I continued laughing.

"No!" Said Ren grumpily.

"Well that's a snappy-answer." I said.

Dan 'hmphed'. "And to think that this is our thanks for saving you the other day in the woods.

"Well, you can thank Ace for helping you navigate. Or else you'll get lost and turn into a WHERE-wolf." I burst out laughing while the twins gave me a dead panned look before they looked at each other.

"I say we leave her here and her jokes about werewolves." Offered Dan to Ren.

"Yeah, agree." Ren nodded and they both turned their back to me and started to walk away. I stared at their backs for a few minutes thinking that they were joking and would eventually come back. But when they were already a few distance away, that's when I figured that they were really gonna leave me here.

"Yes!" I silently cheered. Now I can walk to the garden! But I actually forgot the way there. Then I saw the window in front of me. I opened it and started to climb out when someone pulled me back.

"Hey!" I protested.

"We were pouting!" Ren said.

"You were supposed to console us!" Dan continued.

"So? Not my problem."

"Do you hear that, Dan?"

"Nope. I didn't hear anything."

"You've got to be kidding me!!" I whined.

"Oh what was that?" Ren feinted hearing. "That doesn't sound like an apology."

"I wasn't apologizing!"

"Even so, we have a lesson. And one of the lessons is to use a door and not a window." Ren said.

"You royals are so...proper."

"Exactly." They both said at the same time and grinned at me. I gave them my 'oh come on look' as I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Uh uh. That's not very lady-like, princess." Said Ren and earned a glare from me.

"Oh I have a joke." Dan inserted. "What do you call a person who bites a werewolf while sleeping?" I don't know why but Ren burst out laughing as soon as the question escaped Dan's mouth.

I raised an eyebrow at Dan. Curiosity eating my head. Why is Ren laughing? "What?"

A corner of Dan's lips move into a smirk. "Easy. You." If possible, Ren laughed harder while I stood there looking confused.

"I don't get it."

Since Ren was too busy laughing, Dan answered me. "Well, my lady. If you haven't recalled, Ren and I were the ones who rescued you. Not only did we fight the rogues, but we were also the ones who brought you back." He said. "Ren here was the one who carried you on his back in his wolf form. And while you were sleeping, you bit him."

What did he say? I bit Ren?

I shifted my gaze to Ren who finally calmed a little. He met my gaze and he shrugged. "It's true. You bit me here- " He pointed to his right shoulder " - while muttering something about a deer potato salad."

A deer potato salad. I seem to recall having a dream about eating one of those after my encounter with a deer. But when I bit it, it tasted like.....fur.


My eyes went wide at the sudden realization as I looked from Ren to Dan. Both have a smirk on them. And just with those smirk, I could tell that everything they say is true. I gave them an embarrassed look. "I-I'm so sorry. It was all the deer's fault!"

"What deer?"

"Never mind." I muttered, pursed my lips, and shifted on my feet. "Um....thank you, by the way, know.....saving me from the kitties-"

"Werecats." Dan corrected.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Would you mind? I'm trying to say thank you." Dan raised his hands in surrender and gestured for me to continue. "As I was saying...thank you both. And sorry for the trouble that I made."


I raised an eyebrow at Ren. "And what?"

"And no more wolf jokes."

I sighed. "Fine. Just lead the way to my room." I said in defeat. The twins nodded at me in approval as they led the way. I followed suit as they led me up a set of stairs.

"So, Rose." Dan said after a moment of silence. "Since you're going to the ball, any idea on who would you pick as an escort?"

I looked at Dan. "An escort?"

Dan facepalmed. "Oh I forgot. You're new to this 'ball thing.'" He quoted and turned towards me. "The Queen may not have informed you about this, but the ball is all for you."

"For me?" I asked. Slightly taken aback.

"Yes. Consider it as some sort of welcoming party." he said. To my right, Ren was listening intently to Dan. "So since you're the star of this party, you must enter with an escort."

I didn't say anything after that. I stared at Dan not knowing what to do next.

Dan rolled his eyes at me. "Rose? I was asking you if you have already decided one who your escort will be. Any person in mind?"

I made an 'O' with my mouth to show him I understood. "I don't."

He grinned and met his brother's eyes for a second before turning it back to me. "Good. Why not take Ren here as an escort?"

He motioned to his brother at my right.


I swear that wasn't me who reacted. It was all Ren. If anyone should be reacting then it should be me.

But instead, I just stared at Dan as if he grew another head.

We turned to the right after climbing up the set of stairs.

"Why me and not you?" Ren questioned his brother.

"Because I am not you so it has to be you!" As if on cue, Ren and I both looked at Dan in a funny way. Can anyone make sense of what Dan had just said? Because it seriously sounded like blah blah to me.

Dan rolled his eyes at the both of us. "Kids." he muttered. "Okay. So how about this. Why don't we ask Rose if she's okay with you as an escort?"

"Girl you're talking about is right beside you." I inserted.

Ren looked as if he was thinking about it. "I don't know, Dan." He shrugged.

This time, Dan shifted his gaze to me and finally noticed my existence. Great! "So how about it, Rose? My brother as an escort? He's a great deal! He's a gentleman and he knows all about the ball and has experiences on how to escort a lady. Plus, who doesn't want the strong werewolf as an escort? They are good for being a bodyguard."

"Brother, you're making me sound like an item and not a person."

Nope. He just made you sound like you're a man-whore.

Dan ignored Ren as he looked at me. "What do you say?"

I shrugged. "Sounds good." I said and turned to Ren. "You okay with that?"

Ren met my gaze and immediately turned away. "I guess so." he answered. I swear I was looking at Ren, but I could have sworn that I saw Dan doing a fist pump at the corner of my eye.

Maybe it was just my imagination.

We finally stopped in front of a huge double door. "This is it. Your room." said Dan and quickly cleared his throat. " it final? Ren is your escort then?"

Ren and I looked at each other and nodded before I returned my gaze back to Dan. "I guess so."

Dan beamed widely. "Great!"

Why is he so happy?

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