
Chapter 6 (Fixing Me)

Lyanna's Pov

I must admit I feel flattered, it's not as if this is my first time hearing someone say you are going to be my wife. But hearing this come from him is like something unexpected and I liked it, my heart leaped.

Actually, I loved him the first time I saw those blue soft eyes, I felt myself melting in them. I wish this isn't another statement, because for the first time after I broke up, I would consider another one now.

Well, unfortunately for me, he doesn't really like me. I even doubt a man as handsome as him will be single. I sigh loudly and keep moving, not waiting for my dad to pick me up.

"Would you mind jumping in?" Is that too difficult to ask? It isn't but Drake just passed by me without asking? Which part of me is yearning for him to be my friend or boyfriend or possibly husband?

My phone rings and I answer it.

"Hey there, Dad. What's wrong?"

"I am at the school's car park, where are you, darling?"

"Oh, I am sorry for that, I am actually walking, I will wait for you on the road." Just when I ended the call, my Dad's car pulls over.

"Get in sweetheart." He says as I click my tongue in annoyance. Why does everyone keep making me feel like a child? I sink into the seat, fix my seatbelt and he drives off

"I hope you liked it here at Dever City College?"

"Well, I guess I did." I reply bluntly then smile sourly. I am not too sure if I liked it, it was only Drake who got me hooked.

"You will get used to it as days go by and you won't regret moving here."

"Well, I hope so." I lean into the car, taking out my phone and checking up on my friends.

The car eventually comes to a stop and I move out quickly into the house. I am first greeted by the sweet aroma that came from the kitchen.

"Mmm…I smell some delicious spaghetti. Is it ready mom?" I kiss her and sit on the kitchen counter.

"It will soon be ready, where's your Dad? And how was your first day at school? Were the students polite, did your teacher like you?"

"Mom, that's too many questions at once, come on." I frown.

"School was fine and Dad is outside. Don't worry, I wasn't bullied. Mom, do I… do I look like a princess?"

She stops what she's doing and watches me intently with a stiffened face. She finally comes to herself after a few seconds and fakes a smile.

"Yes, honey, you do look like a Princess. That's because you are our Princess, and we love you so much." She nods and comes to pull me into an embrace.

After waiting to have dinner, I went up to my room and then said goodbye to another night, anticipating what tomorrow has for me.

I splay myself on the bed, a smile appears on my lips as the thought of Drake drops in my head. Wish he was a little open and friendly.

I check the clock for the third time and realize it's finally five in the morning. I quickly take my shower and run down to have my breakfast.

"Hello everyone, Mom, Dad, where's everybody?" I asked as I scanned the living room to find no one.

"In the kitchen, join us here and let's make breakfast." Mom replied and I headed to the kitchen.

"How are you, sweetheart?" My father asks as I kiss my mom.

"You look pale, and restless. You didn't have a goodnight sleep, what happened?" Mom asks concernedly.

Unfortunately, it was the same nightmare hunting me. I keep seeing this wolf whose eyes are just like the boy from school—Drake. I did all the research but I couldn't find anything plausible and…and telling my parents this will make me look awful, completely insane.

"Uh…it's nothing, I actually, I was given an assignment yesterday so I was working on it." She creases her brows and Dad shakes his head slowly. They don't believe but then have no evidence to prove otherwise.

"Well, take care of yourself. You can't put your health on the line for the sake of assignments. Oh, the food is ready, start serving, Lyanna."

Breakfast was very fast, I had to just get up because Mom kept saying there was something bothering me when there was nothing.

It's exactly half past six when Dad pulled over at the school's parking lot. "Take care," he says, then kisses my cheek before I jump out of the car.

"Love you." I blew a kiss then he drove away. I heave, I am finally here and I am going to see him for the second time. My heart skips a beat at the thought and I smile.

I enter the class, and there's no one, not even Drake. Someone clears his throat, I turn around and guess what? He's standing behind, with his gaze fixed on me.

I go all silent and static, looking him in the eye has become a battle I must to conquer. I swallow hard, trying to keep my cool.

"You only live once, if you keep holding your breath you are going to be dead." He says with a chuckle, reminding me to fill my lungs with air that smelt like him.

"Urm, can you show me to the library?" I say softly.

"Well, yes, but let's fix you." He says and I frown. He's changed to a very interesting playful boy I didn't come across yesterday. I wonder what he meant by fixing me.

Before I can get the answer, he presses his lips to mine. I choke on my breath, he pulls away and I stand with my lips parted.

"Oh, what just happened?" I whisper as I couldn't find my voice.

"You looked terribly white and I fixed you. Now your face looks much better. Are you coming?"

I smile when he's not looking. Of course I am not coming but isn't this one of my nightmares? Drake Shelton, seriously?

"I think I will just stay here and wait for the students to arrive. Thank you for your generosity." I say but he goes out without replying. Perhaps, he was back to his old self.

A few minutes after sitting down, he returns with two classic literature books. Is he into books or is it to impress me? Well, a lot tried but no one ever succeeded.

"I got two books and one is for you. No need to send it back, it's yours so keep it." He slides it on my desk and I carefully pick it up.

"Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden, Mr. Shelton?"

"Is that a problem? And what's nice about giving a book to an angel?"

"I don't know what you are getting at but I am not easily fooled. I know exactly the type you are and let me repeat myself, you can't fool me."

"I don't know where all that is coming from but you are having the wrong idea of me. I am not just anyone, sweetheart, and who knows, I could be a great friend." He smiles and he's like nothing I have ever seen before.

"I am not interested so you can save being nice, it doesn't suit you." Now is my time to pay back. I take his book and throw it at him.

There are noises in the background, the rest of the students were going to be here any moment from now.

The bully winks at me when he enters, followed by his gang. Two other girls followed and soon, the class is full.

I used to like him but it doesn't mean I would love to be kissed without my notice. What did he think he was and what does he think of me? I am not a slut.

I packed my books and changed my position to the front. I thought he was going to question me but he never did.

"Hey there, pretty, that's my seat but you can have it for now. You may take my breath away with you." I look up and there's another face that would perfectly suit the screen. I look around and it's clear he was talking to me.

He comes closer and stretches his hand forward. "Wait, Princess Isadora, what are you doing here? I thought you died a very long time ago."

I frown, what's he talking about? And who's Princess Isadora?

"Excuse me?"I say and he turns his head slightly.

Drake comes from behind and pulls me along with him. "Come with me, Lyanna."

"Wait man, you also look familiar." Drake yanks his hand and drags me with him without my permission. What the hell, why did he distract me?

"What was that about?" I question him as we finally came outside.

"Do you want to know? If yes then come with me." With that, he takes a path leading downstairs. After a few seconds of deliberation, I followed him.

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