
Chapter 16

Emily got back to her apartment with a heavy heart. She couldn’t decipher how she felt currently, but she was certain that she wasn’t great.

“Why does it have to be him?” She asked herself again as she sank into her bed.

For days after she got fired, she hadn’t ceased seeing him in her dreams.

And now, she was in a position where she met him and might be seeing every day.

Emily scoffed at this realization as she rolled on her bed, with images of Richard flashing in her brain.

For a moment, she thought of how handsome he looked, and this caused her stomach to churn.

“Having butterflies now?” She asked herself unbelievably as she broke into loud laughter.

Clearly, she mocked herself.

All her life, she never had any special feelings for any guy. Despite how much she tried, she never got to a situation where she had butterflies in her stomach or where she became restless because of a man.

It felt awkward that for the first time, she was having such feeling for a man who is a billionaire.

Severally, she heard stories of the rich and how they associate with people of their class and nature in the society.

They never wanted to have anything to do with the poor and that is the class she belonged to.

She had nothing and lived in a very noisy street that was segmented for the poor in the society.

“You can’t think of him so much, he is a billionaire, and you are a mere poor individual who doesn’t have up to five hundred dollars in your account”, Emily mocked herself as she finally stood up to undress herself.

The last time at the restaurant, he had looked at her with so many emotions visible in his eyes. She observed how he paid attention to her and how it was clear that he wished he could help.

However, the last statement he uttered after the interview shattered her heart and left her with no hope of getting the job.

Silently, she cursed the troublesome lady who had caused the fight.

Emily took a quick shower and returned to her laptop, where she continued her quest to find a job.

She was certain that she got evicted from the job interview she had just completed, and it would be stupid for her to relax and wait for the job.

“I won’t get the job”, she said to Ariana on the call.

“Be hopeful, I’m certain that you will”, Ariana replied, trying to encourage Emily.

“I was involved in a fight and that spoiled my chances”, Emily dropped and for a minute, the line went dead silent.

“I’m sorry”, Ariana mumbled as a sad smile made its way to Emily’s face.

“I would just search for another job. Thank you so much”, Emily said and ended the call.

A deep sigh escaped her lips as she thought of Richard again. There was something about him that she wanted to unravel. He appeared like a man who had a missing piece in his life, and Emily didn’t fail to observe that.

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