
IDTMB — Chapter thirteen

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I'd like to take this opportunity while our good waitresses are serving the food at our table to begin my speech," Danny said, holding the microphone in his hand. "It's my pleasure to welcome you all here tonight to celebrate Dominick and Ellie's engagement," he said, introducing the two who were standing to his right. "I'm Dominick's very proud father, Danny, for those of you who don't know me. Thank you for coming to witness this important occasion. It means so much to all of us that you're here to commemorate the beginning of their life-long commitment..." Dominick's father continued the speech, and he was a really good speaker who kept everyone entertained with the way he spoke. The speech lasted less than five minutes, and after that reporters began to question with the photographers who were taking pictures of them.

"Mr. Dominick, we haven't seen an engagement ring on Ms. Ellie's hand yet; what can you say about that? Does your fiancee wear it off because she doesn't want to be engaged with you?" asked of the women while holding his microphone, waiting for a response.

"Don't be ridiculous, everyone. There's no way Ellie doesn't want to engage with me, am I right, Love?" He pulled her waist closer to him. "Give them a response," he said silently without taking off the smile in front of everybody.

"Yes, he was correct," she replied, faking a natural smile on her face, her eyes fixed on his mother, who was watching them with a big smile.

"And the reason there isn't a ring yet is because I'm going to give it today so everyone can see it," Dominick said, releasing her and taking a small box from inside his dark coat. As he opened the box, everyone screamed in delight when they saw the ring. "When I saw this ring, only one girl came to mind, and it was you, Ellie." He spent nearly ten minutes practicing the line earlier that will fluster everyone, but it appears the one she's talking with doesn't feel the same way unlike the people watching them.

"It was beautiful," she says, her gaze set on the diamond ring in front of her.

"And it's even more beautiful if I put it in your finger." He took her hand and starts wearing it to her.

"Don't miss a shot while he's wearing the ring!" yelled one of the reporters to her camcorders colleagues, "Mr. Dominick and Ms. Ellie, please face the camera and show your engagement ring!"

(Camera flashes)

"We have a question about your injuries in your face, Mr. Dominick. Who did that to you and when did it happen? Everyone who sees your picture with Ms. Ellie will be curious, so please tell us so we can conclude it to our article." Another question arose after they took a photo of them.

"Ahh, my injuries." He glimpsed a second on her before facing back to the reporter who asked him. "I got these injuries when I was in the bar and there was a drunk customer who punched me because I helped the woman he was harassing." He replied confidently, which is the opposite of what happened in reality, but it appears that everyone believes him except the woman besides him who knows the truth.

The reporters' questions continued until they received the answers they desired from them. It took them nearly ten minutes to answer the questions, and Ellie is only going with the flow of her situation so she doesn't embarrass the two families in front of everyone. She can see her adoptive parents proudly watching them, and she doesn't want to disappoint them. They finally had their dinner after the long interview and the two were sitting alone on their table while their parents are seated next to them on the other side.

"Ellie, I'd like to apologize for my recklessness last night; I was just drunk at the time, and I promise it will never happen again," Dominick said in the middle of their meal.

"It's okay. I already forgive you," she said, smiling. "Can I ask you how we met at that time? Is it a coincidence?"

"Hmm, let's just say I have a lot of connections, which is why I found you there." He grins that made her gulp twice. "Are you done eating?" He asks as he notices her empty plate.

"N-no, I'm just going to get another round there-"

"Ask the waiter for it, Love."

"It's okay, I'll come back," she says as she rises from her seat and heads straight for the food, "I hope this party is over," she murmured as she began to select foods for her plate.

"You look absolutely stunning in your dress."

Ellie turned to see if it was him when she heard his voice unexpectedly. "You're here, Arthur," she said, surprised to see him in a black tuxedo that suited him and his hair held up with gel, making him even more handsome.

"Hello, Ellie!" Rebecca appears from behind of Arthur and tangles her arms around him before he can say anything.

"Hi." She only replied where her eyes fixed in a second on their tangled arms. "I thought you guys are not going to come."

"I also thought we weren't going to come if I didn't force your brother. I think he's a little jealous that his sister is going to marry first, hahaha." She laughed out while clinging to him.

Ellie simply replied with a smile and began looking around for someone. "By the way, where is Andy? I didn't see her around with you."

"Andy is currently sick, but don't worry, she has her nanny who is taking care of her," she replied, as if she was always being chased because she spoke so quickly. "And, before I forget, I'd like to congratulate you again on your engagement, Ellie."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, and if you don't mind asking, you and Dominick have a great chemistry while I'm looking-"

"Congratulations." He cut her off because it's annoy him what her fiancee is talking about on them. While they are watching them together earlier, Rebecca keeps on complimenting about Dominick's sweetness over her which he knows that it was only a show.

