
14) Niyati gets suspicious

Author's POV :

"Where are we going, Niyati?", Mitali asked while walking with her.

"We are just going away from this place", She replied while pulling her in a little anger.

"No, we won't go anywhere from here", Mitali said this and jerkily released her hand from her grip and both of them stopped there.

"Okay if you don't want to come with me, don't come. I'm leaving", Saying this she starts leaving from there alone but suddenly Mitali comes in front of her and blocks her way. 

"Mitali, Please let me go", Saying this she turns and starts leaving again. 

"Niyati, if you have to go, then go. But you won't get anything by running away like this", Mitali yelled in anger and she stood at her place after listening to her and then turns towards Mitali.

"I'm not running, Mitali", Niyati said angrily.

"You're running away Niyati, you know what is your problem, whenever you see something that you don't want to see that hurts you, you run away from there. Till some time ago everything was fine but as soon as you saw Gauri and Smaran sir together you ran away.  Even in the morning when you saw both of them together in the staff room, you silently ran away from there. You never even tried to know what was going on between them. Is he really in a relationship again or is it something else, you told me a while back that your heart is not ready to accept the matter of Gauri and Sir's relationship? If your heart is telling the truth and what you saw was all a misunderstanding, then you find out what is the truth?  But no, you just have to run away. When you had a little feeling for Samar in your heart.  Then you ended those feelings by making an opinion for him on your behalf and now when you have feelings for Smaran sir, you are still running away from them and hurting yourself by making an opinion related to him", Niyati was listening to her words carefully with a surprised look.

"I know you must be feeling like I was talking about Acknowledging you Samar a while back and now I'm talking about Sir. See, whatever I said earlier, I said it for your good that I can't see you in any more trouble. I just want you to be happy whether with Samar or with Smaran sir. You have to choose one of these two.  If you keep running like this, then you will never get your love in life nor will you be able to love anyone else.  That's why I want you to know who is right for you?  Samar or Smaran sir. Who can make you happy?  Samar or Smaran sir and you have to start it from today and now.  You have to find out whether Smaran sir loves Gauri or is it something else", Mitali finished her talk by taking a long breath.

"I have full faith in my heart", Niyati blurted only these words.

"Let's see", Saying this Mitali took her with herself.

After that, they both hide behind the tree and start listening to Gauri and Smaran.

"I don't want to talk to you...leave me alone", Smaran left saying this. Gauri tried to stop him but he didn't.

Suddenly her gaze fell on Niyati and Mitali who were listening to them very carefully, but as soon as they both saw that Gauri's attention had turned towards them. They quickly turned their face to the other side.

"Niyati and Mitali, What a pleasant surprise? What are you two doing here?", Gauri asked with a sweet smile while approaching them.

"Whatever we have come here to do, I don't think we need to give you any explanation on this. This is a public park and anyone can come here", Mitali replied angrily.

"You're right, but what were you two doing behind this tree?", She asked with attitude.

"We came here to get cool air under the tree", Mitali replied. 

"Well why have you come here?", Mitali asked with a curious look. 

"I came here to meet my boyfriend. He wanted to meet me but due to some urgent work, I had refused him earlier than I suddenly came here and gave him a surprise so he's a little annoyed with me but no problem. I will convince him. Excuse me", She left by saying this while smirking.

"Work done?", Divya asked Gauri when she approached her. She was watching all this hiding behind a tree a short distance away. 

"Yes done. Both of them again saw us together and Niyati was very surprised to see us together. Her face was worth seeing", Gauri said happily.

"This work is done Now I have to make a plan ahead to do one last blast at the party too", Saying this, Divya gives her friend a wicked smile while thinking about something in her mind.

"Have you thought of something?", Gauri asked. 

"Yes, I have thought and started working on it", She replied enthusiastically.

"What are you going to do?", Gauri asked curiously.

"Just wait and watch", Divya replied and after that, they both left from there.

