
Chapter- 12 (Day 2)

Dark. Whether it had always been scary, or had always been soothing…depended. Ryan, however, was more into the amalgamation of dark and strands of scattered light. He says it is calming.

Ryan, stationed by a wide open window, with a desk placed directly in front, finds himself seated in a chaotic display of scattered papers. In the aftermath of the chaos that unfolded at The Raven's Meal, Ethan's security personnel proved their reliability, resulting in the CEO granting the brunette a well deserved break.

Ever since that fateful first day as Ethan Smith's assistant, Ryan has been tirelessly toiling away, devising strategies to compensate for the losses incurred. If Ryan were to be completely honest, he views LOVESICK as an application designed to mend broken souls— as per its name claims; it is supposed to heal sick souls with…love, albeit in a manner distinct from his boss's explanation…"those who are in love, are sick," the brunette remembers word for word oh so well!

In Ryan's perception, this app is intended to alleviate the anguish of individuals who are lonely…who have no one by their side, who are yearning for a shoulder to lean on, who are longing for companionship and love— rather than adhering strictly to Ethan Smith's description.

It is all rather perplexing. None of these make any sense; the CEO of a highly regarded dating app, experiences a feeling of revulsion upon encountering discussions about love, at the same time while his company does not seem to be anything more than a cutthroat competition.

A burst of air escaping Ryan's mouth, the man contemplates if he is truly making the correct decision. Then again, perhaps he is simply following his destiny…after all, every event takes place for a specific purpose, doesn't it? Even if that purpose seems to be incomprehensible at present. Throughout his life, the brunette had always been the type to perceive the biggest possible picture and firmly believes that something positive arises from every situation.

The relentless wind, incessantly lashes at his countenance, causing Ryan to shut his eyes, savouring this very current moment, serene with being nowhere else but…here. Right at this minute, at this hour, he feels a sense of wholeness, a gratification, because, though only momentarily, Ryan is engaging in his work— a work which he loves. Ryan loves 'love'.

The wind once again strikes Ryan's visage, but this time, not without the forceful impact of stacks of papers. The dishevelled sheets now twirl around the room, looking like a whimsical enchantment is going on, "Hey!" Ryan chirps, "Don't act like this!!" Rising from his wooden chair, he gazes dumbfounded at the papers, clumsily trying to gather them.

But, as far as Ryan remembers, he never liked organising things…


In front of his bathroom mirror, stands Ethan Smith, the company's boss, his face devoid of emotions, reflecting the aloofness he maintains both within and outside the office. Each day is interchangeable— just another opportunity to assert the power he holds.

As the shower water cascades, submitting towards the floor, steam envelopes the bathroom, blurring the sleek granite countertops. Ethan enters the streaming water, his obstination leaving no room for pleasure… each drop lands on his skin with icy precision, almost what feels like he is challenging his own body to feel any semblance of warmth.

His faithful attendants, Sarah and Jane, await Ethan's emergence from the portal to warmth, poised to complete his morning routine. Jane holds Ethan's freshly pressed navy coloured suit, Sarah holds Ethan's pair of polished shoes, ready to carry their duties. Both Jane and Sarah had caught fleeting glimpses of Ethan Smith's vulnerability, his humanity, secluded moments when his mask slipped— even then Ethan adeptly concealed those intimate fractures from prying eyes.

The ravenette steps out from the shower, the steam curling around him, highlighting his chiseled physique, but even the wisps of vapour seems hesitant to touch the man's cold skin. He towel-dries himself methodically, his movements precise and efficient, he is always too calculating— he always has to preserve energy.

Jane walks ahead, holding the suit, while Sarah extends the polished shoes for Ethan to slide his feet into. The three of them are communicating and moving with measured words, backed up with intentional gestures. It is a choreographed performance of servitude.

The attendants dresses Ethan, their actions mirroring the CEO's stoic demeanour. Sounds of buttons being fastened, the rustle of fabric confirming to his body, and the snug fit of Ethan's shoes merge into an echo of efficiency. Ethan's iciness had permeated their beings, moulding them into perfect reflections of his frigid existence.

With his appearance impeccably in order, nothing allowing disoriented fashion, Ethan strides towards the grand staircase, Jane and Sarah trailing behind. Each step reverberates raucous, through the expansive mansion, amplifying the aura of authority he bags everywhere he goes.

Upon reaching his office on the ground floor, an imposing space that mirrors Ethan's disposition, the attendants observe his commanding presence. Now, the office begins to hum with silence, a stark contrast to the bustling energy in Ethan Smith's absence.

With a subtle acknowledgement to Jane and Sarah, the CEO quietly proceeds towards his own designated cubicle, leaving the two attendants to tend to their remaining tasks for the day. Ethan adjusts his tie a few times before positioning himself by the transparent sliding doors. The doors part ways, Ethan's attention shift to the rectangular workspace, at another person who is already present— Ryan has already arrived?

The morning sunlight weaves its golden rays delicately along the contours of Ethan's jaw, casting a gentle, warm yellow radiance upon his face.

On this particular day, Ryan hasn't dedicated excessive time to perfecting his appearance, a fact that is quite apparent. The assistant simply is adorning a striped tee in yellow and white, paired with denim jeans. Ryan's hair is messy too. Strangely, Ethan finds himself drawn by this effortless look— a silent acknowledgement that Ryan appears most appealing when he embraces authenticity, without trying too hard, going through all sort of troubles, only to make an impression.