"Thank you," she replied, "I'm going back to our table now; if you want, you guys can join us."

"Is it all right if we join in your-"

"We're not going to join them at their table, Rebecca. Give them some privacy." He cut her off for the second time, then took her arms off him and left them behind.

"He was right, Ellie; we should give you some privacy, which is why we can't join you. I'm going back to our table now. I'll see you later."

Ellie returned to their table also, and as she sat down, he noticed Dominick staring somewhere. "What's the matter?" She followed his gaze and now she knows.

"I didn't expect him to still show up."

"Of course, Arthur will come because he is my brother," she said, continuing to eat.

"What did you talk about? I see you talking to him."

"He's not just the one that I'm talking to, Rebecca was with him and they just congratulates me."

Dominick doubt that it was only the conversation they had. He is not convincing after all especially it was Arthur. "You know what? If I didn't know you were siblings, I would definitely think you were more than in your relationship." Dominick sipped champagne from his glass. "Are you not going to say something there?" He asked when she was at a loss for words after what he said.

"Like what?" she asked innocently.

"Tss. Nothing, just keep eating." He gets up from his seat, which causes her to stop eating.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to pee," he said simply, turning away from everyone.

When she was left alone at the table, Ellie simply shrugged and continued eating. When she had already finished the food on her plate, Dominick had not yet returned, which she didn't mind because she didn't care what had taken him so long. As she felt the need to pee, she rose from her seat and followed the path Lovelyn had previously shown her. She didn't see around Dominick when she got inside and use the restroom by herself.

"Arthur, what are you doing here?" She was surprised to see him standing outside as she opened the door of the restroom when she's already done. "Are you going to use the restroom?"

"You must be so happy right now," Arthur said, not taking his cold eyes off her, which he had memorized every detail of her face the first time they met.

"Are we really doing this right now?" She has already an idea where their conversation will go.

"Yes, because I know this is what you want."

She sighed. "How about we change the subject? How about we talk where you were yesterday? You meet dad and Dominick in the company, right?"

"Why do you ask?" He arched his brow.

"Because I want to know if you are the one who punched him where you got your hands in bandages," she said, looking down into his hand, which appeared to be fine because the bandages were removed, "Dad told me you met him at work, and Dominick was there as well; is that why you were gone so long yesterday? I just want to hear from you."

"Yes, you're right. Now that you've gotten your answer, what are you going to do ?" He made her brow furrow in confusion with what he said.

"Ellie, are you there?" The two looked around, and it was Dominick who had just heard her voice.

"Don't make any noise," Arthur said as he grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.

"Where are you taking me? I have to go back." She was dragged by him into the guess room, where the door was unlocked. "Arthur, let's go back-"

"Shh!" When he heard footsteps coming upstairs, he covered her mouth with his hand.

"Where are you going, son?" Dominick's mother asked as she look for him when the reporters wants to have an interview with his son.

"I believe Ellie was upstairs; I heard her voice and footsteps coming here," Dominick replied.

"Don't be silly because Ellie was in the restroom; come back now because the reporters want to ask you a question as the CEO of our hotel and resort."

When they didn't hear any voices outside, Arthur uncovered her mouth and looked straight into her eyes. "I can see in your eyes that you're not having a good time at this party."

Ellie laughs at what she just heard. "What are you talking about? I'm enjoying this engagement party, so let us go back." She was about to open the door when he stopped her.

"Do you really want to go back to them?"

"They are going to find me, so I must return-"

"No one in that place cares about you, Ellie, and I can take you out of here if you don't want to come back there," he interrupted her words, looking deeply into her eyes and admitting that he was tempted by her rosy lips. "Do you want get out of this place, Ellie, hmm? Decide what you really want and don't base your decisions on them."

"Damn it, Arthur!" she screamed in frustration, "You're doing it to me again. You're talking always like everything depends on me!"

"Because I couldn't stand it any longer watching you with another man when it should have been me!" Arthur couldn't stop himself, so he shut Ellie down by pressing his lips against her lips, which were soft, almost velvet, and silky against him.

Arthur expected her to push him, but she didn't because she was surprised. Ellie could feel his breath thump on her nose and fingertips frisking through her waist as they breathed each other in. She's not sure why, but something forces her to respond with his kisses. Her body appears to have its own control, as her actions contradicted her thoughts. They were both panting when their lips parted and he embraced her, caressing her back.

"I guess it's a yes for your decisions."

Venus Addams

Hello everyone. I hope the story find your interest. Please have patience for the next chapter that is going to publish. Feel free to comments your thoughts and it will help to improve. Thank you!

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