
Chapter 0005



I woke up earlier than usual. I looked at the beautiful woman who was in a deep sleep. The sheet barely covered her body, her perfect ass was exposed, and I beat myself for even doubting or caring for Sierra’s leave last night. 

I carefully crawled on the bed to her side and started kissing her legs and she giggled.

“Damian… I’m still not awake,” she said, half asleep.

“I know, I’m just trying to cover up your body, I don’t want the people on TV to start gawking at my woman,” I said. She let out a small, attractive laugh. 

After securely covering her body with the sheet, I  removed strands of her hair from her face. I tugged it behind her ear and kissed her cheek. When I was done, I got up and walked to the bathroom.

I was already naked, so I just headed straight to the shower. I let the tap run as my hands ran through my hair. I took a bath net and started washing my body. When I was done, I closed my eyes to wash off the soap and that’s when I saw her face. Out in the dark, I immediately shot my eyes open, wrapped a towel around my waistline and walked out of the bathroom, straight to my closet.

I was now applying lotion, I looked at the bed, and realised Cassie was not there. Did she perhaps find a hotel? I felt a sense of relief as I looked in the mirror to reassure my look, but I saw her again, SIERRA. 

I ran to the bedside table, grabbed my phone, and searched for her number. When I found it, I attempted to dial it, but I remembered what I told her yesterday, so I stopped myself.

“What do you think you’re doing, Damian? It’s good she’s gone. It’s what you wanted, right?” I scolded myself, and just when I was about to put my phone back on the table, it started to ring, I quickly picked it up.

“Sierra?” I said without thinking.

“No, it’s Adrian, Mr. Winters. The divorce has been finalised,” he informed me.

“How? When? I haven’t sent you the final documents yet.”

“Mrs. Robertson sent them to me,” he said, and I nodded.

“Thank you, Adrian,” I said and hung up without waiting for his response.

I dialled Sierra’s number. 

“I just need to know if she’s fine, not that I care,” I convinced myself, but my heart ached when the number didn't go through. I tried it again and again, but still got the same response.

I dialled Lily’s number, I knew she knew Sierra's whereabouts.

“Damian, king of heartbreaks. You just never change, do you?”

“Is Sierra with you? Not that I care, of course, but can you put her through or put the phone on loudspeaker? I want...”

“If it’s about the divorce, then don’t worry, give her copies to Lucas, I’ll send it to her,” she sidestepped me.

“What? Where did she go?” 

“That is not your business, listen, I have to go now. Have a lovely day,” she said and ended the call. I knew she couldn't tell me anything.

“So Sierra left, but where?” 

I quickly rushed to my closet and wore clean clothes. I didn't even get to style my hair and I rushed down the stairs.

“You’re in a hurry?” A teasing voice caught my attention, it was Cassie. She was in one of Sierra’s pyjamas, and looking at her, I could tell she was cooking.

“Yes, I have to rush to... to a meeting.”

"Well, that meeting has to wait as I’ve prepared your favourite, at least I still remember it’s your favourite, right?” She said as she took steps towards me. When she reached my side, her fingers started working on my tie.

“Thank you, but I’ll have to come back early then. I really can’t miss this meeting.”

"Yes, you can, you’re the head,” she said, and ran her nails through my chest. I felt my dick stand but got down again.

“I promise to be back early, just after the meeting, okay?” I said, as I kissed her cheeks and ran out. I didn't even hear the last words she said.

As I got in my car, I drove at a fast speed, which made me arrive at my office in just ten minutes. 

“Where the hell did she go?” I asked myself, as I pulled over.

I hastily got out of my car and ran inside.

“Good morning, Mr. Winters,” my assistant, Jane, greeted. She was probably surprised that I was here so early.

“Good morning, is Lucas here?” I asked her, and she shook her head.

“It’s still six, they all come in at eight,” she said.

“Yes, I know. Listen, call him, and tell him I need him here before seven.”

She looked at me weirdly, as I’ve never done this.

“Do I need to repeat myself?” I angrily said, and she rushed and took the telephone.

“Mr. Lucas,” she said.

“I hope Lucas’s office is open.”

"Yes, Mr. Winters, it was just cleaned,” she responded and continued talking on the phone. I walked out, heading straight to Lucas’s office.

As I reached inside, I pulled out my phone and dialed Adrian’s number.

“Mr. Winters, I’ll send the...”

“Is there a way to terminate the divorce?” I sidestepped him.


“Is there a way I can terminate the divorce? I don’t want to divorce my wife anymore.”

“I don’t think it’s possible, I already...”

“It’s not what you think, you know what, find a way to terminate the divorce, I want an answer before the end of the day,” I said and hanged up. 

I started to pace around the office. “What’s keeping him so long?” I took out my phone with the intention to dial his number when the door opened.

“There you are,” I said as I felt a bit relieved.

“Bro, what’s going on? I was with my wife the time your secretary called me, it almost landed me in trouble with Lily, you know how she can get sometimes.”

“I’m sorry for that, but I really need your help,  I messed up.”

“You messed up, how? Holly crap, what’s wrong with your hair?” He asked as he walked to his chair.

“Sierra is gone.”

"Yes, I heard you divorced her. Is that not what you wanted?”

“No, I mean a part of me, but now that she’s gone, I want her back. Her image can’t leave my mind, it’s like she’s tormenting me,” I said and roughly ran my hands through my hair.

“Wait, the same Sierra, the plus-sized woman, the mistake of a wife, the...”

"Okay, stop, I fucked up. But you know how she is, she pushed me to do this.”

“Alright, calm down. What do you want me to do?”

“Lily mentioned she left, I want to know where she went.”

“Lily didn’t tell me anything, you know how Lily is.”

“I know, but she’s the one who booked her tickets that I’m sure of, so your job is to go home and find out which country Lily bought the tickets for.”

“How sure are you?”

“I’m very sure, just help me with this one, please,” I begged.

"Okay, calm down. I’ll do it, but first I have to attend a meeting with an important client.”

“Ask Bruce to replace you.”

“The client specifically asked for me.”

“Alright, it’s fine, but please don’t forget to do what I’m asking you to do,” I reminded him, and as he nodded, I took out my phone and dialled a number.

“Detective,” I said as the man on the other end picked up. I heard Lucas giggle, and I turned to point at him before I walked out of his office.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
georgia nimtz
Did I miss something? He wanted a divorce, he got one, but did he expect her to still live with him in the same house?..What a dush,,,,
goodnovel comment avatar
Columbus Obiakor
very intrested

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