
The best day of my life

"Someone's at the door," I yawn. "God, it's so early."

"I heard it. They'll wait a minute or two," Viktor stretches his body, then lazily slips out of the bed.

"Are we expecting someone?" I ask, a little worried. The last time I heard the doorbell ring so early in the morning was when Larry came to Tom's to put quite the show for the neighbors.

"No, I don't think so," he says while sneaking inside my favourite part of his wardrobe- a pair of black loose training pants, carelessly hanging on his waist. It makes him look even sexier.

"Are you going to answer dressed like that?" I cross my arms and protest.

"What's wrong with it?" he chuckles. "I thought you like this look of mine."

"You're shirtless," I point out, "and not that I mind it when you're walking around only in that, but what if a woman is at the door?"

"Is that jealousy I'm sniffing, Miss Cox?" he jumps on top of me for a kiss.

"Just put a shirt on," I order.

"Demanding, aren't we? I promise you, it's not a woman at the door," he places a kiss on my lips, then hurries to open the door after whoever psychopath is visiting so early in the morning starts violently slamming the doorbell.

In the meantime, I sneak out of the bed as well. I feel still way too sleepy, but I'm up so I might make us coffee and some kind of breakfast.

I put on one of Viktor's T-shirts and of course, it's the black one he wore the first time I saw him. I love the way his clothes smell. They always carry the intoxicating scent of his musk aftershave.

"Viktor, who is it?" I shout as I walk lazily to the kitchen, rubbing my eyes.

"I'll come in a minute." I hear him shout back. I didn't ask that.

"What to eat, what to eat," I think to myself with head popping inside the fridge.

"What are you doing?" Viktor startles me and I jump back.

"I was looking for something to prepare for breakfast. Wait, what are you hiding behind your back?"

I notice the little nervous look in Viktor's eyes and the ridiculously sheepish grin on his face.

"Come on, what's it?" I ask again, curiosity kicking in.

"You said you liked that Yorkie and you said you'll feel alone while I'm gone, so..." Viktor finishes his sentence with no words. Instead, he pulls his hand from behind his back and presents me the cutest puppy I've ever seen.

"Oh my God! Is that..." I run to him and embrace the little fella out of Viktor's hands.

"Mhm," he smiles at me. "A Yorkie. Meet Brittany."

"Brittany?" I look doubtfully at Viktor.

"No, I'm just kidding. Name it however you like," he chuckles.

"Oh my, thank you so much, Viktor!" I squeak again, then stand on my tiptoes to gift him a kiss. I can't erase the smile off my face, I think I will just explode out of happiness right now.

"How are you going to name it?" Viktor boops the small wet nose of my new friend.

"Ginger," I look at Viktor, waiting for his reaction as I remember him comparing me to ginger biscuits.

"That's... quite an unusual name for a dog," he scratches the back of his head.

"It's just perfect for her. Thank you, Viktor. Really." I keep smiling like a complete idiot.

"Well, I didn't plan it exactly like that," Viktor admits and purses his lips.


"Well, I planned to let her run on the bed and wake you up by licking your face. That's why a friend of mine brought her this early, but you just had to wake up, didn't you?" Viktor looks away and I think I see him blushing.

"You're one huge softie, you know that?" I tease him.

"Don't tell anyone or you'll ruin my image," he chuckles. "Come on, little one. Let's prepare breakfast before I eat you," he pulls me closer for a kiss.

I think I'm melting.


"So? When are we going? We're still going karting, right?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Viktor asks and pushes the cart further.

"I don't know," I scratch my forehead, "you brought me Ginger, so I thought you might have reconsidered our karting date," I shrug, then pull the box of raspberry cheesecake out of the freezer. "Can we get this?" I shake it in Viktor's face.

"Yes cutie, we can," Viktor chuckles, his thunder laugh mutes the robotic voice of the lady that announces something on discount. "As for that, if you allow me, I want to gift you the world."

"This is the most romantic thing someone has ever told me in a supermarket," I throw the cheesecake in the cart and flutter my eyelashes at Viktor.

"You mean someone has told you something more romantic outside a supermarket?" he tilts his head but a playful smile dances on his lips nevertheless.

"Mmm, maybe," I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Again, what were you preparing for lunch?"

"Veal steak for you, vegetables for me. It's my grandma's receipt so prepare yourself to try the best veal steak in your entire life" I say and keep bouncing joyfully around the shelves, looking for nothing specific but rather something that catches my eye.

