
Driving secrets

The sun, in its early quest to dispel the night, cast a gentle glow upon the still, serene road, anticipating the imminent presence of both humans and shifters. Mindful of avoiding undue attention, Carla led John along the well-worn path, seeking a secluded spot. Upon reaching a sufficiently hidden clearing, Carla, as if it was a normal thing to do, began peeling off her clothes.

Taken aback, John's face flushed crimson, and he instinctively averted his gaze. Amused by John's discomfort, Carla couldn't contain her laughter. "You're unquestionably the quirkiest shifter I've encountered," she teased. Cutting him some slack, with a playful grin, Carla retreated behind a tree, discarding the rest of her attire with an easygoing demeanor.

"Turn around... you'll know when, and no more freak-outs, please!" Carla admonished John with a mix of command and amusement. With audible bone-snaps, she underwent a breathtaking transformation.

As John turned around, his sight fell on the majestic bear
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