
Anything For Her

"Come and give me a blowjob newbie." Reed said huskily and Carly gulped down.

"Wh-- what's that??" She asked naively.

Reed eyes widened and the b*tches in front of him immediately broke into a round of laughter, holding their stomachs.

Carly keep standing confusedly, wondering what is so funny in what she just uttered.

'Are they also making jest of what she's wearing?' She thought.

"Y-you don't know what a blow job is? Really?" Reed spoke, almost couldn't believe his ears.

"I don't" Carly replied, already getting uncomfortable by the aura.

"Interesting!" Reed chuckled, turning to the other girls.

"Leave!" He ordered and their eyes widened.

"Just like that?" One of them questioned, unbelievably.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Reed spatted and the girls quickly packed thier clothes, and began walking out detectedly, not without bumping into Carly shoulder angrily.

She almost staggered and fell but she held herself.

Reed stood up and walk started walking towards her. Carly held her book closer to herself, shrinking backward. Reed smirked taking another step to her, pinning her to the nearest wall.

"W- what are you doing?" She stammered, blinking constantly.

"What does it look like?" Reed smirked, and she raised her head to look at him, not saying anything.

"You really don't know what a blow job is?" He asked again, benting his head to her level.

"Are you going to keep asking me the same question? I clearly told you I don't! This is the first time I'm hearing it!" Carly answered, adjusting her hoodie cap.

"Holy sh!t, this can't be real!" Reed stepped back, holding a long gaze on her. Carly spoke.

"What am I doing here? I was supposed to meet the school heir here, can you tell me what is going on?" She said.

"Well- I'm the heir. You don't know why you come here?" He asked.

"I was told I have to went through you before I got accepted!" She muttered, taking in her lower lips.

"Do you know what that means?" Reed asks, smirking.

Carly shakes her head.

"Want me to show you?" He whispered and Carly nodded. Almost immediately, Alex came in.

"Reed... Her tutor is still insisting on calling the cops" Alex announced and Reed turns to him at once.

"What? How can you let that happen?" He growled, immediately understanding what he meant.

"Are we just gonna stay here and pin the blame on me?" Alex replied in the same tone.

"Just shut it, and let's get this sh!t done with!" Reed rushed to his room, and come back with two jackets, handing one to Alex.

He then turned to Carly.

"Wait here! Don't go anywhere!" Reed said, and immediately went out with Alex.

"What am I supposed to be doing here?" Carly muttered, looking around.


"What the f**k is this? What's wrong with this Mac and cheese? It's not how I asked for it to be made. Can't you get it right for once?" Michelle yelled pushing the plate off the table.

The maid looked at the plate of food, now shattered on the floor, then back at Michelle.

"We're sorry ma'am, we'll just make you a new one" The maid bend over to packed the pieces, almost in tears.

"You better do! I'm already late for school..." Michelle hissed, and stood up bumping into Lavender who was just coming out of her room.

"Are you blind?" She shouted, glaring at her hatefully.

"Can you ever use another word apart from blind? Why don't you have common sense if it's common? Lavender smirked.

"How dare you!!!" Michelle yelled, made to slap her, Lavender held her hand.

"The last time i would allow you to lay those tiny hands on me will be my last day on earth... I'm no longer the same old kid you and your mom used as a slave toy!" Lavender threw her hands off, and Michelle rolled her eyes.

Lavender turned to the door, but suddenly halted and face Michelle again.

"Perhaps if you keep rolling your eyes, you'll discover a brain b*tch! Like mother like daughter, both of you love being mistresses!" Lavender smirked, and like that, she left the house.

Michelle folded her fist, and turned to the maids who has been watching.

"And what the hell do you think you're watching? Get the f*ck out of here?" She yelled and the maids quickly ran off in fear.

"You will regret this b*tch, you'll surely regret talking back to me!" She smirked and grabbed her phone to call her dad.

She didn't pick up at first but she eventually did.

"Dad, can you believe your illegitimate daughter just hit me?!" She immediately said.

"She did what?" Mr DiCaprio shouted over the phone.

"She can't get away with this Dad, I need you to teach her a lesson, like right now!" Michelle fakes tears.

"Anything for my princess!" Mr DiCaprio said, and Michelle hunged up.

"I can't wait to see what he's gonna do to her!" She grabbed her bag, and start to walk out, smiling all through.

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