"Oh. Mr. Arrogant…" Ryan gasps. The brunette had never imagined that his seemingly aloof and unapproachable boss, the fiercely competitive CEO, could also possess such striking beauty— this universe, is indeed made up of paradoxes. In retrospect, Ryan realises that he has never truly taken notice of Ethan's physical traits. The golden hues of sunlight create an ethereal aura around this mesmerizing man, offering an explanation for why those who judge Ethan solely based on his appearances are left in awe. Ethan's jet-black hair is shimmering with greater intensity, enriched by touch of the sun's warm threads. Ethan's eyes become increasingly piercing… Ryan cannot tear his gaze away either.

The always proudly confident boss and his haplessly clumsy assistant stand, their eyes interlocked in a profound connection…

"Good morning, Mr. Haug— ahem, s

Sir!" It clicks. Was it not Ryan himself who lectured about the overrating of appearances, just a day prior? And yet, here he is, contradicting himself. "Good morning, Sir!" He says, pushing aside the allure of his boss's etheral beauty and focus on the matter at hand. "I decided to arrive early today, and begin working, for all the time that had been lost the previous day. One of the guards directed me to this room."

"Good morning, Mr. Miller," still chewing a a chunk of trance, Ethan enters the cubicle with deliberate steps, the glass doors sliding shut by themselves. "I appreciate your efforts."

"I have spent the night thinking about several ideas for implementing in LOVESICK," Ryan avows nervously, "Would you be interested in hearing them? If you give your approval, I can then develop the specifics and send you the corresponding documents."

"Of course. Please proceed," Ethan settles into his plush leather chair behind the imposing mahogany desk.

"So," Ryan flips through the page of his journal, "When discussing dating apps, the first thing that comes to mind, is undoubtedly love. And within the realm of love, there is a word which is intricately intertwined: myth. Now, I'm not saying myths are inherently negative, but they don't always work for everyone. Sometimes, what we these days know as myths, can evoke euphoria, other times they can be overwhelming."

Ethan, relaxing comfortably asks, "What are you exactly proposing?"

"Let's offer the app two options. We can divide users into two groups: those who accept and can handle, in fact want myths. And those who prefer more balanced, calculated approach. They can choose which category suits them best. If they have trouble categorising themselves, LOVESICK can create a personality quiz to assist them. Of course, like any other quiz, it won't be perfect, but it will at least provide valuable insights, an idea about what choices should they make."

"Could you maybe provide some examples, Mr. Miller?"

"Certainly," Ryan glances at his journal briefly, "For instance, there's a common saying that love means sacrificing everything. Personally, I believe that healthy love involves compromise and mutual support, but it doesn't require sacrificing one's well-being or values necessarily. Both partners should at least try for a balanced relationship. However, someone might completely hold a different perspective. They may romanticise sacrifice, seeing it as a way to both express and receive love. Since love itself has no fixed definition, its aspects and components are equally diverse, varying from person to person."

"Hmm. That's a perspective I hadn't anticipated," Ethan marvels, realising that none of his other robotic employees had suggested such an approach. "Unique! Can you provide more examples?"

Ryan, slightly displeased, declares. "Jealousy is a sign of love," he continues, "In my opinion, jealousy often stems from insecurity and can lead to controlling and toxic behaviours. Healthy relationships, on the other hand, are built on trust, respect and open communication, rather than just possessiveness. However, once again, some individuals may find jealousy 'endearing', 'adorable', as long as it remains within certain boundaries and is accompanied by certain communication. Although it may be risky, we should not attempt to 'fix' anyone who finds a touch of jealousy enjoyable," Ryan drops his eyes, pondering further,

"Another very common myth, myth for me, truth for someone else, is, love means always being together. According to me, it's really not, then again people differ, choices differ. For me, a healthy relationship allows space for individuality and independence."

"It seems you have devoted a considerable amount of time thinking about ways to enhance LOVESICK," the CEO commends, "Impressing me is no small feat, others have tried too. But I must admit, I'm impressed."

Ryan proudly takes a deep breath, his heart swelling beneath the yellow-white T-shirt. "I gave it my all."

"Now, do me another favour, and email me everything you just explained,'' Ethan instructs. "Look, I am solely seeing it from the view of profits. Because your ideas actually have the capability of attracting more users, I am trusting you, since I have no idea or experience about these kinds of things anyway. I'll print them out and create both digital and physical copies for the folders. So, please act promptly."

"Um…" Ryan flicks his tongue against his front teeth, "But I don't have a laptop."

"Then use your phone?" The dark-haired individual scrunches his face, reducing it from amusement to disdain in no time. "What are you? One time you're the smartest person alive under this roof, and then you say things like these? What kind of nonsense excuse is that?"

"I wasn't trying to offend you," Ryan hangs his head— does he always have to mess things up, by hook or by crook? "I'll try typing on my phone, but it's challenging to write on such a small screen," Ethan's assistant admits, "If it's not too lengthy, it's still manageable. But these ideas…they're extensive and filled with intricate details."

"Damn it!" On the desk between separating them, Ethan forcefully pats his own laptop, "I will handle everything else concerning the folders. You only need to do the typing. Just input the text here," he allows Ryan temporary use of his own laptop for a short period.

Expressing his gratitude, Ryan's lips mould into a smile…he takes possession of the laptop and draws it nearer. Just as he is about to open it, he is startled by a sharp whack on his arm and a loud cry of "WAIT!"

Caught off guard, Ryan springs up from his chair— his boss can be truly unpredictable at times, "Wh- what's the matter?"

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Army For life
I am absolutely in love with this story's progressing!! the build-up is everything I need!

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