
Chapter 2: Bloodshed

It felt surreal.

How I shifted into my wolf form for the first time, and how I recognized my mate’s scent all over me, everything felt surreal I almost couldn’t believe it.

It was just yesterday when I ranted to my best friend, Winona, about how pathetic I was because I didn’t shift on last year’s blood moon even when I was already eighteen. All of the other debutants had shifted and most of them knew their mates already, but there I was, the pathetic alpha’s daughter who was believed to be a late bloomer.

"Your time will come, my dear. Don’t be disheartened," was what Dad told me.

I was thankful he was such a supportive dad despite the pack’s expectations of me being his only child, but I knew deep down he was happy that I hadn’t met my mate yet because for him, I was his baby girl. But still, I couldn’t help but be disappointed with myself.

Tonight, everything changed. I had changed for the better.

Running away from the first district pack with my four legs was a lot more convenient. I wanted to run back to my mate but I knew doing that would expose my cover. I didn’t want to spoil the fun and be detained.

As much as I wanted to come back for my mate, I was also very excited to return home so I could share this good news with my father. I could always ask Dad to make an excuse to visit the first district after this, so meeting that blue-eyed man wasn’t a problem.

Upon my return to the second district, I shifted back to my human form. The mating ball was happening at the town square so I went there because I knew Dad was anywhere near the event.

However, my smile quickly vanished when I saw what was in the town square.

The place that was supposed to be full of laughter and dancing debutants was filled with eerie silence. The tables and chairs were messed up, plates and glasses were broken, and what was more terrifying—dead bodies were scattered around.

I felt how the blood left my face.

With my heart pounding hard in my chest, I ran as quickly as I could. The Alpha’s mansion was only half a kilometer away from the town square so it was only a quick run.

Fear crept on me when I saw the bodies of the Alpha’s guards all over the gates. No one had remained standing so it was easy to assume that something really sinister took place while I was away.

"Dad!" I yelled while making my way to the main hall of the mansion. My hands were trembling as I darted my gaze from side to side.

Then I stopped when I heard the clicking of shoes. I looked up and was relieved when I saw Uncle Nick, my dad’s half-brother.

"Uncle Nick! What happened? Where is Dad?" I met him halfway, but when I stopped in front of him, my eyes widened when he put his two fingers on my chest and pushed me back, making me lose my balance.

I ended up falling down the staircase. I grunted as I held my knee which hit the huge vase. Confusion swelled up in me. I couldn’t understand. Why did Uncle Nick push me? If I hadn’t had my wolf yet, I would have gotten some serious injuries.

"Why did you do that, Uncle?" I remained on the floor as he stopped in front of me.

"Why do you think so, my lovely niece?"

His tone. It was different.

I didn’t want to think that he had done everything that had happened in the town square, but this man had pushed me down the staircase. The message he wanted to rely was clear. He meant harm.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I stood and hurried to the stairs. I wanted to see my dad. I wanted to find him.

I pushed Dad’s office doors open, and my knees trembled.

Dad was on the floor and his blood was all over the carpet!

"No! No! Please, no!"

I hurried to his side, my hands cold and shaking. I didn’t know where to touch him or what to do. I was panicking, and my tears kept rolling down my cheeks.

"Dad, wake up! Dad, please! What have they done to you? What did they do…" My voice trailed off as I sobbed hard.

While I was hugging my dad’s dead body, someone showed up at the door. It was Uncle Nick’s son, Lucas.

There was no shock in his eyes, no worry, no remorse. But the way his lips curled up let me know who caused my dad’s demise.

"It’s you and your father," I muttered under my breath.

Lucas nodded. "Yes, it was us who did this. My father is now the new alpha of the district. And you, the pathetic loser, will no longer have a place here."

"Why did you do this? Dad trusted your father and his people! He doesn’t deserve this!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. I wanted to shred Lucas into pieces but I couldn’t let go of my dad. I wanted to hold him as long as I could.

"Yes, you’re right. Your dad doesn’t deserve that, but in this world, it’s survival of the fittest. He’s too kind to be a leader. That is his problem. The district needs a sterner alpha, someone that our people deserve."

"You are talking bullshit!"

"You should be happy. After all, you don’t like being the alpha’s daughter because you don’t want the pressure. You hate the people’s expectations so you had always dreamed of becoming an ordinary person. Isn’t this what you want?" Lucas smiled evilly at me.

I couldn’t contain my anger anymore.

I put my father down and leaped into the air. Lucas didn’t expect my sudden shifting, so when I jumped to him, he was pushed to the hallway by the force and almost fell from the corridor.

I saw my reflection in his eyes as a gray wolf. I growled and attacked him again, but this time he met me halfway with his wolf form. I felt my body shake in pain when I hit the north wall of the hallway after I was hit by him. Lucas was a bigger wolf and a lot stronger.

"I can see that you have your wolf now," Lucas said in my mind.

Werewolves could speak through minds when we were in our wolf forms and once we talked to other wolves.

"But little Claire, you should know I have been shifting for four years. You just got your wolf so you are no different from a newborn pup right now. You can’t beat me."

I went back on my feet and attacked him again. I didn’t care if he was stronger or if I died fighting. I was too livid to even think of what should be done. All I could think of were the faces of Uncle Nick and Lucas, and how my dad died in their hands.

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