
Ch 11 - Prophecy


I left the four pieces apart and left the containment room. I was still shaken by the new information, but even I knew that I had to fake it to throw off suspicion. I hugged my dad as soon as I stepped out of the room.

No matter what that machine had to say, this man was my dad.

“Thought I lost you there,” he teased.

“Pssh, you’re stuck with me old man,” I giggled.

“This is going to sound strange and probably wrong, but Shay, we need a sample of your blood,” Edgar said nervously.

I raised an eyebrow. “What for?”

“Well, the fact that you were able to touch the things without getting affected in any way says a lot. We’d like to see if there’s anything in your blood that’s perhaps, different,” he replied.

I crossed my arms. “There you go suggesting that I’m an alien.”

“That’s not at all what we’re saying,” Edgar panicked.

“It kind of is,” my dad backed me up.

“Hugh, you can’t tell me that you’re not curious about why she was able to touch the equipment when it killed three soldiers before her,” Edgar argued. I could see where he was coming from, but I wasn’t comfortable with the thought of being a science experiment.

“I don’t know...” I trailed off.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to baby girl,” my dad told me.

I bit my lip. “I know, but what if my blood has answers?”

“Only give your blood if you’re sure about it,” my dad said. I thought about it for a while.

“Sure,” I finally said.

I wasn’t sure what I was hoping the blood results would prove exactly. For all I know, they wouldn’t find anything in my blood. I’d like to think that I’m human like everyone else, but at the same time, I was beginning to really question it. I mean, let’s look at the facts here:

Firstly, I have ‘fiery’ eyes that ‘magically’ appeared when my ‘sister’ disappeared.

Secondly, this very ‘sister’ morphed into a wolf before disappearing. Oh, and she apparently didn’t exist.

Thirdly, I had a ‘shining light’ disappear INTO my chest.

Fourthly, I have crazy enhanced senses.

Fifthly, I know strange things which I apparently also babble.

Sixthly, I’m the only one who can see certain things that people around me can’t see.

Seventhly, I can touch things that kill other people.

Eighthly, a machine basically told me that I’m a royal princess with royal parents and the heir to the throne of wherever it is that I ‘come from’.

Ninthly, I’ve supposedly lived a lie my entire life.

Tenthly, I didn’t know that counting in ‘-ly’ could go this far. Just thought I should throw that in there.

So, I’m pretty much hailing a flashing sign that says “NOT HUMAN”.

But, the all important question is – if I’m not human, then what in the living daylights am I?

I was taken down to the lab where my blood was taken. My dad held my hand the entire time, which I was thankful for since I was honestly scared out of my mind; especially with all these new revelations all around. I just wanted to forget I ever took an interest in anything related to any of this.

“Do you want to go home?” my dad asked when they had everything they needed.

I frowned. “Don’t you still have to work?”

“Your well-being comes first to me princess. If you want, Cyrus and Pixie can come and sleepover again. I can tell that you need them right now,” he smiled.

“I can call them over later. Right now, I just want to go home and be one with my thoughts for a while,” I admitted.

“Anything you want baby girl,” he sighed before kissing my forehead.

We left the military base after I promised the guys that I’d come and have lunch with them another time. Apparently my encounter with the ‘alien devices’ had granted me their sympathy, so they were ok with me coming back another time.

The ride home was a silent one because a big part of me was itching to ask my dad questions, but I honestly didn’t know where to even begin. I drew a blank every time. It was a delicate situation that I couldn’t just bring up randomly.

We reached the house and he parked the car. We both left the car almost immediately. I think we could both feel the suffocating tension and just wanted to get away from it. Just as I was about to go up to my room, he stopped me.

“I got you this. I thought you might want to look through it,” he said, handing me a flash drive.

I thanked him and headed to my room, popping the flash drive into my laptop. I went over to make myself a quick snack before sitting down by my desk. It turned out that the flash drive had all the information on Area Alpha 101. I guess my dad saw my vivid interest in the place, even though getting me the flash drive was probably illegal.

I spent the rest of my afternoon looking through the flash drive. It was mostly basic information about sightings and such over the last centuries, but no-one had ever actually gone in. There are photos of two different people making it out though.

The photos capture the two people standing between the barrier. It was a woman and a man from the looks of it. There was something oddly familiar about the woman, but I couldn’t pinpoint what about her was so familiar.

By the time I’d gone through the information, I was sure I knew all that the ‘humans’ knew about Area Alpha 101. The biggest guess was that behind the barrier was an alien base. The people, who were ‘bewitched’ from touching the barrier, were all tested, but nothing was found wrong with them, except for the fact that they all came away with two different words.

I got a pen and paper before sitting down with the words gathered. There were a total of twenty five people, including the latest guy, so that meant there were fifty words. I wrote all fifty words before going through what the government had put together from the words. Nothing made sense from them, so I ended up going my own way.

My mind was surprisingly helpful in deciphering the words. For the first time in two years, I wasn’t confused or frustrated by words. It was like a natural instinct for me to place the words the way that I had. By the time I put my pen down, I had put together what I was sure was some sort of prophecy:

A baby and a betrayal shall be born at the same time. The betrayal shall lead to dark days. A son will shun away from the darkness and lead the hopeful. The baby shall return and be with the son. Together, they will uncover the truth and undo the betrayal.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Miss M
This book sure has me interested! Gotta keep reading

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