
Chapter 3

After that fiasco scene, school then went back to normal. As school time ended, i entered my golden limousine after saying goodbye to my friends and arrived home.

As i arrived, there were paparazzi, outside trying to get in. That meant one thing, my celebrity mother was here.

A big golden gate was opened by the gate men to reveal were I lived. A huge giant mansion that had indoor swimming pools, Jacuzzis, many stories, elevators etc all I can say is that the mansion was worth millions.

We drove in and a chauffeur opened the door for me and I got out without saying anything to him as these people were servants and so beneath me even if the guy was a 50 year old man. I did not need to thank him as he should have been thanking me instead for even having this job.

He then went into the limo and drove it to our huge garage which was filled lots of cars all mine. I could never last a week with the same car. That was just too poor.

I went inside leaving my things in the car for the butler to collect them for me.

"Good afternoon Mr. Silverman," the butler said in greeting to me.

"Go take my things in the limo." I said to him ignoring his greeting as I was in a hurry to see my mother who just arrived.

"Mother!" I said hugging her lovingly.

"My lovely son, I missed you, although it's been only 2 days since I saw you." she responded while smiling that gorgeous smile of hers which she used to charm people with on TV.

“Yeah I know, so did you finish the filming?" I asked her as I could not wait to watch her next movie, this one though was a sequel to one of my favorite movies which is why my mother had chosen it as her next acting movie, for me. Although it was going to be very weird to watch mother kiss the main actor.

"Yes we have and we are going to be the first 2 people to watch the movie as I personally told the director to give me the first DVD made for the film as soon as it is done as I only want the best for my son. He has to be first at everything." she said while petting my head in a motherly way.

 "Thanks mother, I love you." I responded as I surely did love both my mother and my Father and they alway gave me anything I wanted.

I then went to my big bedroom condo to change so I could have dinner with both my mother and my Father as my father was coming back tonight from Iraq where he had been conducting business.

My father then arrived later and we both greeted him me and my mother and had a wonderful dinner served by our personal chef. I even told them about that nun girl and how I paid her my revenge and they laughed with me. My mother even commenting that I did her right and my father also adding that he was going going to cancel the girl's scholarship removing her from the school. Good riddance.

We then also talked about my coming 18th birthday and my father was planning on something special for me. What he did not know was that I had persuaded my mother to tell me and already knew he was planning on buying me my very own private jet and an expensive small aeroplane for me to fly myself.

That's why he had send me for flight lessons last month. He was also planning a sweet 18 party for me that would be televised by mtv with famous celebs and musicians going to be attending.

That night, I had good sleep.

And the next day, school time came.

I arrived in the same fashion as I did everyday and went to the same class I had with that nun girl. I could not wait to see her face as she was going to be told that she can no longer study at this school as her scholarship was done.

"Miss Walker please come with me to the principal's office.” the speaker sounded calling her. I just did not know why but I still felt immense hatred for her. Even now as I looked at her standing up with her dirty clothes as one of my crew members had intentionally pushed her into the dirt in the early morning.

The whole school now hated her all because of me, no one was wanting to sit near or next to her or to even talk to her. She now had outcast printed on her forehead.  As she stood up and went to the principal's office I stood up and followed her with my crew also following behind.

She went into the office and leaning by the wall we could hear what was being said inside.

"Miss Walker, I have to sadly give you this bad news. Although you are a very excellent student excelling in school I regret to inform you that your scholarship has been revoked and you are no longer part of this school or allowed to study here as you have no means to pay the school fees. So will you please pack your bags and leave the school immediately." the principal's voice echoed through the walls.

The nun girl the came out with tears flowing down her face only to see us standing by the door.

"Aww the poor orphan nun girl can't pay her school fees because she is so poor. At least one thing came out this as we can finally get rid of the filth that has been dirty in our school." I said to her with a smirk on my face sneering at her.

And my friends joined in calling her name from filth to orphan.

She then wiped away her tears, held her head high and said to me,

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, remember those words Nathan. Yes I am a poor poverty stricken orphan whose foster parent have jut died and sure you have just ruined my only chance at gaining an education so that I can have a small chance at getting a good job.

But I forgive you Nathan for what you've done to me and may God have mercy on you as I fear for you following the ways of the devil as the devil came to destroy, steal lie and cheat but Jesus came to bring happiness and abundant life." she said to me and then rushed to class where she collected her things and left the school to never return ever again.

I rolled my eyes thinking oh please as if I needed her forgiveness and that what goes around comes around stuff did not apply to me. I was Nathan Curtis Silverman the billionaire and did whatever I wanted and did not need some poor orphan's forgiveness. She was nothing to me with her preaching nonsense. Good riddance!

School then continued as normal with me ruling it and doing whatever I want. That was how life was supposed to be and it felt so good.

It was a wonderful life....I had as things started going downhill pretty quickly the next day. 

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