
Chapter Two

Emma's Pov


At this point, Tristan's face was eating the floor. My fist made a hard impact on his face. 

"Are you insane, or are you drunk?" I asked furiously. 

"What in the heck, I'm sorry!" He stumbled on getting up while rubbing his jaw. 

Yeah, I hit him in his perfect jaw, that'll teach him some manners next time.

"I was just trying something."  

"And what is that exactly?" I said folding my arms. 

He sighed, "Look, Mandy and I aren't doing so well. There's no connection between us anymore. When I kissed her I felt absolutely nothing. So I thought if I kiss someone I'm close to I might feel something. I just wanted to see if it had something to do with me. It's just a test, I promise." He told me. 

"You're such a punk because I told you that whore is not your type. But no you choose to listen to your other friends who already had a meal out of her before you even dreamt of it!" I was beyond mad at him. 

"I'm sorry I didn't liste-" I cut him off. 

"Save your apologies for someone else because I don't want it!" He looked away from me and got up to leave. 

Without thinking I held onto his wrist to pull him back towards me. I got up from sitting on the bed and tiptoed up because he was damn tall and I kissed his rosy lips. It went on for almost two minutes, I didn't know why but I couldn't end the kiss, it felt so amazing I got butterflies in my stomach. 

Finally, I pulled away from him and looked deep into his eyes in lust.

Tristan's Pov 

The stuff about Mandy was true but I also wanted to kiss Emma. I just knew this kiss would be worth it. 

A couple of months ago, I found myself growing feelings for Emma but I didn't let her know because she was with Anderson, a jerk whom she dated for two weeks and gave him two black and blue eyes because he tried to hit her. Of course, I helped kick his ass.

"Best kiss I ever had." I chuckled. She blushed so hard that her caramel skin turned pink. Then she looked down at her feet and demanded I must go.  

I protested but then gave up, I understood why she won't let me in but I was determined to make her feel things like she never did before. I left her house waving goodbye to her mother on the way out. I entered my vehicle and smiled to myself. I did something I was scared to do and it felt amazing. I backed out of the driveway and drove home.

Emma's Pov 

I plumped myself onto the bed and lay down rubbing my temple. Why did I even kiss him? He was my friend. Now things were going to be weird between us. 

I curled up in a little ball and fell fast asleep. The last thing I wanted to do was overthink, so sleeping was all I could've done. 

The next morning I got dressed early because I had maths again and I actually was a bit excited, because of Mr Clarke. Gosh, just thinking of his tongue piercing was turning me on. I really liked piercings. 

I walked downstairs to have breakfast. On entering The kitchen I saw my mum kissing Dad. "Ew, you guys need to stop doing that, get a room. It's disgusting." I scolded them while covering my face till they finished. 

"It's our house too you know." Dad laughed, he walked toward me and then kissed my forehead. 

'Beep beep'. 

"That's Crissy, see you guys later. Love you both." I grabbed a waffle and jumped in Crissy's car.

"Hey food face." Crissy greeted me laughing.

 I laughed at myself as well and turned on her radio, music on blast on our way to school. 

We pulled up into the school's parking lot, music still on blast till she shut off the car. 

"Emma I got Spanish this morning so we'll meet up at lunch, okay, oh there's something I have to tell you but a bit later," Crissy said.

"Okay bye." I made my way to math class, as I entered the class I saw Tristan. Shit, I forgot we have maths together on Fridays. I pretended I didn't notice he was there and took the seat in front of him. 

He spoke to me anyway, "Hey I'm sorry about last night can I make it up to you?" He whispered in my ear behind me. 

"And how do you plan on doing that?" I snapped at him. 

"Jake is having a party tomorrow night and I want you to come with me." 

"Can't you go with your blonde head whore?" I turned around to look at him. 

"We broke up this morning, and besides I rather go with you anyways," he said which made me roll my eyes in disbelief. 

I sighed, "Fine. What time you're picking me up? Crissy is definitely coming with us." 

"At seven and of course she can tag along." He said. 

"Good." I turned around, feeling the heat in my cheeks blazing up.

Gosh, I hated that feeling I was getting for him. I wasn't sure if it was real or not. One heated kiss can't change my feelings, can it? Mr Clarke walked into the room and smirked at me, so I bit my lip. Damn. 

I enjoyed every bit of the class, not because of maths but because of that fine face. 

At the end of class, I had to clean up, I chose to do this instead of detention. It didn't have much to clean so I finished quickly. 

Mr Clarke left without saying anything to me. Bummer I got all dolled up for nothing. I made my way out of class and was bumped into by Tristan. 

"Geez don't you ever watch where you're going?" I told him annoyed. 

"I did it on purpose this time." He chuckled while I gave him a death glare. 

"I want to ask you something." 

"Sure whatever." We walked down the hallway. 

"Do you have a thing for our math teacher?" Tristan asked.

"What, no. Why do you ask that?" I asked nervously. 

"I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you." He said.

"Ugh, no okay and why your concern anyway?" I asked trying to speed up my walk. 

"Well, um." He scratched behind his head, "It's because I like you, Emma. Like, I really like you. Have a great evening Em." And with that he walked off, disappearing within the crowd of students. 

I stood there for a while with my jaw dropped. Did he say he liked me? My best friend like, since forever? Unbelievable, I guess the kiss was more than just an experiment. I couldn't process this alone, I had to tell Crissy.

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