
Chapter 4 Where is the groom?

Olive's POV

20th November.

It was my wedding day, and time flew like a sudden chill flurry. I woke up early when the sky was still dark. You couldn't say I was excited.

I was terrified as fu*k, and a cluster of chill started to resort through my spine.

My eyes burned when I pulled the blanket away, and the cold floor needled my soles.


"Hey, you! Don't tell me that you have changed your mind!"

Elenore jerked inside and immediately rushed to the window. Drawing back the curtains, she let the light I blocked in.

I brushed my messy hair back with my fingers. It had been three days since I found my boyfriend cheating on me. And I accepted to replace in an arranged marriage.

What the heck!

Why should it be me dangling with all these Stone Age plots?!

It was like a cliche novel once I read it online. At that time, I believed no one could force me to accept what others wanted. But in despair and desperate situations, when no hope left and darkness had clawed me, could I have another choice?

My father's life mattered more than mine. At least he was the only person who truly loved me. Why not give everything I have for his unconditional love if it could save his life?

Elenore's fingers curled around my arms. She forced me to stand on my feet.

"You had turned your phone off! What a good decision to make buzzy people shut up!"

I knew what she meant! She might have thought that David would change my mind. Although, she didn't know the primary reason behind my decision was that all men were the same. Getting married was the tiniest way to help me not encounter Elenore and her mother.

"Get out!"

My voice was hoarse and rough. During the past few days, I packed whatever I needed in Edward Johnson's house. She didn't even bother to give me a hand. Unlike it, she just visited to see whether I was alive.

And it didn't cost anyone smart *ss to realize why she did it.

"Fine! I'm sure you can make everything look nice."

She gave me a sheepish grin and left the room.

My eyes rolled on the wedding gown. It was superficial and didn't need lavish makeup.

I took a shower to get ready.

I looked comely when I got prepared, but I felt worried.

My back sweated, and I had nothing to calm down my nervousness.

"My darling, can I get in?"

My father knocked on the door. Despite my dismay, I had to let him in. Today should be the best day of my life. I should be happy that my father was by my side when I was going to be married.

But I was barely breathing.

"Please come in."

He came inside and stalled for a moment. He peered at me, and tears flickered in his eyes.

"Even in such a humble dress, you look mesmerizing! Why did you make that b*st*rd so lucky when you could leave here and live on your own? Why are you giving out your freedom?"

Every word pricked my soul! What could I say?

His life, was it not a good reason?

David or Edward, it didn't matter anymore when I wanted to get married after all!

"Stop annoying yourself, please. Perhaps everything you hear about Edward Johnson is just bullsh*t. Not every lame person is scary. Features never showcase someone's manner and soul."

He approached and hugged me, "You grew up fast and made me wonder how you could be so understanding! But it is not too late; you can change your mind."

I released myself and looked at him.

"Let's do it, father!"

He led me down the stairs. Through the window, I saw a black Mercedes-Benz awaiting me.

We strode to the living room, and I saw a middle-aged man clad in a black suit.

"Excuse me!"

My father tilted his head, and the man quickly rushed forward and asked my father to a corner.

A bitter grin stretched on my lips. The groom didn't show up after half an hour, and the attorney brought us the papers and asked me to sign them.

My father shook his head, "you don't have to."

Melissa dragged him away, and I grabbed the pen.

Within a few seconds, I was Edward Johnson's wife. A man that I had never seen or knew.

My father led me to the convoy of cars, and I got in. I didn't let my eyes drift back to the mansion's side.

My guts told me the Johnson family would not value me after marrying into their family. However, I had already endured a lot from my stepmother's household. I didn't care about the others either. My only goal was not to reveal my true identity and put my father at risk.

They took me directly to Edward's seaside house without holding a wedding ceremony.

The men were all the black-clad bodyguards, and I didn't see his family members, not even a single person.

The view was heartbreakingly beautiful. You couldn't just overlook that even if you wanted to. It had the magic that could absorb your soul.

A maiden came to me. I could see the disgust and irritation that masked her face. Did she even know me?

"You must be the Lady!"

The lady? Not his wife? Something was wrong!

"Yes, and may I ask your name?"

"I am Lily. Please follow me. Young Master isn't home. You can stay in his room. We will bring you lunch."

She notified me and turned around.

I learned she was relatively young, perhaps a few years older than me.

Following her, we got into an enormous chamber. Its full-length window viewed the sea and the garden in the courtyard.

I swallowed when she slammed the door behind me.

It felt strange! Despite the beautiful place I entered, I didn't feel comfortable. I sensed that a ghost was coming after me to make the atmosphere around me plummet.

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