

Phil? How on earth was he here?

"Bunny"? His nickname for me escaped his lips in a whisper. Familiarity lingered in his eyes but he was uncertain whether or not to act on it.

The tears came running down my face again, it was him. He opened his arms wide and without warning i jumped into them. He held me tight like a mother would hold her child, like he was protecting me from something.

"Oh, Phil. I've missed you so much. I thought they killed you". I said as we disengaged from the hug, but he still held me firmly in his hands.

"Shhh". He placed a finger over my lips to shut me up. "Let's go somewhere else and talk, Okay".

He led me to a very huge kitchen. Woah, even a thousand people wouldn't take all the space in this place.

It was well equipped with utensils,and cookers, it even has a separate room for storing raw food. I didn't realize that i was gawking until Phill spoke. "Like what you see"?

Red stained my cheeks in embarrassment as i nodded my head. I can't believe i let him catch me like that. We finally passed through an entrance which led to an open field, i mean a very big, open field.

The field was filled with men with great bodies, and muscles popping out from the right place, different heights, and sizes. My eyes widened and a blush crept on my cheeks as a very handsome guy winked at me.

Phill growled at him, and covered my eyes with his hands. "Keep your eyes to yourself Jacob. She doesn't need them".

The guy who Phill refered to as Jacob, chuckled in amusement while eyeing me up and down. "Is she your mate".

Phill scoffed, visibly showing his irritation. "What if she is"?

"Then good for you. She's fucking hot". Came his reply, while the other men, who i guessed were also warriors nodded their heads in agreement.

Phill sneered at them and pulled me away as quickly as he could. "Those monkeys. always getting on my nerves".

The frown on his face made me smile. "They seemed really nice right"?

His frown disappeared and he returned my smile. "They're nice, really nice. They'd never hurt you, i swear". He stood upright as if he suddenly remembered something. "Speaking of Red Scarlet, you have to give to give me all the gist, girl"!!.

I laughed heartily. I haven't felt so relieved in a long long time. I was happy to have Phill here by my side.

Phill stared at me with wide eyes. "You don't mean it girl. You mean they treated you like that"?.

"Yes". I nodded my head. I have known Phill since Red Scarlet. Unlike me, he was taken as a prisoner after Red Scarlet attacked his pack. They made me share a room with him.

It didn't take long for us to become close. We could relate with each other and it made communicating with each other very easy.

He still wasn't satisfied with the numerous questions he asked, and i was ready to answer it all. I also told him the story of the dickhead alpha

"Wait, you mean he chose someone else over you, and called you names". He asked amused.

"Just as you heard boyfriend". I relaxed on the grass allowing myself bask in the hotness of the sun. "I feel so stupid for crying in front of him. I feel so stupid for begging him to accept me, I should be a bad bitch, who doesn't give a fuck. He's made his choice, i should respect that. Why do you think i cried"? I asked Phill who was quietly listening to me the whole time.

"Look girlfriend, this should be it. When two people are mated to each other, they feel a bond, like a very strong connection with each other. They feel the need to be in each others arms all the time. They suddenly become protective and very possessive over each other".

He paused a little studying the expression on my face. "Now, you, girlfriend do not have a wolf,so you're not supposed to feel anything for him at least not immediately. So, i suppose what you feel for him is a simple attraction, maybe a mere crush".

I sat upright. "You're right, it's just a mere attraction, a simple crush and I'll get over it soon".

There was something else that i couldn't pinpoint, there was some other type of pain in my chest, it was so intense, i felt it would crush me.

Living in Red Scarlet didn't really teach me much about mates, bonding, and the rest of it since the Alpha forbade anyone from finding or having any mate. If at all you found your mate, you would both reject each other on the spot, and penalty for disobedience was death.

Why do i even feel attracted to him?. I guess i wanted a prince charming that would save me from those monsters, and just like in the fairy tales, i got one, but in the form of a big bad wolf. I know what to do. If he didn't want me, he would have to reject me.

"You know you haven't told me your story right"? I reminded Phil.

"I know". He said with a small grin. "I'll tell you another day, but for now, come have a small nap".

I put my head on his thigh, as his hands massaged my scalp softly and it felt so good. Slowly, i began drifting into darkness until it overtook me completely.

Phil and i parted ways later in the evening but not without promising to see each other again. He showed me his room incase thing didn't go well between me and the alpha, and i needed somewhere to crash, he even said i could move in with him.

I found my way to the Alphas room without being seen by anyone. I haven't seen the Gamma bitch neither have i seen the other 'lucky' mate.

I fisted my hand, getting ready to knock on his door when I heard his voice from inside "Come in".

He sounded sour. I guess he was still mad about what happened this morning. Well, he had no right to be. I was the one who got insulted and body shamed.

Wait, a minute, how did he...? Oh, wolf sense.

I opened the door, and entered into his bedroom. It wasn't as rough as i left it this morning. Guess he got his maids to clean up for him.

"Or maybe his mate did the cleaning". My subconscious screamed at me.

I looked ahead, and his green eyes were staring at me. I flinched a little due to shock, i was carried away I didn't even realize i was already in front of his work desk.

He didn't say anything, he just watched me with curiosity, like there was another part of me that was only visible to him. "Why are you here"? He asked after what seemed like forever.

Just say it, Just say it. "Earlier today, you said you made your choice. That you chose the other woman, so if you don't want me, there's only one thing you can do".

His brow rose up, and a low growl escaped his lips. "What"? He growled, again.

"Reject me". Immediately those words left my lips, I felt myself being lifted from the ground. I tightly shut my eyes in fear of what he might do to me. In three seconds, i felt my back hit the soft bed in his room.

My breath became uneven from shock. As I put myself together, I felt someone hovering over me, and when i opened my eyes, i found him there, except it wasn't him, it was Lyon. Whenever Lyon took over, the alpha's eyes changed from green to a metallic grey.


He growled in response. His hands pinned mine above my head with so much force, and my back arched inorder to relieve the discomfort i felt in my wrist. I didn't care if my breasts were almost touching his face, yeah, he was pretty low.

"Listen to me, and listen well sweetheart". Lyon growled into my face, gosh, if the Alphas voice was thick and sexy, Lyons voice was much better. "You belong with me, by my side. And if you ever think of rejecting me, i would make sure to tie your hands and legs to this bed, fuck your brains out and make you realize that you belong to only me".

God, what was he… what was he saying? I just came here to talk to Alpha dickhead, and instead I'm talking to a wolf. Why was he angry though? "Do you want me that much, Lyon"?.

He chuckled, staring at me with amusement in his eyes. "I could steal you away right now, where no one else but me could see you, talk to you, touch you, eat you for breakfast, lunch, even dinner, have you as a midnight snack, make love to you, fuck you, and then repeat.

An intense blush appeared on my cheeks. Gosh, why is it so hot in here? Where did all the cool of the earth disappear to?

I tried to free my legs but he just leaned into me more, making my legs spread wider than they already were.

He chuckled. "Don't hide from me darling, i can smell your arousal, and i just wanna eat you up right now".

Goddess, save me, just save me this once. After ravaging me with his eyes, he finally stood up.

I adjusted myself from the bed and just before i stood up, he turned around to face me.

Great!!! Alpha dickhead is back.

"Think about what i told you. I mean, the rejection". I said not meeting his eyes.

"Never mention that word in my presence again". He growled.

After a moment of silence, he scratched his head, obviously frustrated. "Spend the night here, please"?

What the..?

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