
Chapter 2

Authors POV

Callie's entrance into the room caused a murmured wave of surprise to wash over the gathering. She carried herself with a certain grace and confidence that immediately demanded attention. Her eyes, an intriguing blend of determination and mystery, scanned the room before landing briefly on Hudson. She offered a slight nod, her professional demeanor firmly in place.

"Good morning, everyone," Callie greeted, her voice carrying a hint of authority. "Thank you all for being here. I am grateful for the opportunity to work on this project that was so close to my parents' hearts."

Her introduction was met with a mix of polite applause and curious glances. Hudson felt a rush of nostalgia and disbelief. This wasn't the first time Callie had taken him by surprise, but seeing her in this new, powerful role reignited feelings he had long suppressed.

As Callie began her presentation, laying out her innovative ideas for the Clarke project, Hudson found it difficult to concentrate on her words. His mind wandered back fourteen years, to the last time he had seen her—a traumatized little girl who had witnessed horrors no child should ever see.

She had grown up to be an accomplished woman, a fact that both awed and intimidated him. The room was captivated by her vision, her detailed explanations, and the sheer passion that underscored her every word. Hudson couldn't help but feel a surge of pride mixed with unease at the thought of working under her leadership.

"And now, I would like to open the floor for any questions or suggestions you might have," Callie concluded, her eyes landing on Hudson as if challenging him to speak.

Hudson cleared his throat, pushing his personal feelings aside. "Your presentation was impressive, Miss Clarke. I'm excited to collaborate and bring your vision to life. Can you elaborate on the structural integrity plans for the high-rise hospital building?"

Callie's eyes locked onto his, a flicker of recognition passing between them. She nodded, stepping closer to the projected designs. "Certainly, Mr. Ford. Our plan integrates state-of-the-art materials and innovative engineering solutions to ensure maximum safety and durability..."

As she dived into the technicalities, Hudson couldn't shake the feeling that this project would be far more complex than he had initially anticipated. Not because of the architectural challenges, but because of the woman at the helm—a woman whose past was inextricably linked to his own.

Callie Clarke's POV

I was nervous when my brother told me that I had to meet the board members in the morning but I had prepared thoroughly, as I needed to finish up my parent's dream project. Jayden wanted me to head the project and I had readily agreed as I wanted to fulfill my mother's dream.

As I walked towards Jayden, I looked across and saw someone sitting beside him and I couldn’t move my eyes away from him, as I had always imagined how would it be if we met again.

And he was looking at me with the same intensity.

But wait what is he doing here?

“Callie, I want you to meet our project head Mr. Hudson Ford and he is also the CEO of Ford and Associates Architecture,” Jayden said and turned towards the man sitting beside him.

Hudson was pulled out of his musings and he got up and smiled at her and extended his hand for a handshake.

“What!” Hudson Ford, I exclaimed but isn’t his real name Harry Williams.” I thought and shook my head before extending my hand.

As he grasped my hand I could feel his hand holding my hand very firmly and I had to pull it back as it made me feel uneasy.

If he noticed my discomfort he didn’t say anything and I was relieved that he did not.

My brother made me sit beside him.

One of the board members who was looking at me very keenly stood up and asked. “Mr Clarke, I don’t mean to be rude but if I am not mistaken Miss Callie can’t speak right?”

I looked at my brother and could see his eyes flaring with anger but I held on to his hand and he relaxed and said. “Indeed, my sister can’t speak but she has an interpreter who will explain everything to you. So please wait patiently.” My brother said very firmly.

He gestured towards me and I got up and moved towards the white screen and tried to hold on to my emotions as Hudson or Harry had always affected me to the extreme. I could feel his eyes boring on me.

My secretary cum interpreter Scarlett came and stood beside me, as I explained it in sign language, which I knew that no one would understand. But my secretary interpreted it properly and after a long time, I heard everyone applauding my work and asking me when we would start our project.

Jayden assured them that it would start by next week and before winding up invited everyone to come for a small party which he had thrown the day after.

After a while, everyone left and I and Jayden were the only one, apart from Hudson Ford, left in the conference room.

I looked at Jayden nervously but he was busy talking to Hudson.

When Jayden saw me staring at them he smiled and said. “Callie you must be hungry by now, Let garb something in the office cafeteria before we leave.”

