
Going to apply for a loan

Lola woke up it was Thursday just 10 days after she started working here on Sunday. It was also her day off. she still wasn't used to waking up in such a beautiful room it was totally different from any one she had seen and it was just a maid room!!

       She stood up from the bed and went to wash up. She  had decide to go to the bank to discuss the loan. She  had to finish up her job of cleaning the Young master room and private study. She intended meet Selena  at home when she came back from the bank so they could get their mother admitted. But first she had to tell Omar  and make him cover up for her. She had some friends among the servants but her relationship with Omar was the closest.They  were usually teased by the maids who called them a couple.

    She stepped out and went to the garden. She already knew Omar's working schedule  and knew where to find him at different times.  She  saw him pulling out the weeds whilst squatting. 

  "Hi Omar" she shouted causing him to turn around abruptly to see her

what he saw stunned him. She was standing her back to the sun waving her hand and giving a sweet smile he hair was loose which was rare. She couldn't be described as a godess of beauty but she had a nice shape and had a pretty face  with cute brown eyes. Her two dimples were so cute. He was lost in his thoughts that he almost didn't reply her

"Hey baby girl" he said  snapping out of it

"So I need a favour" Lola said while explaining to Omar about her godmother surgery fee and others

"So i need you to cover up for me if amy one asks for me just make up an excuse I promise not to take more than 4 hours"

   "You actually don't need to go to the bank for a loan. At least that is one advantage of working here there's an exclusive staff loan  You just have to go apply for it in their office. And no one said you aren't allowed to leave the villa on your day off"

   "Hehe so I'll have to trobule you to tell me the address"

"Sure Its at the scarlet floor plaza 6th floor" Omar said

"Ok thanks so much. I'll call you  when I'm leaving  "Lola said hurrying inside the house.

   Omar looked at her retreating back and felt guilty he should had told her that the Young master had to agree before the loan could be approved. And he rarely did unless you had good reasons. Not just good reasons perfect reasons

Immediately she entered inside she tied her hair up in a pony tail  she was already wearing one of the gown she owns.

    She decided to check the young masters library remembering she saw a book she was interested in. 

She went to the desk in the room and looked closely at it. She was just going to put her things away when a picture in it's frame caught her eye.  She hadn't seen what her master looked like so she was rather curious. She picked it up from the table  she saw a cold looking man  He had defined cheekbones,a concrete jaw and hawkish nose. But what attracted her was his eyes like a whirlpool almost like she could drown into them and stay there for ever. He had a light smile on his face a lady who should be around my age was hugging his neck they looked like a couple . When she came back to reality the picture  almost dropped from her hand luckily she caught it after placing it safely she stepped back and put her hand on her chest

"That was a close one.." she said to her self stepping out of the study she locked the door it was almost noon. 


    To be honest working here was quite  nice even her room was beautiful  though not as nice as the other guest rooms. 

when she had just packed her hair into a pony tail her phone rang

She checked the caller is before pickingit up

  it was Selena

  phone conversation 

Lola: hello sis

Selena: Hey  I wanted to check If your still coming home by the way Andrey is also coming to meet up. He said you haven't contacted him since 4 days ago

Lola: ohhh I totally forgot him of course I'm coming 

Selena: ok bye take care love you

phone call ends

Lola put on a loose top and a jeans trouser 

she was thinking of Andrey he was like a brother to her and Selena always helping in any way he could . He took care of her and helped her like Omar that's why she felt free with him. 

she gave Omar a call after which she left the  villaLola took the bus to the subway station then took a train to the scarlet flames plaza. When she got there it was already 30 minutes past 12. She stood outside the office building for sometime during which she said a short prayer for success before she walked into the building taking the lift to the 6th floor.

When she came out from the lift she saw a receptionist desk and walked up to the receptionist

She greeted her "Hello miss please may I ask if I’m on the right floor I’m looking for the staff welfare office for the William’s family I was told it was on the sixth floor"

"Oh hi yes you are on the right floor , may I ask what you want "the receptionist greeted her warmly

"Um actually I want to apply for a staff loan" Lola replied

"Ok so you can go down the corridor 4th door on your left" the receptionist directed her 

"Thanks Miss" Lola said

"It’s no bother by the way my name is Lily" the receptionist said 

"My name is Lola"Lola replied

"Ok bye Lola and goodluck in getting the loan "the receptionist said

When Lola turned back to walk towards the corridor Lily sighed

~such a nice girl why does she have to work in the house of a tyrant like the young master ~ Lily thought in her mind   

Lola knocked on the door of the office instructed by Lily

She heard a warm friendly voice say come in 

Now that strange how come that voice sounds warm and young unlike how Omar described him to be old and rude

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
............ don't think on it too much
goodnovel comment avatar
I feel bad I can't vote..I really want people to read this too,Omar might really have strong feelings for Lola"hey baby girl".........️

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