
Chapter 5 - I Like You

Jordan's P.O.V.

I know it's way too fast, but I can't help it. With Dakota on my shoulders and Anushka's hand in mine, I feel whole. I've heard of love at first sight, but I never believed it was real. Is it possible to fall in love with not only a woman but her child as well? When Dakota asked if she could call me Daddy, it made me happier than I'd been in a long time. Again, I know it's wrong to allow myself to feel so attached to them when after these two weeks on the island, Anushka may not want anything to do with me. I will just have to work that much harder to win her heart.  

"How are you feeling? Any side effects from the poison?" Anushka asks as we walk. I feel like a fool, but I've been so swept away by her and her daughter that I forgot all about being poisoned.  

"I feel okay. I better look at those pills and see when I'm supposed to take them again." I pull the bottle out of my pocket, and Anushka takes them from me. She reads the label and sticks the bottle in her pocket.

"You only need to take them once a day. Let me know if you start feeling sick or anything," she says as she slides her hand back into mine. I hope she's doing that because she wants to, not just because Dakota wants to act like we're a family.

"Are you doing okay up there?" I ask Dakota. She's been unusually quiet.  

"Yeah," she says softly. Anushka looks up at her and chuckles.

"I think someone is ready for a nap. How about we go back to the hotel for a little while so we can all get some rest before the New Year celebration tonight?" She asks as we turn around. I wonder if she'll let me rest in their room.  

"We can't leave Daddy alone." Dakota sounds so groggy I'm sure she'll be asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow. Anushka looks up at me, biting her lip. I could give her an easy out and say I'll rest in my own room, but I want to hear what she's going to say.  

"Our room has two bedrooms, but Dakota sleeps with me. So if you want to use the other one, you can. I guess at this point we can trust you. You should know I rarely let people get this close to me and Dakota." I hear the nervousness in her voice, but she has nothing to fear with me. I would never hurt either of them.

"I can stay in my room. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I tell her as we walk into the lobby. Anushka smiles slightly and shakes her head.

"No, it's fine. Dakota's right, you're not supposed to be alone." She replies. Dakota's head is lying on mine. I'm pretty sure she's sleeping. When we reach their room, I gently take Dakota off my shoulders and lie her on the bed. I remove her shoes and set them on the floor as she rolls onto her side.  

"You're a natural with her," Anushka says as she shuts the door to the bedroom.  

"She's great. I don't know much about kids, but she seems mature for her age." I say as we sit on the small couch.  

"She is, and she knows what she wants. I hope she didn't upset you with all that Daddy talk. Don't let her get to you." She smiles slightly.

"It didn't upset me. In fact, I loved it. I know this is crazy because I just met both of you, but this has been the best day of my life." Anushka laughs.

"You were poisoned, and still you can say this was the best of your life." I move a little closer to her. 

         “Yes, I was poisoned, but I also met you and Dakota.  I don’t know about you, but it’s not often that I feel a connection with someone.  In fact, I’ve never felt a connection with anyone like I feel with you.  I know it’s fast and we’ve only known each other for a few hours, but I like you, Anushka.  I like you and Dakota.  If you don't feel the same way, I’ll understand.  I just wanted to let you know how I feel before we go any further.” I watch her expression go from smiling to uncertainty. Once again, I see the hurt in her eyes.

          “I like you too Jordan. Dakota is ready to sign you up and make you her daddy.  I’m going to be honest with you.  I’m scared. My last relationship was with Dakota’s father, and it was all a setup. My dad paid him to seduce me, marry me, and get me pregnant, so I wouldn’t try to get involved with his business. He basically sold me to keep me out of his hair. Harrison treated me okay in the beginning, but when I found out the real reason he was with me, he changed. He hit and punched me every chance he got.  He was careful not to hit me anywhere it would hurt Dakota because he hoped I was having a boy. I ran away several times, but my dad helped him find me. When I found out I was having a girl, I left for good with help. Harrison was arrested and was just released from prison a couple of months ago. Dakota doesn’t know him or anything about him. He was the first person I ever loved and I’ve protected my heart from getting close to anyone since. If I give someone a chance, it's not only me who will get hurt, Dakota will too. I won't let anyone hurt my daughter, and if that means I have to be alone for the rest of my life, then so be it.” 

               I can’t believe her own father would sell her to a creep so she wouldn’t get involved in his business. What kind of man does that? No wonder she’s weary and uncertain around me. Look at the two men she’s had in her life. 

               “What is Harrison’s last name?” I ask, but I'm already pretty sure I know exactly what it is.

               “Andrews.” She replies. I groan and rub my hand down my face.

               “I had a feeling that’s the cockroach you were talking about.” Anushka looks at me in confusion.

               “How do you know him?” She asks as she slowly moves away from me.

               “I interviewed him right before I came to the island. He wanted a job at my company as a consultant. I turned him down and told him we had all the help we needed, but he wouldn’t let it go. He yelled and banged his fist on my desk. He said I would regret not hiring him. I had to have security remove him from my office.” Anushka puts her hand over her mouth as she shakes her head.

               “If he’s back in New York, he can get to me and Dakota. I can’t let that happen.” When she starts crying, I pull her into my arms. She resists at first, but her arms slowly wrap around me as she sobs on my shoulder. 

               “That’s not going to happen. Even if you only want us to be friends, I'm here for you.” It breaks my heart to think of never being more to her than a friend, but if that's what she needs, then that's what I'll be. She opens her mouth to speak when there’s suddenly a loud bang in the hallway. I run to the door and look through the peephole. Someone just kicked in my door across the hall. I run back to Anushka and pull her into the bedroom where Dakota is. 

               “Someone just broke into my room. Stay here.” As I prepare to leave the bedroom, the door to the room bursts open. I shut the bedroom door and look at Anushka and Dakota. What the hell is going on? Who would be after both of us and, more importantly, how are we going to get out of here?

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