
Chapter 7

“I’m here to be a cleaner.”

The hoarse voice spoke up dully in the tiny office, successfully stopping the woman in her tracks. She paused and turned around, raising a brow as she appraised Jane from head to toe again. Suspiciously, she said, “I’ve never seen a woman in her twenties willing to lower her head and take the tough job of a cleaner.”

Even the youngest cleaning lady they had here was in her forties. This girl may have a scar on her forehead and a stick-thin body, but she was still only twenty. They had plenty of twenty-year-olds here— all of them models and hostesses! Oh, and some attendants too, of course.

They just did not have any twenty-years-old cleaners.

The woman thought that this unassuming girl would immediately pour out her sob story, talking about how difficult her life was and how hard it was to survive. If the girl really tried to sell her all that nonsense, she would have chased her out in an instant.

Life was tough, huh? Ha, there were so many such stories here at East Emperor that they would form enough books to fill a library if they were written down on paper. Who cared about the life of a stranger they just met?

To her surprise, the girl with the unbearably hoarse voice said slowly, “I would gladly sell my body if I could. Before I came here, I took a good look at myself and realized that I’m not qualified for that, so all I can sell is my labor. I’ll just do what I can.” ...She was just Convict No. 926. After she went into and returned from a place like that, what dignity did she have left to speak of? There was the flash of self-deprecating humor in Jane’s eyes.

The flashy woman was slightly surprised, and she appraised Jane from top to bottom once more. She then walked back to her office and picked up a pen, ready to fill in the form. “Jane Dunn, was it? Dunn with two n’s?”

“That’s right.”

“I’m surprised.” The woman examined Jane again. “It’s a sweet name. Your parents must really love you.”

Jane’s eyes were as dead as still water… Did they love her?

Yes, they did. If she had not been so despicable as to kill Rosaline Summers and bring disaster upon the family, then yes, they probably loved her. Very much so.

“I don’t have any family,” Jane said calmly.

The flashy woman frowned and glanced at Jane, but she did not enquire any further. She stood up and said, “Alright, then make a copy of your ID.”

The woman got up from her chair and walked to the door with her fifteen-centimeter heels before she suddenly stopped and turned around, warning Jane, “Jane, do you know why I made an exception and hired you?”

She did not expect an answer, so she continued, “It’s because you said one thing right. If you could sell your body, then you would, but if you can’t, then you would just do what you could.

“Many people twice your age still can’t understand that. They are so hype-focused and stop at nothing to make sales, thinking that they’re fighting for the top when it’s only their heads in the clouds. They never actually know where they really stand.

“You’re willing to look at yourself honestly and understand what you’re capable of. I believe that someone who knows what they can do would also know what they can’t do.”

At that point, the flashy woman narrowed her eyes. “East Emperor isn’t your regular entertainment center, Jane.”

Jane answered as slowly as ever. “I know. I have an unpleasant voice, so I won’t say anything unnecessary.” That included the things she should not be blabbing about.

The flashy woman nodded, satisfied. Usually, she never gave the newbies advice like this. If they dared to come to East Emperor, they had to be mentally prepared.

To think she made an exception for this cleaner.

Although the woman had a high enough position at East Emperor, she still could not afford to offend any of the rich and powerful people in this melting pot of a city. ...Anyone who joined East Emperor had to learn the ‘rules’.

That meant what they should and should not say, what they should and should not do.

“Um, Miss Manager…” Jane stammered. “I don’t have anywhere to stay.”

The flashy woman said, “Just call me Alora from now on.” She then pulled out her phone and made a call. “Ken, come over here. I just hired a new cleaner, take her to the dorms.” After that, she hung up and said offhandedly to Jane,

“Come to work tomorrow.”

With that, she left Jane alone here.

Jane looked at the appointment form in her hand and heaved a secret sigh of relief… At least she did not have to sleep on the streets tonight.

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