
Chapter 17 Ting-a-ling-a-ling.


"Dollface, someone is here to see you," Francois spoke from the door of the kitchen. His posture raised alarm bells in my system.

"Me?" I asked, feeling a chill run down my whole body. With my recent luck, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the cops coming to arrest me for neglecting my baby.

"Yes." His voice was not very reassuring. In all the time I've been at the Eatery, no one knew who I was and no one from my past knew where I worked. I had cut all contact with my friends. Only if Ben hadn't stumbled upon me the other day, I would still be a ghost.

"Are you sure Francois?" I asked again as I took off the apron I had put on not so long ago and smoothed my top.

My eyes went to Dave, who hadn't moved his gaze from us, his jaw had gone tense and he was holding the spatula too tight. He had lost interest in what he was doing.

"Are you not Meghan Adams?" Francois asked and I nodded stiffly. Surely Ben would not come back for another scene.

"Then come along." I put his hand on
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