

Trigger Warning: Physical abuse but not too extreme.

The school was going the same. Her life had become the same. Except for the excitement of Ivy’s pregnancy. She was craving strange things, on top of all that she was not allowing her to cook.

“Seriously Ivy. You take a rest. I can take care of the kitchen.” It was her final trimester and she was baking cupcakes for herself. 

“Hazel. Be a darling and help me with cleaning the house and doing dishes. I would manage our meals. Just trust me on that.”

“Iv, I swear. I have learned to do better cooking. Especially ever since I returned from the palace.”

“Oh yeah. The last time you did it, you almost mixed white chocolate shavings in pasta thinking it’s cheese.” Ivy was laughing heartily, teasing her.

Rolling her eyes Hazel started doing the dishes when someone grabbed her wig and threw it on the floor,

“Oh? The Royal servant is here! Your highness! Should I make you some tea?” Alec smiled sarcastically then frowned, “I guess our baldy is no more a baldy. Right, Ivy?”

He pointed towards her head full of short red hair now.

Ever since she had returned from the palace he had become braver, creepier, and more abusive towards both of them.

This time he grasped her hair and shook her head, Hazel could not control her screams.

“Alec. Please leave her!” Ivy’s one hand was on her mouth while the other one was on her swollen belly.

Hazel silently asked her, not to interfere. Anything could be expected from him. And this time Ivy would not suffer alone. The baby was also at risk.

But Ivy ignored her silent pleas, “Alec. Leave her. Please!”

Alec gave her a warning look and raised his hand which held Hazel’s phone. “Here! Just saw bank messages. I did not know you were warming Royals’ beds! Ha-ha. They surely paid you well. And when they were done with you, they just threw you away. Right?”

Then he waved his hand towards Ivy, “All this time she had millions in her account. Did she tell you that?” turning towards Hazel, his deathly grip on her was making her eyes water.

“Alec … pl … please. It’s hurting.” Hazel’s eyes brimmed with tears.

“Ahan! Hurting? Ok. So tell me, Hazel. When are you giving me the money I deserve.”

Hazel closed her eyes. Dustin had warned her to put a lock or password on her phone and she being the ignorant one did not listen to him. And was now facing consequences.

Oh, God. What should I do? I am so sorry Dustin, but what to do now?

“Please leave me, Alec. Please. Let me know how much you want.”

The moment she said the words Alec left her hair and she sat on the floor holding her head. Tears were running on her cheeks now. She raised her head to look at Ivy. She again tried to give her silent message, to move away.

To take herself somewhere safe even if it means locking herself in her bedroom. Ivy did take the hint but she did not leave.

She needed to think. To think fast. Alec had seen how much money she had in her account.

“Alec … umm … They gave me the money on one condition and that is … I should not withdraw it before turning 18.”

“Hmm.” Alec scratched his head. He was thinking. Hazel was looking at him holding her breath. She gave a small smile to Ivy telling her silently that she was fine.

Ivy’s eyes were wide with nervousness and fear.

Alec turned to Ivy then, “Did you know about the money Ivy?”

Ivy shook her head quickly, “No. Alec. I did not know.”

He moved towards her, “Are you sure sweetheart?” he was now trailing his thumb on her quivering lips. She nodded her head hastily.

“Hmm.”   Without any warning, Alec held Ivy by her shoulders and with all his might pushed her towards the wall making her head bumped. Ivy fell with a thud.

Hazel screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Ivy …” Alec held her by her hair again.

“Do you think I am a fool Hazel?” he snarled making her shiver. “If you won’t give me what I want then I would burn you two alive. Got that?” he raised his finger as a warning sign and left the kitchen without a backward glance.

Hazel ran to Ivy who was on the floor with a hand on her belly.

Hazel’s heart started sinking because Ivy was sprawled on the floor. Unmoved

Hazel started calling Alec but his phone was switched off.

Damn you, Alec. I will never forgive you if something happens to her. I will kill you Alec I swear I will kill you.

She was in the hospital. Alec did not reach there so they had to perform an emergency C-section on Ivy.

By evening Christian Bernard was born and thankfully mother and child both were doing well.

It was a premature birth and she was the one who paid for the operation and hospital charges.

She never planned to spend money on anything. Because she wanted to make sure to return it to Prince Noah. He had asked her to complete one more task that she would come to know at the right time.

And she was feeling a little uneasy about that task for some unknown reason.

Everything which she had done for convincing Zek, was for herself not because of the money she was paid.

But right now she did not have a choice. The child and his mom inside the hospital room were Alec’s responsibility. He was equally responsible for bringing the child into this world.

He was not available. Just like her father. Her mother was also all alone and became an alcoholic later due to lack of support and love from her father.

 She would not let that happen to Ivy.

She spent five days in the hospital without attending school. On the fifth day, Dustin came to visit her.

“Why didn’t you tell us? I always thought we were friends.” He seemed very much offended. And Hazel could not tell him about her uncle’s abuse. She was too ashamed to admit in front of anyone that she belonged to a dysfunctional family.

 When Ivy got discharged, Dustin brought the car to take them home. He not only dropped them but also insisted to accompany them to the main door.

Hazel rang the bell and knocked on the door. It seemed Alec was not home. Dustin asked her about door keys which she did not have.

Poor Ivy was standing in her weak condition carrying a beautiful baby in her arms.

“Dustin. I think you should leave. You have already done enough.”

“Are you crazy? I am NOT leaving you two here. If the door opens then fine. Otherwise, I am taking you people to my place.”

While he was lecturing Hazel, the door opened with a sleepy Alec standing there. He eyed Dustin curiously and then stepped back.

“Dustin. I think you should leave.” Hazel whispered. She did not want any further drama, that too before her school friend.

He nodded with understanding and whispered back, “Call me if you need anything.”

Hazel smiled thankfully and came inside with Ivy and the baby.

“Why you people are here?” she was placing Ivy’s bag when she heard Alec.

Ivy who was standing in a corner clutching her baby was quiet but Hazel could not take it anymore.

“So what do you expect? Where else should we go?”

“Anywhere but not here Hazel. It’s my place and if you want to live here, you need to pay the rent.”

Oh, brother! Not again. It was about the money. Right?

“No Alec. There is no money.” She was trying to be bold when Alec came near her with a smirk.

“Really? Then there is no home. Get out!”

Hazel was now exasperated, “Alec you haven’t even looked at your son. Just look at him how beautiful he is.”

Taking a deep breath Alec took long strides coming towards her and held her arm, “Out!”

Then he turned to Ivy, “Are you leaving or should I throw this shit in your arms …”

“No!” Ivy and Hazel screamed together. Alec pointed outside the door.

Very quietly Hazel held Ivy’s hand and came out of the house.

Ivy started shivering a little. “Hazel. Now what?”

Hazel stayed quiet without any clue what to do next.

“You were waiting to turn 18 to leave this place. See? He granted your wish before that.” She had tears in her eyes.

Hazel took off her jacket and draped it over Ivy.

“Just sit here Iv. And don’t worry. We are not going anywhere.”  

“What do you mean? Are you planning to spend the night here outside, under the sky ….”

“No Ivy. We WOULD NOT spend the night outside our home. But someone else would. Wait.” She started dialing a number. It was someone who offered her to be there whenever she would need him. 

Lisa Salman

Hello dear readers! Hope you are enjoying it so far. Just keep reading. Zekie is about to return! Happy reading!

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Esther Bernard
What an uncle. Poor Hazel and Ivy. Awaiting and anticipating on the outcome now
goodnovel comment avatar
I can’t wait for him to return

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