
Chapter five

“What the heck is going on here?”. Someone screamed behind them. Causing them to quickly disengage, pulling Lyra behind them to cover her body as she hurriedly adjusted herself.

“Lyra?? Are you three eating my daughter out? In a fucking training ground?”. Lyra’s father, James yelled.

“No father, it’s not what you think!”. Lyra quickly responded, readjusting her top.

“So you’re saying I’m blind and I don’t know what I am seeing? You guys were supposed to be training!!”. James asked, stepping closer while the triplets stood in front of her protectively.

“With all due respect alphas, step away from my daughter!”. James uttered, his hand behind him in respect.

"Lyra, come with me!" James growled angrily, ready to leave when Silas intervened.

"I'm sorry, but she will not be coming with you. If you have anything to say to her, say it here, in front of us. She is not accountable for anything you may have seen," Silas declared, defiantly pulling Lyra closer to himself.

James stood angrily in front of him.

"This is my daughter, alpha or not. You have no authority when I'm speaking to my daughter," James said through gritted teeth, his eyes glowing bright yellow.

“She is my beta!”.

“She is my daughter, I’m her father!”.

“You are not her father, you aren’t fit to be called a father!”. Ezra yelled.

“You have never been there for her when she needed someone. Yes we knew your mate died but she left you a treasure you never valued. And you stand there claiming some fatherly ownership over her!”. Zayn yelled.

“All you ever did was train her like a fucking robot. She has to train two hours before going to class, five hours after class. Is she a robot? Even she has desires!”. Silas growl.

“I will repeat myself again, anything you wanna say, say it to us and leave her out of it!”. Silas said warningly.

“Please, I will just go with him!”. Lyra whispered, trembling in fear.

“You stay out of this!”.

“You are going nowhere with him!”.

“Please, he’s my father! Whether he has been there or not. He will always remain my father!”. Lyra said, staring at him.

“If she comes back and she ends up having a mood swing, I will have your head, beta!”. Silas warn.

With that, Lyra trailed after her father, still trembling in fear as she followed him to his house. The home she has never been to.

“What’s going on Lyra?”. He yelled, causing her to flinch in fear.

“N-nothing father!”.

“What was that I saw? Have you got no shame? Three men touching you like that in public? You were supposed to be their beta not a fucking slut!”. He yelled.

“I'm sorry, father. I didn't mean to cause any trouble," she stammered, tears welling up in her eyes.

He grabbed her by the arm, his finger digging to her skin.

“Tell me, do you dream of becoming their Luna?”.

“No!”. Lyra responded sharply, shaking her head.

“No father. No, I have never dreamt of that!”. She responded, whining in pain due to his grip on her.

Her father's eyes narrowed as he studied her, his grip tightening on her arm.

“You were supposed to be training with them, not fucking them!. How long has this been going on? Huh?”.


“Good, you will no longer be training or living with them!”. He declared.

Lyra’s eyes widened in shock.

“As from today, you will be living with me here. Remember this Lyra, you’re only purpose in life is to be their beta, to protect them and not fuck them. Henceforth you will not be seeing them until they become an alpha!”.


“What?!" Alpha Isaac shouted, slamming his hand on the table in anger.


"Not a word from you, Zayn!" he yelled angrily, turning to face Silas and Ezra, who had their heads bowed.

"What did you just say, Silas? What were you doing with Lyra? She's your future beta, for the goddess's sake! How could you three do something so despicable?"

"Father, what's wrong with...?"

"Everything is wrong with it. She is supposed to be like a sister to you."

"She is not our sister!" Ezra yelled.

Alpha Isaac's eyes widened in shock at Ezra's outburst.

“We have never for once seen her as a sister!”. Zayn exclaimed.

Alpha Isaac stared at his sons in disappointment, his worst fear was coming true. There will be trouble if they don’t leave her.

Alpha Isaac sighed heavily, his anger turning to disappointment. “I will deal with this matter accordingly. But for now, you will all be confined to your quarters until further notice. You will not be seeing her nor training with her!”. He declared.

“Father!”. They all yelled.

“We will not accept your decision!”.

“You either accept that or I will get both her and her father banished from the pack!”.

“You will do no such thing, Isaac!”. Silas growl, his voice changing as his shadows suddenly start growing bigger.

Isaac stepped back, his eyes widening in surprise at Silas's sudden display of power.

“You will not touch Lyra or keep her from us. She belongs with us!” he declared, his eyes completely white with no traces of black.

“Silas!” Ezra called out fearfully, reaching out to touch his brother.

Silas turned to look at his brother, his eyes returning to their normal state as the shadows receded.

“Your coming of age is in two weeks. I hope you find your mate and put an end to this madness before it escalates,” Alpha Isaac said, trying to appear brave despite his visible trembling.

As he turned to leave, Zayn's voice stopped him.

“What if she's our fated mate?!”

“Then we will change your fate!”

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