"How come you're a vegetarian? You must be your grandma's biggest disappointment, if she prepares that good veal steak and you eat only the vegetables," Viktor jokes.

"I don't like violence. I find it cruel that animal dies for me to eat it," I shrug. "As for my grandma, she was indeed disappointed in my choice," I agree and laugh.

"Well, I'm not a fan of violence either but I need meat to keep this body in shape. What would you admire if I eat carrots and peas only?"

"Hmm, that's a fair point," I throw him a flirtatious wink.

Yes, I went grocery shopping with Viktor. And yes, the supermarket is in Long Beach and of course, I'm in disguise. Big sunglasses cover half of my face and I hope no one recognises me.

"Is that all?" Viktor asks.

"I think so. We got meat, vegetables, a lot of sweets and dog food," I do a fast check of the full to the edge cart.

"Okay, let's go, I'm hungry," Viktor offers then a playful ass-slap startles me as I'm bending down to check the bag of marshmallows I noticed.

"Viktor!" I scold him.

"The temptation was stronger than me," he shrugs and a smirk forms on his smug face. "Come on, let's go."


"When it'll be done?" Viktor impatiently paces around the kitchen.

"Patience, Mr Russo," I giggle.

"Patience, shmatience!" he keeps protesting. "I'm hungry!"

"It needs another half an hour in the oven, at least," I shrug while washing the dishes from this morning's breakfast.

"You know there's a dishwasher, right?"

"For two dishes?" I throw him a doubtful look over my shoulder.

"So? Another half an hour, hm?" Viktor counters me next to the sink. "I wonder how you can distract me from the hunger," he swipes my hair aside and whispers in my ear, his warm lips lightly tickling the skin of my ear, his body pressing on my back.

"Naughty, aren't we?" I spin around to face him.

"Can you blame me? You washed those two dishes in the sexiest way possible," he pushes his fingers under the waistline of my shorts.

"And what so sexy did you find in washing dishes?" I return a question and slide my still wet hands under his T-shirt and I feel him slightly shivering.

"The way you were sliding the sponge, soaping them. Then rinsing them," he keeps talking in a low voice while unbuttoning my shorts.

"This is the weirdest thing I've ever heard," I chuckle, "but I'll let it slip this time."

"I have something else that you'll let slip," he growls, then lifts me to sit on the kitchen island.

The half an hour until the food is ready we fill in indeed. We discovered that the kitchen island is pretty comfortable and allows many positions to be taken. Not to mention it's on the perfect height for easily reaching that tickling sweet spot inside me. And this was indeed the better way to distract ourselves.

"So? Do you like it?" I nervously ask, watching Viktor trying the steak. Knowing in what kind of high-level restaurants he eats, I'm a little afraid he won't like my cooking. And I really believe in my grandma's receipt.

"It's just... mmm," he moans. "It's melting inside my mouth."

I sigh relieved that I did not disappoint my grandma, then I try the butter stewed vegetables in my dish. They melt inside my mouth too.

"Hey! That's my carrot!" I scold Viktor as he steals a carrot from my dish.

"Do you want it?" he chuckles, then pulls it between his lips.

I accept the silly invitation for a kiss and take the bite of vegetable out of his mouth. A mix of salty butter and Viktor's lips spill over my tongue and I can't stop the smile that curves on my face.

"How come I haven't met you earlier?" he purrs.

"I don't know. You had no luck, I guess," I tease him and shrug, but truth be told, nothing would've happened if we met earlier. I was skeptical if not pessimistic about this thing between us, although I'm a legal adult now.

"Little one, about the time I'll be gone..." he sighs and suddenly becomes serious.

"What's it?" I cross my arms, I feel something is off.

"There's a security system installed, I believe you've noticed the little panel hanging on the wall next to the door."

"I have," I nod.

"I want you to turn it on whenever you leave and then again keep it on whenever you are home. It's activated and deactivated with a four-digit code and I'll change it tomorrow, just in case."

"Um, okay? But if I turn it on, won't it activate whenever I move?" I furrow my brows.

"No. It activates whenever a door or a window is opened or broken. I want to be sure you're safe," he takes my hand in his.

"Okay," I nod again. "How are you traveling to Delaware?"

"Airplane," he shrugs. "I'm leaving Monday morning, probably before you even wake up."

