
Flowers, Bouquets & Bikes

He had gotten her flowers.

Sara stared at the large beautiful bouquet of flowers Ariel had given her, she had brought it with her from work.

Along with a carefully hand written note on a pink slip, her friend had said, "Christian said I should give you this, he is so anticipating you guys date, like seriously that was all he could talk about, he revealed some details which he said I should keep a secret from you, and all those stuffs,mehn babe you so lucky."

"I'm lucky? In what way." She'd asked looking at the bouquet of red roses adorably, smiling and swooning profusely.

"Girl, you just walked down the streets one day, meet an handsome guy who now loves you like no man's business, and you're asking me why I say you are lucky, oh God when?" Ariel had answered looking up and raising her hands mockingly in an apologetic gesture.

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