
Chapter Two


I was very happy yesterday, when I was told by mum, I would be getting married soon, because unlike many girls I knew, I liked the idea of arranged marriages because I believed it rarely fails. I believed in the concept of arrange marriages and was more than willing to give it a trial and make it work. The origin of my belief was my parents. They are a proof to that. Mom told me some years back, she and dad were arranged to get married without them even getting to know each other or having the chance to see each other. They only got to see each other on the day of their wedding. They fell in love instantly. It was love at first sight for them. After the marriage, they slowly began to get to know each other better and fell deeply in love. What a wonderful and perfect love story! I wish my own story will be just like that of my parents.

I like the idea of arranged marriages and when mom told me about it, I happily accepted. They didn't fail to notice how delighted I was by the news. I wasn't like other girls who would flare up by the news and start throwing tantrums like kids do. I handled the situation with maturity because I knew my parents would only want nothing but the best for me. I just hoped he would be loving and caring towards me. It was what I hoped most for. To be blessed with a caring spouse would indeed be the greatest blessing a single girl would pray for.

"Roshni, dear." I heard mom calling for me from downstairs, breaking me out of my reverie. I quickly got up and hurried downstairs. I got to the living room and met an unknown woman with mom, chatting and laughing heartily. I wondered who she was. She looked strange and I was sure I had never seen her before until now.

"Good day ma'am," I greeted the unknown woman before my gaze darted to mum. "- You called for me?"

"Yes dear, have a seat please." she motioned. I looked at her flustered, but sat down nonetheless and she continued. "- I know you must be wondering who the lady here is, right?" She inquired. I nodded my head immediately. The whole situation confused me more when mum asked me to sit with them. Perhaps she had something very important to talk to me about. Surprisingly, I was becoming more nervous with each passing second. My heartbeat accelerated for apparently no reason at all. Why was this happening to me? Why was I nervous? I waited impatiently for her to speak up. "- She's a good friend of mine." she answered my unasked question. I sighed deeply and audibly. My thoughts were already drifting to something serious. I was glad it was something irrelevant to me.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I was not interested in getting to know her because she was just one of those numerous friends mum kept. I just wondered why she found it necessary to introduce her to me. She must be someone special for mum never introduced me to her friends unless they happen to see me, but in this case, she was the one who called for me personally.

"Are you listening to me?" She asked, startling me a bit. She must have noticed I was in deep thought.

"Of course mom." I replied and forced a smile.

"We have known each other for a long time now. She's Rajveer's mom, your mother in law to be," mom informed.

Rajveer's mom?

"Raj has already agreed to get married to Roshni." the lady said grinning from ear to ear.

I tried so hard to hide my excitement from my mum as well as Rajveer's mum. He agreed! I suppressed the urge to squeal so loud to everyone's hearing.

"Really?" Mom asked, smiling.

"He is so excited to get married to your daughter." She added, the smile on her face never dissolving.

I was overwhelmed by the news, but controlled myself from smiling sheepishly. At least our married life would be easier since both of us are willing to give it a try. It was good news for me.

"Roshni is also willing to marry your son." Mom said, making me want to hide in my shells.

The lady looked at me to confirm if what mom said was true and I nodded in confirmation. The way she looked at me with so much excitement, made me feel shy to the core. She must have noticed this for she let out a chuckle afterwards.

"Everything is settled now since both of them have given their consent, the wedding will be in a month's time." she announced.

Next month? In spite of how excited I was for the marriage, next month was just too soon for us to plan a wedding. It was too soon.

"Isn't it too soon?" Mom asked with widened eyes. Just what I was thinking. It was indeed too soon.

"No it isn't, everything can be planned within a month. I just want them to get married as soon as possible." She finished with a broad smile tugging on her lips.

"Alright, Durga, I will talk to my husband about it, I think it's better that way," Mom agreed.

"Why don't we ask Roshni since she's here. Is it convenient for you?" She asked me.

"Yeah, it's perfectly fine," I answered.

"Next month it is," she concluded.

"We just have to talk to our husbands now and make them agree," Mom stated.

"I spoke to my husband before coming here, he is in total support of our decision." Rajveer's mum smiled.

"Alright then," mum agreed.

"I think I like your daughter already Pavitra, she's very beautiful and well behaved. The last time I saw her, she was about five or six? She was very fond of me, but I think she doesn't remember anymore" Durga said. She looked a tad bit disappointed.

"I still remember." I countered. "- I remember you taking me to parks together with Rajveer." I said, unsure.

Truth be told, I did not remember any of what I said, I just wanted to make a good first impression of myself to her. Mom had told me about a friend of hers taking me to parks and buying me barbie dolls when I was a kid. I just guessed her to be the same person and fortunately for me, I guessed right. Her lips curved into a smile.

"You really do remember!" She exclaimed.

"Roshni doesn't forget things easily," Mom praised and I smiled at that.

"I guess you are right, she's perfect for my Raj. I brought a gift for her," She said and handed a well wrapped box to me. "- Wear this jewelries on your wedding day, it would make me happy," she said.

"Of course ma'am," I said and she furrowed her brows.

I looked at her in confusion.

"Call me mum from now henceforth." she ordered with a serious demeanor. "- you are already like a daughter to me"

"Alright ma- I mean mum" I corrected myself quickly.

"That's nice. Could you tell me little about yourself?" She inquired.

I nodded in affirmation. "I'm nineteen years old. I study food science and technology in the university. I'm in my third year currently."

"Wow! That's great. I should take my leave now, we will come by next week for the engagement." she said.

"Let me walk you to the door." Mom offered.

"Goodbye." I waved and walked upstairs to my room while mom walked her to her car.

Wow! I'm really getting married. I can't wait to see Rajveer. I'm already falling in love with him. I hope he feels the same about me.

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