"And that big shiny Mercedes in the garage will be only for me for three days?" I tease him, knowing how much he loves his car.

"Yes," he giggles, "but be careful," he warns me again.

"I know, I know. It's expensive and you love it," I roll my eyes.

"Yes, I do, but metal can be fixed. Be careful not to put yourself in danger," he throws me a pleading look.

"I will, I promise," I nod again.

Guess who will be showing off with that Mercedes.


"Hey, little one. Wake up."

"Huh? Five more minutes," I roll to the other side of the bed.

"Come on, it's 10 AM. We're going karting, remember?" Viktor wiggles next to me.

"Can't we just spend the day here?" I keep murmuring half-asleep.

"Come on, I promised you," he chuckles. "Coffee awaits you in the kitchen."

"Okay, okay," I complain and stretch my body. "Heeey, little fella." I see Ginger on the side of the bed, trying to jump on top with her tiny legs. "Come here," I talk to her and lift her on the bed.

"She's cute, isn't she?" Viktor asks and scratches her behind her ears to which she responds by waving her tail.

"Lick his face, come on," I shove the pup in Viktor's face and he gets indeed licked.

"Oh, God," he laughs. "Come on, now. Let's get ready for our date."


"I bet my ass I'll beat you!" I challenge Viktor as we step outside to the speedway to get our karts.

"Don't offer things you're not ready to give," he growls, then grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him for a kiss.

"You know... this red racing suit looks good on you," I spread my hand across his torso.

"You don't look bad yourself," he smirks. "So, what were you saying about your ass?"

"I was saying that I'll beat you in this race," I remind him.

"Do you want to place a bet?" his eyes flicker with a hunger for something as they travel down my body.

"What will I win if I beat you?" I cock an eyebrow.

"What do you want?" he puts the helmet on.

"I want to talk to Tom," I fastly murmur and look at him, expecting him to flip any moment now.

"Okay," he sighs, "you won't win anyway, so it's a safe bet for me."

"And what do you want if you win?" I tilt my head.

"You know it already, you offered it yourself," he growls and helps me with my helmet.

"May the better one wins," I wink at him.

"Remember, 25 laps. The first one to cross the finish wins."

"Yeah, yeah," I roll my eyes, then make myself comfortable inside the kart.

A man appears in front of us, counting backwards, then shouts "go!".

I hit the gas pedal and fly in front of Viktor. My veins fill with adrenaline, my heart starts hammering inside my chest and I can't stop laughing. This seriously seems to be the best day of my life. I feel so free right now.

I look back for a second, only to see Viktor speeding up behind me, then look forward and see the first left turn coming. I don't take it the best way possible and next thing Viktor is driving in front of me.

The feeling is incredible. The time passes in seconds. The childish happiness I feel right now is impossible to be explained, to be put in words. I feel like I have never did before. As if I'm on top of the world, free and laughing. This is seriously the best day of my life.

Before I know, we're on the last lap and Viktor is still leading. Determined to win and moreover, determined not to risk my backdoor, I speed up as much as I can and surprisingly even to me, I take the last turn flawlessly, like a gracious cat.

"I won!" I shout as I slow down. "I fucking won!"

I jump outside the kart and start dancing triumphantly in front of Viktor, who is surprisingly happy, despite the fact I beat him.

"I won!" I shout as he walks next to me.

"You won, yes," he chuckles and takes my helmet off. "Well done."

He places a kiss on my lips that soon grows longer and playful, lead by the still rushing adrenaline.

"I won! I won!" I keep bouncing on our way back inside to return the suits.

"Yes, yes you did," Viktor laughs.

"Wait a minute! You didn't let me win, did you?" I narrow my eyes suspicious at him.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Maybe you handled the kart better than me," he says and leaves me puzzling.

"But! This isn't fair!" I protest.

"You won, why isn't it fair?" he tilts his head questionably.

"I wanted to beat you, but fairly! You left me to do it! Why would you do that?!" I keep grumping.

"Because I knew you'll be happy to win," he shrugs, "and I never admitted that I left you to win. You just were the better pilot today. But you can always give me the promised reward for if I win if it's such a problem," he smirks and licks his lower lip.

"No, no. I'm good as it is," I deny. "Thank you, Viktor. For this day. It was seriously perfect," I lean closer to him for a kiss, as we're about to leave the parking lot.

I'm starting to think I won't survive these upcoming three days without him.

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