
An ex from the past

Christabel's POV

“All you need to do is sign a contract marriage deal with me!” Andre said softly. He looked towards me carefully.

The suspense was all done but now, what came over me was being dazed at first. I was lost in accepting or rejecting this proposal.

I knew a normal lady in this case would get angry and ask him if that's the reason he paid for all he bought but I was from a different breed. I was very realistic. I was shocked, truly, but not too shocked. I had not seen a contract marriage deal in my life but yes, I have read about a bunch of them.

But this didn't mean I wasn't dazed.

“Do you mean what you just said?” I asked him simply. I wanted to be sure that he wasn't playing pranks with me.

“I mean what I said, Miss. Christabel,” Andre replied. “I am a busy man and if there is something I would never have time for, it is playing pranks. I have my documents ready and if you're ready, we will do the necessary.”

“Wait…” I breathed in and out. I still couldn't believe this was happening to me.

“Don't be too shocked, Christabel…’’ Andre said slowly. “Can you read?”

“Yes, I can,” I replied. “But every normal person of my age is supposed to be able to read and write?”

“You grew up in an orphanage and I wouldn't know if reading and writing is taught there…” Andre said simply. Once more, this was something shocking for me. Only a few people knew I grew up in an orphanage. Andre knew too much about me.

“How did you know?” I asked carefully. I was quite shocked. I wondered who he was to have such vital information.

“What?!” Andre asked loudly.

“How did you know that I grew up in the orphanage?” I rephrase my words and asked him slowly.

“Nevermind!” Andre passed again. This was the second time he was avoiding my question.

“But…” I tried to protest but he cut me short.

“The documents are in my car…” Andre told me. “If you're ready, we could go and sign the documents right away.”

This was a tempting offer. It was quite irresistible as well.

“I'm in!” I finally agreed.

He smiled.

“That's the spirit!” Andre told me boldly. He was chuckling and this made him look so cute.

Andre was a tall, thick, and muscular man. From his physical features, he was in his early thirties. He was very handsome and manly as well. He looked so physically fit and I could tell that he was a gym fanatic just by taking a look at him. To cap it all, he seemed stinkingly rich. 

I wasn't materialistic but it's not quite bad to have a rich boyfriend. Or wait, he was going to be my husband. I had one thousand and one questions to ask him about the deal he had proposed but first, I had to follow him down to his car to sign the documents.

Andre asked about the things I bought and when I told him I hadn't collected it, he led me to the mall and told the staff to deliver the goods to his own residence. This took about five minutes and when he was done, we moved to his car to do the needful.

Andre's car was the poshest car I had seen in my life! It was a glamorous sight and I could have died inside the car with no regrets.

Being rich looked so fun and for this singular reason, nothing would stop me from signing the contract.

Andre removed the documents from somewhere in his car and brought them out. There were three files and each seemed to look alike apart from one with a dark cover. Andre signed on all three documents and passed it on to me.

“Sign there…” Andre told me simply. 

I looked at the documents carefully and thought about what I was about to do. This was a decision that would change the course of my life.

“Hmmm…” I sighed.

“What is it? Are you having a hard time making a choice here?” Andre asked in a caring manner.

“Let me ask you this…” I focused on Andre now. “What do you hope to gain from this deal? From what this entails, I am gaining money, power, influence, and a host of many others. However, I need to know what you stand to gain as well.”

Andre seemed prepared for this question. He gazed deeply into my eyes as he answered this question. This was another sign of confidence and masculinity and I totally loved this.

“I am thirty-five years old…” Andre told me simply. “But right now, I have no wife nor children.”

“Wow!” I exclaimed.

“Yes, all I want you to do is to have a child for me…” Andre said slowly. “I don't care how long this would take but till this happens, I will pay you a million dollars yearly for this.”

“Let's be more specific…” I indulged. This was getting harder than I thought. “Once I have a child for you, the relationship ends, right?”

“Yes! All I need is a child…” Andre replied.

“In this case, what is the payment? From what I have seen, this doesn't seem so easy for me to agree to…” I told him as simply as I could. “Do I get to see my child or I have to let him remain with you forever?”

Andre sighed.

“Your child will know you and when that happens, we can determine simpler terms…” Andre said carefully.

I didn't want this and I made sure to tell him that I wanted to be able to see my child. I would have a child for him, yes, but even at that, I wouldn't want to be a breeder. My child had to recognize me as a mother. I also knew I could as well counter this approach by using medical pills to prevent pregnancy.

I would let him continue his relationship with me and when he gets tired, he would opt out!

It was cruel but yes, I could do it.

We later finalized about this but I had more questions. I had to bargain about the price. From what I could see, he was wealthy and the sacrifice I had to make wasn't worth the price.

“I can't go for a million dollars yearly. Fifty million dollars or else, we have no deal!” I told him promptly.

“Wow!” Andre commented. “Let's go for thirty million dollars yearly and if you can get pregnant within the space of a year, I will give you a bonus of fifty million dollars.”

These figures made me scared. From the amount he offered before and what he was offering now, I was glad I had bargained.

From one million dollars to thirty million dollars! Wow! 

Instantly, I signed the deal without bargaining.

And yes, we were signed for a contract marriage deal. Whether it would be a beautiful ride or not, I would get to know in the following days, weeks, months, and years.

Andre drove me to his house where he said I would begin to live in. Before this, we went to the courthouse where we were married officially. The only people there were Andre's lawyer, ourselves, and the person who took our marriage oaths.

Everything seemed to move so fast. When Andre told me we were going to his mansion, I anticipated something huge. However, on getting to his place, I was disappointed.

Yes, but not about the size or the beauty.

I was so disappointed because it went over my expectations! I never believed Andre would have such an enormous and beautiful mansion. My mouth opened wild agape as I glanced at the superb look.

“You are impressed, I guess?” Andre said to me carefully. He was smiling.

I was more than impressed.

Anyway, Andre led the way and I followed. He made sure to tell me the ten thousandth time that my wardrobe has been filled up already and all I needed to live a new life were ready.

The inner mansion was even more magnificent. It looked like an empire on its own. As I watched maids saunter back and forth with each doing her duty, I couldn't help but feel special. 

It would have been so cool if I was truly married to Andre but well, a contract marriage wasn't so bad. I was going to get almost everything including free sexual satisfaction. A good look at Andre would tell you that he was a professional at lovemaking.

But then, my hopes could be crushed so I didn't take it too high.

As we moved on, we were greeted by all the maids that passed by. I felt quite jealous about the amount of female maids in the mansion. I made sure to glance at all of them as they passed and for sure I saw those with bigger backside, bigger boobs, and those that were more beautiful than me.

This was oppression!

I just hoped that Andre's eyes would remain glued when it came to these seductive women. Their uniform was quite tight and one could see their body shape from far away. One thing I would make sure to do now was to change the maids uniform.


I was in a contract marriage. Why was I fantasizing so much? This was purely an imagination that wouldn't become true.

Soon, we got to the expensively furnished living room. I could see a familiar figure sitting on one of the couches.

The person in question stood up and when he saw I was the one, he glanced back in surprise.

“This is Joan and he is my nephew…” Andre said while smiling once more.

I couldn't talk at all. How could this happen to me?

For goodness sake, Joan was my ex-boyfriend. How could I be on a contract marriage with his uncle?

I could sense the beginning of a great controversy.

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