
No it can't be!

" How are you and Mrs. Castro? " she asked as she is lead through the familiar long well-illuminated corridor leading to the ballroom in the left wing where the party is being held.

" She is alright, and will be greatly pleased if you can come around and see her, " Mr. Castro replied with a happy glint in his eyes. Happy to see the woman who is like a daughter to him after such a long while.

" Will do that soon, " Evangel promised with a smile.

She followed as the elderly man lead the way towards the east wing of her father's house, away from the main living quarters, where the ballroom is located.

As they drew closer to the room, the sound of laughter, boisterous chatter, and sweet cool music drifted up to her, telling her that the party was already in full swing.

Just before the brass door barring the ballroom, Castro stopped and turned to look at the beautiful woman in front of him.

" Your dad is going to be pleased to see you, he has missed you so much, "Castro said to her casting a look in the direction of the ballroom as if imagining his employee reaction to his daughter finally being home.

Evangel nodded with a wishful smile on her face. She too has missed her father. She has been away from home on vacation for a year now touring Europe and just came home because of her father's party.

Evangel took a deep breath before walking inside. Her entrance was immediately noticed as eyes went towards the door.

A little nervous, Evangel looked around and caught the eye of her uncle, Max one of her father's younger brother.

Her father was the oldest sibling of five boys.

Evangel was aware that the room was filled with so many of her relatives both from her dad and her mum who are itching to greet her but she needed to start from somewhere.

She made a beeline for her uncle whose handsome face lit up with a smile at the sight of her.

" Hello, Uncle Max, " Evangel greeted and went in for an air kiss with the tall burly man.

" Hello, my darling, Europe seems good on dear girl. "

Evangel blushed as her uncle ran his gaze over her.

" Thanks uncle. And it seems American burgers are treating you well too, " She teased looking down his protruding belly.

A boisterous laughter broke from her uncle lips before he pulled her into a more intimate hug.

" I have missed you kiddo, " he whispered into her ear tightening his grip around her.

" I have missed you too uncle, " Evangel wheezed, a little breathless from the bear hug, luckily her uncle released her befor she could pass out.

Free from her uncle she turned her gaze to the stunning younger woman beside him and her smile waned.

The woman looked so stiff and bored like she wanted to be anywhere else than here.

" Hello, Carmen, " she greeted in a more reserved tone as they air-kissed each other.

She wasn't really that close to her uncle's wife despite the woman being closer in age to her.

The woman was haughty and cold which doesn't encourage friendliness in the people around her. Though it might not be entirely her fault. The Clark clan had not be all that welcoming when her uncle came home after one of his vacation in Spain with a woman half his age as his wife.

Carmen was her uncle's fifth wife. To hear her uncle say it. Is because the women can't handle his awesomeness, but everyone knows is because he has such a hard time keeping it in his pants.

" Hi, Evangel, " the woman returned in the same flat tone. " Welcome back. "

" Thank you, " Evangel responded and then excused herself to greet other of her relatives.

Her tour led her round the party grounds with no sight of the celebrant and back to her uncle's company.

" Where is dad, Uncle Max? " She asked pulling him from the discussion he was having with some of her father's colleagues.

" He is in his study. "

Evangel frowned.

" Why? "

" Don't know, " her uncle shrugged, " but he is in there with a young man. "

He has just finished speaking when the door opened and her dad walked in dressed immaculately in a black suit, looking as dashing as she remembered with that quirky grin that won her mother's heart.

" Speak of the devil, " a smile lit up Evangel face as she made a beeline for her father.

" Dad! " she cried, few meters away.

" Angel, " her father smiled wholeheartedly, opening his arms wide for her.

Evangel was only to happy to throw herself into them.

Evangel fell into her dad's warm embrace, inhaling the sweet familiar spicy scent of his aftershave, with that note of leather that brings her comfort.

" What are you doing lurking around in your study instead being here with your guest. Isn't it supposed to be your party, " Evangel scolded mildly as she pulled back from her dad.

" I am sure my guest didn't miss me much as they had a lot to keep them occupied, " her father looked around the party before returning his eyes to her, a smile on his face.

Evangel shook her head at him. He was right. His guest were having fun entertaining themselves with all the over flowing drinks and food.

You do remember that the doctor adviced you to take it easy with work. Right?

Her father was a workaholic, almost working himself to death but after the heart attack he had three years, taking ten years of Evangel's life she had insisted on him cutting down. The deal had been that after college she will take over from her dad allowing him to retire early.

Her vacation to Europe was something to help her destress after school before diving into work.

Now that she is back her father can retire and have some needed vacation. Something he hasn't taking since the death of her mother. Work had been her father's way of dealing with his grief.

" You worry too much my darling, and I wasn't working merely settling your future. "

Evangel frowned.

" What do you mean? " She asked a little confused.

Her father's smile did not break, instead they grew wider.

" I have found you the perfect man to marry. "

Evangel gaped at her father. What did he think? That they were in 16th century where parents still found husbands for their daughters.

" Sorry dad I am not looking to settle down anytime soon. For god's sake I am only thirty. "

" Well I don't have much time for you to make up your mind, " her father snapped.

" What are you talking about dad? " Evangel took a closer look at her father. He looked paler than usual and seems to have lost weight.

" Nothing. Why don't you meet the young man first before turning me down "

" Wait, he is here! "

Someone coughed beside her father pulling Evangel's attention to him.

Evangel looked at the person and staggered as if she just saw a ghost.

It can't be. All the color drained from Evangel's face as she stared at her ugly past in flesh.

Unbidden all the memories which she thought buried and forgotten in the deepest part of her mind erupted and swam to the surface.

She couldn't believe she was staring at the man she hated with every fiber of her being.

No, Trenton Wade can't be the man her father wants her to marry.

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