On the other hand, Mitali and Niyati are talking to each other. 

"What do you think next, Niyati? Seeing the scene now, would you like to give any specific comment on it?", Mitali dramatically asked her.

"I feel something wrong, Mitali", She replied.

"What do you mean?", Mitali asked confused.

"It means that I feel like whatever we are seeing, It's the opposite of that", Niyati answered. 

"What do you want to say, I don't understand anything", Mitali replied.

"I feel like someone is trying to mislead us. Maybe you just haven't seen what I saw", Mitali was being confused by her words.

"What did you see like this?", Mitali asked being confused.

"Today when Smaran sir released his hand from her hand and went from there and said in words that he doesn't want to talk to her. She leaves him alone. He didn't say these words to Gauri in anger but in hatred. There is a lot of difference between the way of saying things in anger and hatred.  Today I saw the pure hatred for Gauri in his eyes", Niyati explained to her.

"You mean to say that Gauri is deliberately trying to show us that she and Sir are in a relationship again when there is no such thing", Mitali asked hurriedly.

"Yes, I feel the same way. Gauri is doing drama", Niyati responded solemnly.

"But why would she do this? It's only been a few days since she came to school. What will she get by doing this?", Mitali asked in surprise.

"I don't know but now I have to do what you told me to do", She looked into her eyes and said.

"What?", Mitali immediately asked.

"The truth has to be found out. Now I have to find out whether what I see is true or what I my heart feels is true", She replied.

"I'm with you", Mitali said keeping her hand on her shoulder, and continued, "but how will you find out the truth. Gauri is very smart. She will never tell you the truth", Mitali said.

"I know but someone else can tell. Now there is only one way to find out the truth. The day before yesterday at the party, either kill or cure", Niyati replied thinking something and explained the meaning of her point to Mitali. 

Mitali was very happy to hear her and she hugged her.  Since then both of them went to their respective homes after spending some time together.

The next morning, Gauri and Divya enter the school together and Mitali and Niyati collide in front of them. Divya is shocked to see them suddenly in front of her.

"Good Morning, Divya and Gauri?", Niyati said with an attitude smile.

"Good morning", They both said one by one.

"Gauri, that other friend of yours Kajal didn't come with you today and in her place today you are coming with Divya, what happened, have you changed your team?", Mitali asked with a raised brow.

Hearing this, Divya gets a little nervous and before Gauri can answer, she starts talking in a hurry, "No, there is nothing like that. I just got her right here outside the school so I thought why not come together? And I also asked her where is Kajal and she said that it's taking a while for her to get ready now so she will come to school on time only".

"So that's it! What's the matter Divya? You have started forming a lot of friendship with Gauri these days", Mitali again asked as Niyati was observing her every expression.

"No, there is nothing like that. She is new to the school so she comes to me whenever she needs help", Divya replied confidently as she didn't want to give them any chance to doubt her.

"Come on, it's a good thing whether you are helping someone or someone is working for you", Mitali said with a raised brow doubting her.

"What did you say?", Divya asked Mitali to repeat her words.

"Mitali said that it's very good that you are helping the new students who have come here. She was just praising you", Niyati replied while giving her a sharp expression.

"Let's Go Niyati, we have more work to do. Let's go from here now", Mitali said looking at her. She nodded and then they both left from there.

As soon as both of them leave, Divya takes a sigh of relief and starts speaking,' I feel like these two have got suspicious of us. Now we have to do our work even more carefully".

"You are right", Gauri said looking in the same direction from where Niyati and Mitali had to go.

"But whatever happens, I won't give up so easily and won't let Niyati win this time", Divya said with a smirk.

Saying this they both go to class. The whole day passes like this. There is no special interaction between Niyati and Smaran. After making all the preparations for the farewell party for Smaran, they all go to their respective homes.

Samar, Divya, Gauri, Mitali, Niyati, and Smaran are all very excited about tomorrow's party as it is going to be a memorable day for everyone.

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