
Feeling like a girl


Derrick asked me to be his assignment partner.

I still couldn't believe it and even though I walked home under a scorching sun, I couldn't wipe the shit-eating grin off my face. I was ecstatic.

But it took getting home and entering the house for my mood to sour completely.

“Why are you just getting home?” Axel fired at me immediately I entered, the venom in his eyes terrifying my soul.

“I... I... I had to walk and...”

“Save your useless stuttering,” Brody cut me off by throwing a pillow at me. It hit me square in the face and the force of it nearly split my head into two.

“Make us dinner,” Axel commanded and I instinctively looked at the wall clock. It was just 5 pm and we didn't eat dinner until 7:30.

But I knew better not to argue.

“Okay, let me just change from my school uniforms,” I started to make my way to the stairs, momentarily forgetting that I'd been locked out of my room when another pillow hit me square in the face and this time, the pain was enough to make me yelp.

“Make it like that and you better not exceed 6 pm. If you do, I'll make you rue the day your whore of a mother decided to open her dirty legs for our father.”

Axel’s words were like punches to my face. This wasn’t the first time he'd talked about my mother in a very rude and demeaning way but it always got to me each time.

I muttered an okay before turning around and I made my way to the kitchen. The food on the timetable would take nothing less than 2 hours to make and they expect me to make it happen in less than a hour.

And I had; if not, it was going to be another round of punishment and I didn't want that.

I poured the ingredients together, mixed them, and did everything the fast way that I've learnt and at exactly 6 pm on the dot, I was serving them on the dining table.

“What the fuck?” Brody yelled after a spoonful, “Why is it so hot?”


He was glaring at me so I had no option but to reply.

“Because I just finished cooking...”

I didn't get to complete the statement when he dragged me closer by my arm and he flattened the fleshy part of my hand against the stainless plate.

I screamed, yelped and writhed in pain but he kept my hand flattened against the hot plate for like a full minute before he let go.

My arm was a bloated, red and painful mess. Tears were streaming down my face because of the intensity of pain that I was feeling.

“Next time, find a way to cool down the food before you serve me. Now get the fuck out of my sight before I lose my appetite from just staring at your miserable face.”

I scurried off. The urge to break down in the kitchen was overwhelming but I knew I didn't have the luxury of time to. I had my homework to do, my clothes to wash, the kitchen to clean up and God knows what the triplets will still ask me to do for them.

So I applied first aid on my bloated skin before I cleaned up the kitchen, packed the dishes when they were done eating, and cleaned that up too. I had to wash my clothes by hand outside because I was forbidden from using the washing machine unless I was washing their clothes. And the last time I attempted to sneak in my clothes with theirs, I was made to kneel for hours while they watched a soccer match.

Someone was screaming my name at the top of my voice when I entered the house again and it took me a while to realize who it was.

Jasmine. She was here to make my life even more miserable.

“Are you deaf? Or have you just been ignoring me?” she fired at me after she gave me a slap that made my head jerk to the other side.

“No, I was...”

“I don't need your useless explanation,” she slumped back on the sofa, “now get on your knees and massage my legs. I've had a busy day.”

I did as I was told. I had no option but to. The way Jasmine bullies me in the house is different from the way she does at school. At school, there were still rules but at home, she was free to do whatever she wanted with me.

I picked up the massage oil and got to work. In no time, Jasmine was in a more relaxed position and a satisfied sigh left her mouth.

It would have been okay if she stopped at that but then, she started moaning, like high-pitched moans of pleasure.

Axel wasn't even in the room, it was only Brody and Carson and they were occupied with the PES game they were playing.

“Yesss... Oh my God! Right there, that spot. God!” she let out a breathless moan that made me cringe on her behalf.

Doesn't she have any shame? She was in the room with her boyfriend’s brothers and she was moaning at the top of her voice.

Was she doing this to get a raise out of them? I wouldn't be surprised if that's what she was doing. I've seen her give Carson and Brody a suggestive look on different occasions. And I think she just wants the three boys for herself.

The boys didn't even turn in her direction at all.

“Ohh babe, you're here,” Axel announced his presence and he took his seat beside her.

“Yes and guess what?” she was beaming at him with excitement.


“I finally pierced my right nipple just like you wanted.”

“Wow,” his eyes zeroed in on her gigantic boobs, “I can't wait to see it.”

“Well,” she started unbuttoning her shirt with a playful yet sultry look in her eyes, “why don’t you just see it now?”

She got her right boob out and I cringed on her behalf again but there was nothing cringy about the way Axel was looking at it. His eyes were full of hunger and lust and in no time, he had the nipple between his fingers and massaging them.

Jasmine was moaning loudly again and they increased when he ducked his head and took the nipple into his mouth, sucking and lapping at it angrily.

I took that as my cue to disappear and do my homework and when I was finally done, some messages were waiting for me from an unknown number.

I opened them and they were from Derrick.

I squealed before typing a reply and it was after sending it that I started worrying that it might be too stupid.

It was as if Derrick had been waiting for my reply because he replied in less than a second.

We chatted late into the night and I finally understood why girls blush when they chat with boys. Derrick was just asking me about my hobbies and favorite things and I was blushing and smiling like a lovestruck teenager.

We said goodbyes reluctantly because he said he didn’t want to keep me up so I wouldn’t be late for class.

I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

And with the duvet, I had no recollection of bringing with me drawn to my chest.

I was sure I went to sleep last night without a duvet but when I woke up this morning, I was well covered in a duvet.

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