
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“I come here few times in a while, I mean I can’t say every week, I’ve been lazy lately.” Miss Diaz said as we walked into the changing rooms. This gym is one of my favorite in town, I mostly enjoy coming here and I’m sure you will love it too.

I highly doubted that.

I was standing next to miss Diaz at the changing room, she had made me arrive extra early this morning, only to drive me up to the gym. I passionately hate any physical activity beside running which I hardly do. So, I knew that coming here won’t be of any good to me .

The highlight of this all was when I got to see miss Diaz in a sleeveless and a short, she came walking towards me with a man standing beside her. “ come on let’s go”. She said leading me with her to a total different section of the gym.

There was only about few people at this section, which seemed to be the trainers, this section of the gym was filled with gadgets or should I say weapons, all sizes of guns, shaped in different ways, and all types of sword were chronologically hung on the wall at the extreme end of the room, There were space made for martial art at the center of the large room, with some portrait of Chinese kun-fu legends on the wall.

Miss Diaz looked at me with a sly smile, and asked me to mover closer signaling with her hands. I stumbled over to her immediately, taking a closer look at her features, her body was beautiful curved, and well toned, there was so much tattoos which covered her arms, they were beautiful and seemed to suit and trace all the right corner of her body.

“Come on Sidney you’ve got to change too”

I immediately snapped out of my thought and my brain went into panic mood.

What exactly will I be doing here, karate? Learning how to shut a gun, or sword fighting?.

“I can’t Miss Diaz , I didn’t know we are coming to the gym so I didn’t bring any clothes, oh and I can’t really use any of those” I said pointing three sixty at the room.

“ I will help you with one” Miss Diaz smiled devilish as she reached over to what seemed to be her locker and produced a full set of sports cloths down to the trainers.

“This are all in your sizes, I got you covered and you mustn’t do any of these, you can go running or boxing or squatting” she said winking as she handed me the sports clothes.

I glimpsed a sports bra in the pile of clothes, there’s definitely no way that’s my size.

“What does this even have to do with my job” I whined in a last attempt to get Miss Diaz off whatever it is she’s planning.

“I need to know you’d be able to defend yourself if it ever arises. Okay, we will start off with boxing, I’m sure that’s easier for you, just think of all this as an extra -curricular activities. You know like they do in school.

I wanted to roll my eyes so badly, but I remembered that she’s still my boss and instead went into one of the cubicles and began changing.

Defend myself? I was working as a PA, Not for some mafia boss or some FBI.

I closed my eyes, sighing deeply before stepping out. instantly Miss Diaz eyes fell on my body scanning every part, and I watched as her dark eyes turn into jet black as they darken. My heart stumbled and I nervously bit my lips. Immediately Miss Diaz eyes were on my lips and I couldn’t tell if all these we’re actually happening or am I hallucinating the whole thing.

“Come on” Miss Diaz finally said. I trailed behind her as we left the changing room.

“Miss Diaz?” I never intended my voice to come out the way it did.

She stopped right in her track before turning her face to me, I was standing right In front of her, just an inch away from her. I couldn’t control my heart beats any longer.

“Can.. can we not do boxing” I finally managed to mumble out my words.

She looked over at me for a while, her eyes boring into mine, before replying with a nod.

We were now standing on a different room, which looked more confide, Miss Diaz reached over for the head set which was brought to her along side a scary looking pistol. She helped me with my head set and shades before wearing hers. I wasn’t sure of how I was feeling, but I’m certain that I was very nervous.

My mind went blank when I felt her arm snake around my waist. There’s was no other person there aside us. She pulled me closer to her as she stood behind me making my back pressed against her breast. I swallowed heavily, as my breathing become heavy. My ass was pressed against her body and I feel what seemed to be… no that’s not even making any sense.

“Now, I want you to focus all your attention on your target” she whispered to me and I felt warm all through my body, my legs quivered with unknown desire, as her hands left my waist and was slowly placed on my wrist, she helped me direct my gun to the mannequin which was my target.

“Ahhhhh…” I screamed as I released the bullet, i heard Miss Diaz laugh as it filled the room, the head set on my ears were now lying on the floor, but that wasn’t it, i found myself wrapped up in Miss Diaz arms. She was still laughing very hard, as I tried to get off her embrace but she tightened her grip on my hips, I could feel my legs about to give up on me, I inhale in her scent and let it cloud my mind, I felt her hand gently stroking my hair, while the other rub my back.

There was a sudden silent between us.

The door automatically unlocked as soon as we got closer to it, they were eyes fixed on Miss Diaz and I, but am sure it’s mostly on her. She’s a walking goddess I mean. Weird enough Miss Diaz hands were still on my waist as we stepped out of the gym, I was easily frightened by the gun sound, and Miss Diaz didn’t bother bugging me to practice more with her, I just seat and watch her do her thing.

We were now standing outside the gym with a bottle of soda which Miss Diaz got for me, before I could take another sip from my cold drink, I noticed the gym door open and a woman walked out of the gym, up until now it’s been just Miss Diaz and I there.

The first thing that struck out to me was how beautiful the woman was. She literally looked like something out of vogue front cover. She had a wavy ginger hair, a skinny frame and was apparently in her sport bra and leggings, and slender long legs.

Her bright green eyes widen once they caught sight of Miss Diaz.

“Maria is that you”

She knew Miss Diaz?

Miss Diaz, looked around awkwardly. “Hey Evelyn what are you doing here?”

“Uhm.. Maria I don’t really know, what do you think I’m doing at the gym.” The beautiful woman said laughing, she was now standing in front of Miss Diaz with her hands on her slender hips. “It’s been long you know, I have been trying to get to you for a while now, I’ve missed you babe ”


“Evelyn this is my new personal Assistant, Sidney.” Miss Diaz Said, Completely ignoring everything she had just said.

I managed to put on the most realistic smile on my face, and for the first time the Evelyn woman seemed to notice me since she steeped out of the gym, she looked at me like some sort of rivalry with disgust in her eyes.

“Hmm, let’s see how long this one last” Evelyn said looking at me from head to toe. I felt my self unconsciously covering up my body which was on full display, I become suddenly self aware and my anxiety kicked in.

“Evelyn, I think you should be mindful of what you say to her, she’s my PA, and I won’t want you frightening or being disrespectful to her” Miss Diaz said in a firm and stern voice as she tightened her grip on my waist and I could feel her fingers tightened in a fist, she seemed quite irritated but i bet it’s nothing compared to the anger and embarrassment I was feeling at that moment.

“Maria, I’m just saying, please don’t take it any serious” Evelyn said with her eyes fixed on Miss Diaz arm on my waist.

“Whatever, I will see you around Maria mi Amor “

She said slightly brushing her lips on Miss Diaz checks and turning to her heels and started walking away, her hips were swaying ferociously as she walked.

Die bitch!!

“Just ignore her, I know the devil can be a little bitchy sometimes”

Did she just say a little?

I kept my thought to myself and nod my head instead as Miss Diaz and I walked into the car.

Who exactly was Evelyn to Miss Diaz.?

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