
All Her Life

I dragged my luggage inside the house with this feeling at the button of my stomach. I can almost feel my heart beating. I don't know what I was afraid of, that my sister would think less of me for coming to stay with her or that she would get to know that Zain is my ex. Whatever it is, I just hope I can cope with it while I am here

My sis was sitting on the couch when I arrived inside the house with her face glued on her phone and her tummy portrayed. Zain was not with her and I was wondering where he had gone. Was he not supposed to be with her after being away from her for one day?

My heart warmed up at the sight of her. No matter what I feel, she is family and she is meant to be treated as such.

The house structure was that of ours back home, with not much difference.

"Hi sis"

She looked up at the sound of my voice and smiled

"Look at you, looking so big and pretty. The last time I saw you, you were all bones"

I glared at her. What she said was not necessary. She doesn't have to tell the world how I am. I know I have no flesh like her. That is not the reason for her to say such.

"Sis, you don't have to be so mean. That's not how to welcome a sis of yours who you have not seen for a long time"

She chuckled and shook her head.

"Are you expecting me to come to hug you with what strength? You did not see how I am sitting here with no hope of when to get up. You better forget about petting from me because you are here to work not to be petted."

Her words were raw and I hate to admit that I felt hurt by them. I know Susan, we were never best of friends but I was thinking now that I did not get to see me every time, her attitude towards me might change a bit.

"Fine then, where can I keep my bag?"

I managed to ask.

"Just go through the long corridor, by the last end there is a Golden door, the room is yours. It's up to your taste so you don't have to worry about that. That's the least I can do for you"

I nodded and dragged the luggage towards the direction of her description with my face gloomy. When and how I got to this place is what I can't explain. All my life it has to be pleasing people that I do, this time around its mom that I am pleasing. If I have got the mind, what is saying no that I can't say?

"Mom, I hope that in the end, you would not blame me for whatever that is going to come off this?"

I managed to find my room and I went in after cracking the door open. IT wasn't close to my room back home but it is manageable. I didn't even see what my sister meant by that's how I like it. It's not like I've got a choice anyway. I would just manage what I see and pray that I would leave here soon.

I closed the door behind me and looked around.

Here would do. It's far from the prying eyes of Zain. I would not get to worry about him.

I sat on the bed and felt the foam, it was so soft like the skin of a newborn baby. I love it and the bedspread was flowered enough and purple too.

The closet was at the far end and the bathroom I guess would be good too. I don't know how long we drove on the road because I slept off.

My stomach growled and I suddenly realized that I was starving. It might be up to three hours drive from home or less, I just don't care. What I should be bothered about is how to feed myself and unpacked later.

I went outside the room in search of her kitchen. You don't expect me to go ask Susan if I am to eat or not. Found the kitchen and gushed, it was sparkling which means that she has not cooked in a while. She is pregnant, I know but she is supposed to eat healthy, not eating junk food.

With the way things are here, I will be preparing something for all of us to eat and I tell you what, I don't know what to prepare. I checked through her kitchen cabinets to see if there was something to cook but I found none.

I was about to leave to go ask her if she has no food in the house for me to prepare when I bumped into someone. I looked up at the dude who size me up as if I were a piece of trash.

He was normally built and has the face of an Angel only that he might be a devil from the look of things.

I was not after why he was looking at me like that, I was curious about who he is. I could tell he has a resemblance with Zain, he could be a relative to him.

"Good day to you"

I greeted him, hoping to get a response from him but he gave silence instead and it was rude to me.

He walked past me after. I felt offended and shrugged off my shoulders so it would not hurt too much.

When I got to the living room, she was not there and I had only one place in mind for her to be and that would be the bedroom which I don't know. I was contemplating what to do when the rude dude came to the living room with a glass of juice and sat on one of the couches. I don't have any option l but to ask him for directions, I don't expect to walk around in search of her bedroom when I can ask someone even if he is the devil.

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