
Chapter 3

"Who was that?" Alexia asked

"it was my dad, he wants to see me," I said slowly

a frown appeared on her face, my father hated Alexia with extreme passion, the last time she extended her hand for a good handshake with my dad. It ended in real chaos and ever since then, she has been scared to cross my dad's mansion gates.

"I sure hope everything is well" she replied

I sighed and rubbed my hair slowly

"I can't know unless I see him but deep down, I'm scared of what he wants to tell me," I said

"you shouldn't, what could he possibly do to you?, I still don't get why you are scared of him, you aren't a kitten, you are the big cat and you have to earn it" she advised me

I smiled, knowing that everything she said were nothing but mere words as my father could make even the fearless man on earth piss on his pants

"you don't know my father the way I do, I grew up with this man and he was a beast to us as children. My childhood felt like military training and I never enjoyed the pain I suffered, my brother was the only one I could seek shelter in as he always had a calm and relaxed heart but that's all in the past now" I revealed

she held my jaw and kissed me passionately, I touched her nipples and rubbed them softly, she moaned hard, and for some quick seconds, I looked at the rear mirror and caught my driver secretly peeping at us

"Seems you are prepared to lose your job you fool, haven't I warned you?" I screamed at him with anger in my eyes

"I'm sorry sir, it would never happen again, I swear on my life" he begged and maintained eye contact with the road

"I don't need your filthy life, it's of no use to me so why should you even swear on it, a man like you can't be cursed, you are too miserable for the god of curses to add you to his victims," I said rudely

"that's too harsh babe," Alexia said and touched my dick

I felt a soft erection and this made me smile as Alexia didn't fail in her job, she touched my nipples and kissed my chest so passionately, she acted like a real porn model and this made my love for her grow as I was too immersed to think straight. She smiled at me and stared at the driver who didn't dare to look back or check the rear mirror

"seems he has learned in the hard way, you are such a bully, my love," she said

"peasants are meant to learn in the hard way, it's the only way they can get better and when that happens, maybe the lord will have pity on their miserable lives" I replied and kissed her forehead

"It's enough baby, let me give you a king's treatment," she said and slowly unzipped my trousers

she brought out my dick and rubbed the head softly, I was in another dimension as she did a perfect job of relieving my stress

she gave me a perfect head job and I couldn't get enough as I kept forcing her to go deeper, I ejaculated in her mouth and she swallowed it without thinking twice, she took a tissue from her bag and cleaned me up like a real king

"Seems you do enjoy it when I give you a head job, now I know your weak point" she teased

"in your dreams Alexia, all I ever want in this fucked up world is to spend the rest of my life with you, that's my greatest desire," I said

she felt sad and I drifted back to what my father did to her, my father's actions left her in a deep state of depression and it felt impossible to get her out but I knew her soft spot.

"your father hates me more than Lucifer, how do you expect your dreams to come true?, let's not talk about that for now, don't ruin this moment" she said

Silence engulfed us for a while and I closed my eyes and imagined my future with her, it felt so refreshing in my head and I was deeply immersed until my pathetic driver swerved wrongly and made me hit my soft head on the glass window

"you fool!!" I screamed at him

"I'm sorry master!" he begged

Arriving at my father's mansion brought back some old memories I buried deep in my soul, I moved out three years ago and I never regretted my actions, my dad was just too rigid. Guess I took my evil and fearless nature from him

"Welcome back young master, our Supreme master is in his chambers," A butler said

I walked in and ignored his greetings, and the fresh fragrance of air freshener hit my nose. My dad loved this smell so much, we were just so far apart in taste and demands but one in nature and character, I walked into his room and closed the door slowly, I watched him puff out smoke from his mouth like a hardened drug lord who escaped prison.

"Good evening father, you requested my presence a few hours ago, I felt it might be a matter of urgency so I came earlier than the time you suggested," I said with a firm voice after clearing my throat

he looked at me with his eyes all red and weed at the corner of his mouth, he took it off slowly and sipped his champagne.

"take a seat son," he said calmly

I sat and crossed my legs, he pressed a remote and the curtains came together in perfect harmony, wealth was an abundant tool in my father's hands. Mine was nothing compared to his, I was like a puppet in his hands when growing up and I couldn't help it, even with the billions I had in my bank account and total assets, it was nothing, compared to his wealth.

"When I look at you, all I see is a man who took all my character except my taste for elegant women. You are going to take full control of my company and all my wealth will be yours, combining it with your wealth will make you more powerful than me" he said and smiled

my father hardly smiled but when he did, then something tremendously good had taken place.

"you are right Father, I strive hard to walk in your footsteps every day, I'm guessing you must have good news for me" I replied

he took another sip from his wine and puffed some smoke in the air, smiled, and flicked his white hair backward

"oh yes, I have wonderful news for you. One that will unite the future of this family, the Pendragons are feared in this country and that's because of the hard work and integrity I place on my name. I need to place my family's dignity and future in the hands of a ruthless and devoted man like me.

I think of no other person than my eldest son, Alexander Pendragon."

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