

Michael Pov

In the aftermath of the twins’ jubilant birthday celebration, a sense of disquiet settled over me regarding Marie’s demeanor.

Despite her tireless efforts in orchestrating a spectacular party that left everyone in high spirits, there lingered an elusive feeling that something was amiss with her.

Beneath her radiant smile and effervescent charm, there lurked a shadow of concern that she seemed determined to conceal from me.

It was during one quiet evening, as the twins lay nestled in their beds, that Marie’s voice trembled with an undercurrent of fear as she inquired about their safety.

With a reassuring tone, I assured her that they were safely tucked in for the night, under my vigilant watch. Yet, her inquiry was not without a hint of trepidation, a subtle plea for reassurance that left me pondering the source of her distress.

Despite my persistent attempts to coax her into confiding in me, Marie remained steadfast in her reluctance to divulge the root cause of her anx
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