
Chapter 14


    As soon as Hazel left, everyone's eyes were suddenly on me and it made me feel really uncomfortable. They were all silent but I could read it in their eyes that they were waiting for me to do something as they all knew she was my Luna. 

    I sighed and pushed my chair backwards and began to walk away from the table, from my food. I was only doing this to protect my reputation. What if a scandal happened? I'd be the one to suffer the consequences. 

    I know the direction she went because I can smell her scent. It's something I don't have a problem with. Finding her by her scent and that's because she smells really nice. More than I expected. 

    I also heard sobs as I drew closer and when I saw Kylian standing before her and trying to act like he did care, I felt my fist clench and my teeth bare. 

      Hazel has no idea that Kylian is standing before her till he speaks she lifts her head to see Kylian standing before her and she expels an exasperation. "Can you leave me be?!"

    Kylian is shocked by the harshness of her voice. I feel a smile cost my lips. 

    "You already put me in enough trouble but you don't seem to care."

    "What do you mean? Is something wrong?"

    "Just leave me be!" She screams.

    "You heard her. Leave her be." I said, deciding to step in. 

    Hazel and Kylian look at me and Kylian sighs and shakes his head.

    "Can you see what you're doing to her?" He says and gestures to Hazel who is already trembling with fear. "You're a terrible person. I always knew you to be popular with the women but I never knew you'd treat one, you're mate most especially, like this. It's terrible and I wished Luna gave you someone just like you so you could feel this she's feeling,"

    "I would have loved if Luna hadn't made me her mate. I would have been happy and all these wouldn't have had to happen,"

    Kylian looks at me in shock. I can see that he's angry because his green eyes constrict and he takes the stance of a man about to attack me. I know he's not going to do it because I am far stronger than he is. 

    "Anyone would be happy to have her. She's such a beautiful soul but you turn a blind eye to it because of your selfish reasons," Kylian says and spits.

    Hazel flinches a bit. Ignoring Kylian, I proceed to where Hazel is seated on the ground. I pull her up. "You are already stressed from all that happened today. We should go home."

    "Like you weren't the object of her stress for the whole of today," Kylian says and laughs then he looks at Hazel who's looking at him innocently. "I just hope you find clarity. Because he doesn't deserve you. You're worth more than treated like you're a tramp. It's so infuriating and I hate watching you being treated like this,"

    "This is the first time you're meeting her, Kylian. Stop the nonsense," I say defensively. Somehow, I want him to stop talking because he's saying a lot of true things. 

    Kylian stares at me and smirks. "Because I have talked to her for sometime, I know she's an amazing person who deserves better and not you. She doesn't deserve you and deep down, you know it but you're scared to admit it,"

    I laugh and shake my head. "You can fuck off now. You're starting to talk too much,"

    Kylian laughs and tips his hat at Hazel who turns her head to watch him leave. When he's out of earshot, I pull her roughly.

    "You embarrassed me back at the table! Why did you suddenly leave? Now, people are going to start talking about how unhappy you look,"

    Hazel's eyes are brimming with tears but somehow, she is able to regulate her voice. She stares into my eyes. "I don't care what they say. And even if they talk about how unhappy and miserable I am, it's the truth. Or is that what you're afraid of? Hearing me tell the truth?"

    I am short of words. For the first time, Hazel says something that hits home. I have to act like I don't care so I pull her harshly again. 

    "We have to go now. Staying here would only bring more talk," I say as we both walk towards the parking lot. 

    Hazel laughs and looks over to where the banquet table is. She's smiling while tears drop from her cheek and everyone is looking at her. I know I have to act smart. 

    Sighing, I stop and pull her close in the gentlest way. She's shocked but she suddenly realizes that I am doing it because people are watching.  

    Raising my hand, I use it to clean her cheek, making sure it is fully dried of the tears. Hazel bursts into laughter.

    "You should probably kiss me now. It'll make this whole drama we're acting her look more believable and people wouldn't talk because you live for them."





    I don't know where the audacity is coming from but I quite like it. Onyx is seeing the truth in everything today and it's making him quite uncomfortable. If it had been back at the palace, I would have bebe punished severely. I wonder what he has up his sleeves when we get to the palace, 

    "I'd hit you across the cheek but I am only preserving my reputation. Shut the fuck up and pretend with me, "

    Once he's done wiping my cheek, he pulls me to his cheek. It's uncomfortable at first but I relax in his arms and inhale his cologne that wafts into my nose. He rubs my back comfortingly and kisses the top of my head. 

    He's being extra and I can imagine how much effort he actually took to do this. 

    When I turn my head to look at the banquet table, not a lot of people are looking again as they have gone back to their food. The only people looking that I recognize are Kylian and both of the ladies who flanked I and Onyx. 

    Kylian has a look of anger in his eyes while the other ladies are merely confused. 

    It's sad that this would be the last time I'd see this amazing soul. I hope we cross paths someday because I owe him an apology and an appreciation. 

    I pull away from Onyx's hug to see that he's looking quite relaxed, too. But when he realizes himself, he switches back to being the mean and evil person he is. 

    "We have to go now,"

    "Of course," I say and we both walk towards his car. When he holds my hand, I feel a wave of fear wash over me. I know I'm going to pay for these grand gestures in a painful way and I honestly want him to stop holding me but I do not know how to say it. 

    Once we get settled into the car, I pull away from his hold and go to sit at the other end of the car.

    The driver is quite an observant one and I can read his expression from just behind him. He's seeing everything going on and he's choosing to keep quiet but his body language and facial expression tells a lot. 

    "Make sure you don't tell anyone what happened back at the meeting,"

    "Is there anyone you're thinking I'd tell?" 

    "My mother,"

    I scoff. "You're her son. You're the one she's going to ask so stop bothering yourself,"

    "How about Earl?" Onyx says and bursts into laughter. "That dude literally wants you all to himself,"

    "Isn't that what you'd want?" I say, smiling. I don't know what's happening but I'm suddenly starting to see everything happening to me in another light. I am now numb. "For him to have me?"

    Onyx laughs. "Of course, I would. But when I think about the consequences of handing you over to someone else, I have no option than fo fucking commit to keeping you by my side,"

    "You do not commit, Onyx. You sleep with Selah and other women. It doesn't sound like committing,"

    I can feel Onyx's eyes burning into the side of my head. I know I have said a lot of things to counter him and he feels disrespected but I do not regret any of it.

    "You're starting to grow wings," Onyx says as he smiles sinisterly. "Kylian? He's the one making you suddenly talk to me this way? Earl already gave you the boldness and Kylian is making you speak to me like this? Remember, he's not here to save you. You're going to suffer for what you did when we get home. Start getting ready for your punishment,"

    Sometimes, Onyx sounds like an abusive father. Someone I'd never want to be in my life. But I still see something in him. Something different from this person he's depicting. 

    Sighing, I brace myself up for punishment.

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