
Chapter 6.

Dahlia POV.

After dinner, an omega shows me the way to alpha Reynold’s office and I knock on the door and wait for him to tell me to enter. When he does, I walk in with my head low.

“Please, sit down Dahlia.” He says and I take a deep breath and move towards his desk and sit down.

“I know things are done differently in Venom Fang, but here you follow the rules. So I will let it slide just once. You are to show respect at all times. I know that may be difficult for you. You have come from the largest pack in the world. So I know you don’t see the need to stand on ceremony. But here I run a tight ship and I hold the reins.” He says, and I look at him. Did he just basically call me spoiled? 

“Just because I come from the biggest pack doesn’t mean I have been treated like a princess. I have been training my whole life, for a life and a position I didn’t want. So with all due respect, Alpha, you only know what you have read and briefly seen of me. Don’t confuse me with some self entitled luna wannabe. I am not that.” I say and he smirks at me as he leans back in his chair, tapping his fingers on the desk.

“I can see that, however, while you are here, you will follow the rules. You will speak when spoken to, and you will not ask why. When I tell you to do something, you fucking do it.” He spits between gritted teeth and I fight the growl that crawls up my throat by gulping it back down.

“You’re learning. I know you want nothing more than to leap over the desk and rip me a new asshole. Dahlia, I know you crave the need to prove your worth. I get it. But here you have to prove to not just yourself, but to me and your peers as well. So tomorrow you will start training. I expect you to do well.” He says and I look at him and nod my head at what he is saying.

“Now, your file is as extensive as it is. There is information that is missing and we need to fill it.” He opens a file on his desk and he wasn’t kidding when he said it was extensive. It’s at least four inches thick.

“I will say this, you are the first that has come here with this much experience.” I smile before I straighten my face.

“However, that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. So, I need to know about your wolf. That part is missing.” He says and I chew the inside of my cheek as I think about what I should do.

Only my pack has seen her. She is like mom, bigger than an alpha male. Plus, she has gifts.

“Ok, but only my pack has seen her.” I say and he nods his head in understanding. 

“Tell him.” Celeste speaks in my mind as she sits watching.

“Her name is Celeste. She is a white wolf with a blue hue through her fur. She has a crescent moon on her forehead.” He nods as he writes it all down.

“Her size?” he asks, and I gulp.

“8 feet from ground to withers.” I say, and he stops writing before he looks up at me with wide eyes.

“Wow. Most alphas are only 7.” He says and I nod in agreement. Mom is huge and since my father is her mate, he is a little bit bigger than she is.

“My dad’s wolf, Orion, is slightly bigger than my mom. My brothers will be bigger, too.” I tell him and his eyes widen comically.

“Her gifts? I know your mom has power, so I’m assuming Celeste does, too.” He asks, and I nod my head.

“Yes, she, like my mom, can control any wolf, can read their thoughts and mind links. She also can use the surrounding elements.” I say and he hums as he writes, nodding his head.

“Ok, I will keep this information between us. Also, you said that you rejected your mate? I’m curious as to why?” he asks and I sigh before looking away.

So with no other choice I tell him everything that has happened since yesterday. Just looking back is a reminder if why I am here.

“Did he accept the rejection?” he asks sadly and I nod my head.

“Yes, then I found out everyone knew, including my parents and, well, you know, the rest.” I say to him and he looks at me in understanding.

“I’m sorry you experienced this, Dahlia. It sounds like he didn’t deserve you and that you are better off without him.” He says, and I take a few breaths to stop the tears from falling. Why is this so difficult?

“Thank you alpha.” I say and we sit in silence for a short while when he clears his throat and I look up at him.

“You will do well here Dahlia and when you go back to your pack, you will be a force to be reckoned with.” He says, and I know that. I know how capable I am. It’s just that I don’t think I can handle the false friendships and bullshit that goes with it. 

“Thank you again, alpha.” I say to him and he stands and I stand with him. He walks around the desk and hugs me. I’m taken aback by this, but I hug him, too.

“It’s ok, you’re not alone anymore.” He says and I clutch him tighter to me. “let it out, don’t hold in your pain Dahlia, otherwise it will consume you.” and like that, the tears fall. My shoulders shake with the heartache, pain, and anger I have harboured for years. For the life I wanted, the life that will never be within reach.

After a while, we pull apart and I wipe my face and take a few breaths to calm myself down.

“Ok, you are already stronger for being here. Now go and rest. It’s an early start.” He says and I thank him again and leave the office, making my way back to the barracks.

I can do this. I can survive here.

I enter the barracks and all eyes look at me, but I ignore their stares and walk towards my bed. I open my drawers and take out my pyjamas and shower things and turn around and glare at them all.

“Still here then?” Lucius says, and I smirk at him.

“Can’t get rid of me that easily. Sorry!” I say and bat my lashes as I walk past some of the others snigger as I walk towards the bathroom.

“Alpha, I am here to show you to the showers.” An omega says as she bows. I would usually tell them not to, but this isn’t my pack, so I just nod at her.

“What’s your name?” I ask, and she offers me a small smile.

“Mindy, Alpha. I will stand watch while you shower.” She says and I thank her as she walks with me down a corridor to the shower block.

“Take your time. I will guard the door.” I walk in and look around. 

The showers line two walls, no curtains. Well, isn’t this swell? At the far end there are sinks with mirrors. The bare basics. I move to the far end and look around to make sure I’m alone before I strip off, placing my clothes over the sink and grab my shower gel and shampoo and turn the tap and hot water flows. The steam fills the shower room and I step under the hot spray as I get washed and shampoo my hair quickly before I get dried and dressed.

Brushing my teeth and leave the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my head. Walking back, I thank Mindy and enter the barracks again towards my bed. Putting things away, I reach for my hairbrush and get to work. Once my hair has been brushed, I climb under the covers and turn, giving the rest of them my back.

I would usually either be drinking or playing games on my phone, but all forms of communication were confiscated when I got here. I close my eyes and hear his voice in my head. Malachi.

I shut the link down and roll onto my back, looking up at the dark ceiling. I don’t need him. I can do this without him.

My eyes close and think tomorrow is a new day. I repeat it as I drift off to sleep. 

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