“Jayden, can I just review the project with Miss Clarke, once again as I have some doubts about something,” Hudson said suddenly when they were about to leave.

“Oh, sure carry on I will just finish up some work by then. Is it okay Kiddo?” Jayden asked me.

I just nodded my head.

My secretary had rushed out as she had whispered in my ears that she needed to pee very badly. I had merely smiled and allowed her to go.

I told my brother in my sign language to send Scarlett, and he nodded and left.

As I turned towards Hudson I bumped into his hard chest and looked up to see his smiling face, as he was taller than me and his cologne was so toxifying.

Suddenly his mouth came down and captured my lips and before I could protest he was kissing me hungrily.

His seeking mouth found mine before I could move away, the warm, intimate pressure of it, transporting me to another world, my lips softening and responding before I could even think about rejecting him. My eyes widened and darkened, my fingers clutching convulsively at the thin fabric of his shirt to hold myself upright.” Ah, Ivy, or should I say Callie?”

His husky voice seems to wave a spell around me, my mind and body acquiescing almost instantly to his unspoken commands. When his mouth left mine, I arched my throat instinctively giving him access to my exposed skin, his lips were seeking. Tiny fissions of reaction shivered across my flesh, a small moan suppressed in my throat, as Hudson's delicately thorough expiration triggered off feelings, I thought had gone forever. His teeth found the lobe of my ear and tugged on it gently, my fingers automatically curling into the thick springiness of hair, my body unconsciously moulding itself to him.

“Ivy !" he exclaimed and his hands moved down my body, lingering against the curves of my breast the pressure of his mouth gradually increasing as it moved across my skin, teasing tormenting kisses against my trembling lips, his tongue stroking their vulnerable contours until they departed in soft invitation.

I was lost, drowning in a warm lapping sea that called out a siren song to my senses. Everything I had ever wanted or would want was there within my reach.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and it pulled us both back to reality, as we separated ourselves from each other.

I tried to compose myself, as I fumbled with the file in front of me but I could sense that Hudson was staring at me.

"Callie, are you done? D you need my help?" Scarlett said as she entered the conference room.

She was looking at Hudson like an idiot I could feel a ping of jealousy inside me.

Hudson or Harry! Oh god, I exclaimed softly. But then I controlled my emotions and I nodded my head, speaking to her in sign language that we should make a move.

“Miss Callie, we are not finished yet and you are leaving,” Hudson said flatly.

My heart was beating very fast as I wanted to escape the scrutiny of his eyes, as I could see the desire flaming in his eyes. I have to leave before I get distracted or it will sidetrack me. I thought and gestured towards Scarlett to tell him that we have to leave urgently.

I was sweating as Hudson was staring at me very intently.

“Mr. Ford, Callie has a meeting after an hour and we need to drive there as soon as possible, so why don’t we continue with the discussion tomorrow,” Scarlett said very tactfully.

I looked at Hudson, who merely smiled and said. “Oh, I see. Okay, I won’t stop you then.”

I moved swiftly gesturing Scarlett to follow me and was out of the room in a few seconds. I did not stop till we reached the elevator.

Scarlett was running behind to catch up with me and as I turned I saw her struggling with her heels I couldn’t stop myself and started laughing.

Scarlett made her face and looked at me as if she was pissed off.” Why did you run Callie? I had to literally struggle with my heels to catch up with you, what’s wrong with you today.”

I was still smiling and was about to explain it to her when I saw someone standing outside the conference room and looking at me with challenging eyes.

I shivered and quickly grabbed Scarlett’s hand and got inside the waiting lift and pressed the button to go to the parking area on the ground floor but I couldn’t miss the way Hudson smiled at me, as the lift door closed and we started moving down.

Hudson POV

He was leaning on the door and looking at her face with warmth, as it had been almost four years since he had last seen her.

"Why did she run away from me? But then it’s not that surprising, since she had run away four years back without any lead to trace her down and now I come to know that she is Jayden’s sister. Life can be so unpredictable."

But the point is, she is Ivy for me, as I had known her with that identity, what is she hiding?

I called up my assistant and told him to find out everything about her in the next two hours, as I had to know whether the Ivy I knew existed or if it was just a hoax from her side.

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