
~Chapter 2 ~

"Calm down and stop getting your nerves all twisted” I teased my friend as I hopped into the car, slamming the door a liitle too loudly behind me.

“Whoa whoa, be careful. Are you trying to break the door or something? Do you even know how much it costs to get a car these days? It's no wonder you weren't able to keep yours,” she said as she flipped me off, starting the engine. Stacey is literally in love with her car and gets all “Mama bear” when she thinks that you might damage it. 

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. “Breaking the door would be an improvement. I mean, look at it! It already gives off that ‘ I'm struggling to live, handle me wth care vibes’. Plus, I lost my car because mother nature is out to get me! IT WASN'T EVEN MY FAULT IT GOT TOTALED! ” I said, whisper-yelling the last part for emphasis.

She snickered in response and whistled away while I sat beside her, grimacing at the thought of how my car got destroyed.

We drove around in circles for about 5 minutes before finding a suitable place to park. The space was cramped with cars. Turns out every senior (well not every, but most) owned a car, with me as one of the exceptions. I don't think I'll be getting a new car soon. My parents still haven't forgiven me for destroying the last one. Honestly, I don't even think I'm ready to drive yet. Stepping out I walked towards the front stairs. 

I smiled despite myself, walking side by side with my best friend. My school wasn't the normal cliché ones you see in movies or books. No “Head bitch in charge” along with her fashion crazy minions. The thought of seeing materialistic females wearing yucky clothes and feeling like they rule the school made me want to puke. There weren't hot rich guys who were captains of the baseball or basketball team. We still had some hot guys, though. Girls just don't drool over them and they weren't close to what you would consider a Casanova. The teachers were fairly bearable too, but I mean school will always be school right?

   Given all of that, you'd think we would have regular people around here. Nada, zilch, zero. Tons of slackers and hippies. I mean, it's high school so of course there's drama, especially with our hormones in charge. Senior year is usually when most people think about their lives and what they want to do forever. The college you want to attend, if you'll be leaving the city or not, whether football scholarships will be worth it or not. Basically just realizing that we are growing up, ready to deal with what the outside world has to offer. You don't need to have everything figured out right away but at least most of it. No pressure at all! 

While that's been going on, there have also been a series of pranks recently. Just last week, someone vandalized the lockers and hallways. You know, graffiti and all that. The person didn't care about anonymousity though, seeing as he/she signed off with “ Class of 2019”. I personally found the art hilarious & cool. That was talent, full of poise, skill and all that. The principal, on the other hand, didn't share that sense of humor. At least, that's what it felt like when we were forced to repaint all the community centres in the city. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. I had to drive for 2hrs everyday before getting there too. The cleanup crew was just us, splitted up into teams of five. Jokes on them, though, because I skipped a lot of classes. Then, three days ago, everyone who attended the PTA meeting managed to get drenched in water. I still don't know how or who does these things. The parents could only grumble at the school's incompetence. 


I checked my watch for about the hundredth time. 

We had settled down in a class but our teacher wasn't showing up and the noise was becoming unbearable.

“HUSH!” A random girl yelled.

“Shut up” someone shot back rather rudely. 

She responded by showing her middle finger feeling oddly satisfied 

Everyone got behind their desks, waiting to see what would happen. A few minutes later, our department head walked in.

“Mr Jones wouldn't be able to make it to class today. In addition to that, there are no substitutes available either. For now, do whatever you want, and try not to cause too much havoc while you're at it,” He stated blatantly. 

Causing havoc was the only thing we were good at. I hoped he wasn't expecting anyone to be on their best behavior

Meanwhile I turned to face Satcey and tried to voice my thoughts. 

“I swear, it must have been an emergency for him to miss a class.”

“Why do you say so?” she asked absentmindedly. I think she only replied to be polite. Her eyes were glued to her phone screen, not even bothering to look up. 

“Has he ever missed a class, since you've known him?” 

As a matter of fact, I wondered, had he ever fallen sick? He was the only teacher you could rely on to make school miserable. 


“My point exactly” 

“There's no need to bother, he was only a victim of the pranks” She held up her phone to show me a picture. 

“A chocolate sculpture, that's the size of a car? Does that even make sense?” 

“No, a car covered in melted chocolate” 

Oh that makes more sense. 

Actually, no, it doesn't. Why would anyone even think about that?

“Wait, what?! How did that even happen? How many chocolate bars did they use anyways? Why waste so much chocolate? What happened to paint or even eggs?” Chocolate is a work of art on its own. That was a sheer disrespect to artists.

“Eggs? Is that supposed to be more creative?” Stacey raised an eyebrow in question, now interested in our conversation. 

“I don't know… either way, no chocolate should go to waste," I paused for a second, "Who did it anyways?” 

I doubted I would get an answer, but there was no harm in trying. 

At the exact time, Dylan the captain of the football team opened the door happily munching on a chocolate bar.

I shared a knowing look with Stacey and we both began to laugh uncontrollably ignoring the way everyone stared.

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