
Chapter 5

Nix’s POV   

We drove for nearly a full day. I shared the driving with Reed. From what he has told me, he works for the Wolf Council, which fulfills his need to be part of a pack, but he is not one of them. The Wolf Council only allows him to access the communal areas of the territory when he lives there. He says that it works for him as he has problems with authority. His brother is the Alpha of his home pack and they don’t see eye to eye. When his cousin Ethan offered him a position, he jumped at the chance.   

He told me I could stay with him until they figured all this mess out. He didn’t know what was going to happen or where I would end up. But I would at least be in safe hands. I know he was trying to reassure me, but it didn’t work.    

I have left everything I have ever known, am sitting in an SUV with a man I barely know who is taking me somewhere? I am sure I saw this in a horror movie I watched once. The thought that crossed my mind was ‘and he was never heard from again.’ I really think this applies in this situation.   

I doze off and dream of my mom’s white wolf with her sparkly eyes. That’s the closest I am going to get to Pati now, in my dreams. I woke up with a jolt and realized I had been crying in my sleep. Not that I have had much lately.   

Reed tells me we are there when we pull off down a dirty road and drive several miles towards our destination. A guard stops us, and they have a discussion. Eventually, the guard allowed us entry. We carry on driving when we eventually come to a small house. “It’s nothing fancy, Nix, but it’s got a bed and running water.” Reed tells me.   

“That’s fine,” I told him. I don’t want to insult his hospitality. In all honesty, this will be my first night away from home. Ever.   

I brush my teeth and go to the room allocated to me. I’m not sure when I drifted off, but I know I did. As I tossed and turned throughout the night. My body knows when it is time to get up. I have gotten up at the same time every day for nearly all of my life. The animals always had to be tended to before I went to school. I would also check on some crops. I didn’t want to leave everything to my mom.   

I got up and looked around. It was a basic room, but I didn’t care. This was a stop gap, anyway. I didn’t want to disturb Reed. He had a busy day yesterday. I decided to go for a walk, check out the surroundings. It was barely daylight and there wasn’t anyone around. I just put my head down and dug my hands deeper into my jacket.   

I must have been wandering for around 40 minutes before anyone stopped me. I straightened up my posture. He was only slightly taller than me and I was 6ft 4. He was wearing gym shorts and a vest. “Who are you?” he asked.   

“A visitor. I arrived last night with Reed and Ethan,” I answered, not knowing what to say.   

He nods. “It’s early. What are you doing wandering around at this time?” he asks.   

“It’s late for me, I am always up at 5am,” he scoffs. “On purpose?” he asks.   

“Yeah, I don’t want to miss any part of the day.” He laughed at me, properly this time.   

“Come with me, kid,” he said. “Don’t want you getting into any mischief.” I blindly followed him. I have been doing this a lot lately.   

He takes me to a training field which is full of men. I feel out of place. They are obviously here to train. “You’re not exactly dressed to join us today, but maybe tomorrow. If you are dressed better, you can. We are here every morning at 6am. Today, though, you tidy up the field.”   

I decided to burn off some energy instead of arguing. I looked around. There was stuff everywhere. “Fine, I have nothing better to do anyway,” I said. “Where do you want it?”   

A few of the men laughed. “Just off the field would be nice. This lazy lot left it there yesterday.”    


“I just realized I never caught your name?”   

Nix, my name is Nix.” I shrugged out of my jacket and walked over to some equipment. Obviously, it used to build muscle as it was heavy. I picked it up and moved it to the side. I got lost in my own thoughts as I went back to the next piece and the next piece. The huge tires were a slight challenge, but I had to move bigger and heavier. I zone out as I am doing this task, and before I know it, the place is clear.   

I walk back to my jacket, not even phased by what I have just done. All the men who should be training are looking at me. “Impressive kid. I’d love to see your wolf. If you are this strong human, he must be stronger.” the man said.   

I just stared at him. “Are you kidding?”   


“I don’t have a wolf. I only turned seventeen a few days ago.” He looked around the field. “You did all of that without breaking a sweat.”   

“It’s fine, I do more back home.” I said.   

“Nix, Nix, there you are.” Reed ran over to me. “I have been looking for you.”     

“I woke up, got bored. Went for a walk and bumped into that dude.” I pointed at the guy. “He brought me here.”   

“You’re lucky he’s normally a grumpy fuck in the mornings.” I heard a booming laugh behind me. “He’s right, but today has been quite interesting. Name is Mike, by the way, head of the Protection Detail here. You have got strength, boy. But have you got skills?”   

“He’s not been raised that way, Mike. His mom raised him.”    

“I will take that as a no then. Can’t let strength like yours go to waste, can we, lads?” He shouts over his shoulder. “No, boss.” is the response.   

“We train at 6am and 6pm. While you’re here, you can join us. Get you some skills to go with that strength.” It’s more of a statement than a question. “I have nothing to wear.” I told him. 

He looks me up and down. “You will. Reed, make sure he’s here and dressed appropriately.”   

“Sure, Mike.” We headed toward town. “How the hell did you get involved with Mike? He’s a hard arse that takes his job far too seriously and he has got a serious bad attitude. I don’t think he likes people, but he seemed to like you.”   

“No idea. I just kind of bumped into him.”   

“And now you have got yourself training with the head of the Protection detail. Do you have a death wish?” My face drops when he says that. “Ah, I’m sorry Nix, I didn’t think. Let’s get some breakfast and get the day started. Eh.”   

“Sure” I say. I can’t just get over her. She was my world. But I need to stop being so sensitive about my mom’s death. I can’t expect people around me to watch what they say for fear of upsetting me. I have to move forward as she would have wanted. In private, I can do what I like.

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