
Jealous Part 15


"Leo. Love. What are you talking about? Talk to me, not at me."

He orders and the hopelessness of the dreadful situation sinks in and his beta, dropped his shoulders as if at a loss. What the fuck was going on? What is Leo not telling him?

"His name is Shawn. I spent a year trying to get him to notice me but he never gave me the time of day. His human. Although I also gave up on him because of my interest in Alex. You know I wanted Alex, I wanted her close even as just a friend. But there was a rumor that said Shawn always gets what he wants, it was never me but now he wants you- Jay. Jay he came from wherever and asked me for something but you pulled me away from protecting-"

"What are you talking about? At least finish your sentences."

Before Leo could answer, his phone rang. It was an unknown number. He answered for no other reason than to end the sadness in fated mate's eye.


"Who is this?"

<I am Shawn. I am in the faculty of performing arts. Uh, I called because I would like us to get to know each other.>

Seeing his fated fist his hands anger and jealousy making him cute. Now he got why he was frantic earlier. Chuckling his fated turned to walk away but he held his arm, preventing him from leaving just yet. Holding onto his arm, he pulled him closer until his back touched his chest so he can listen in on the conversation. Leo averted his gaze as if holding back reasons to cry and that emotion simply was unacceptable. He planted a kiss on the top of his lovers head and his attention went back to the phone call.

"No thanks. I already have a a boyfriend thank you for thinking of me-."

<Who is it? Do not tell me it is that, Leo.>


He was against being rude but his tone as he spoke about his fated made him drop the phone call and delete the number. Leo still trapped, loved and protected in his embrace.

"Aye. Mate look at me."

Embarrassed, his cheeks burning his little beta smiled. It looks like he was not the only one possessive. His other half has a jealous league going and the only way that would cross his mind is if he was not secure about them.

"You are mine. I do not want others looking, touching or even talking to what is mine. You might regard me the same way, I do not care because in the end we will never let each other go. Common you can come study at my place."

"Never? You need to find someone more submissive than I can ever be."

"Leo I prefer your subservience, I do not need it because I love you and I love your spirit. Love. All I want is your trust, I value your obedience, as well as punishing you with pleasure. Let me not forget to mention your intellect. I never want to control you, you are literally the best part of my day and I will prove it when we get to my place."

Laughing Leo found all his stuff but his phone and he figured Shawn took it or threw it away somewhere. He will add getting a new phone to his monthly expenses they came with separate vehicles so they drove separate the anticipation stealing his focus.





"You finally awake?"

Noah asked the soft warm women resting comfortably on his chest.

"Mmn no. Give me two more minutes."


Back story to the altering events. After his shower Noah planned on catching the game before his date with his beautiful crush he finally secured. His hair still dripping he heard a knock on his door, that knock got him out of the shower early and he had no idea why. He walked out attempting to open the door while drying his hair.

Opening without looking he assumed it was Toby, he left the door open so he could enter... it is not like they have never seen each other naked before. Besides he is in a relationship with that Lucas who might get jealous and take a cheap shot on his money maker (his face).

Nxa it is not like his naked, he still has a towel wrapped around himself and he secured it himself. This interaction does not warrant pack war, besides in the eyes of the goddess who created fate... they are just brothers. Tsk. Dammit. Water from his wet hair entered his eyes and he winced, breathing heavily trying ease the burn. Tsk. Damn this. the tried to hard not to rub his eyes and make it worse.

"Toby if you want to be here, here. Wipe my back, my eyes are killing me."

Toby took the towel and gently wiped, slowly drying the ridges. His fingers trailed their way on his skin as he shivered due to the unknown sensations that threatened to attempt to ruin his friendship. His fingers traced his back before the towel followed, this went on for like five minutes that is when he got his sense to stop him.

There is no way no way his body would react to his best friend in such a way especially because he has never seen Toby more than just a friend or at best a brother. Weird, the scent was sweet, movements uncertain and Noah must be losing his damned mind. His body relaxed enjoying the steady increasing beats as if it was is own, he open his eyes surprised at his thoughts and winced.

"Stop. I am surprised you not with darling Lucas... Haha. Mmn, I have a date with my lovely but my eyes still sting, fuck."

"I have eye drops."

A voice so soft, docile and sweet offered. Alex. Damn, his an idiot. He stopped her from touching his body, gosh he is such as idiot. It is acceptable to call him a moron now. He opened his eyes, but immediately winced again... His hand itched to rub the irritation. But a hand stopped him, he deserves the burn or maybe subconsciously he wanted to really make sure Alex is actually in front of him so he risked opening his eyes again.

"Refrain from rubbing your eyes, here eye drops."

Taking the small bottle from his lovely doctor but it was hard to keep his eyes open... After teo attemps his doctor took the small bottle from him and coaxed his head to relax.

"Just relax... Trust me, I am a doctor not an eye doctor but a doctor nonetheless. It will not hurt just tilt your head back. Keep your eye open, good. See easy. Now the other eye. Keep it open. Done. Just give it time to work, you will be fine."

"Haha. Thank you, I am glad I have a hot doctor by my side."

Her eyes down cast and she plumped down on Noah's desk riddled with notes and the picture of himself that she drew of him was now framed. Noah could tell something was wrong but the best thing he could do now is wait for his fated to talk. Alex could not face her own fated opting to avert her gaze and what she said next made him understand why she refused to face him.

"C-Can you please find something to wear."

"Is my body distracting you?"


Teasing his gorgeous fated has it's times as well as places and this was the furthest thing to the time so he complied with her request. Grinning, he felt eyes saying their goodbye as he entered the bathroom comfortable clothes in hand. He already had his date outfit on the top shelf but there was still hours to go, what's the rush? Stepping out the site that awed him was of florescent beauty.


Sleeping in his couch is a beautiful knocked out mate. Screw fate they just met but they so comfortable, he is possessive and everything in him loved this site. Still his fated mate must have been extremely exhausted to have just slept on his couch that must not be that comfortable. He picked her up holding on to all of her luscious curves and he placed her on his bed which is bigger and ten times more comfortable.

She did not stir when Noah entered to join her on the bed and in the blankets. He pulled her closer in to his arms and she suggled in closer. Her braids are so soft, her skin is natural in It's purest perfection. When she moved he assumed she had woken but instead his fated made herself comfortable on his chest. Sighing he held on tighter.

"My mother always told me: 'quite people have the loudest stories to tell.' I will never leave Alex, I promise you forever and whatever comes after that. Trust me."

Screw it, he is all in. Comfortable and content he rested his concerned brain, giving into the happy dreams his bound to enjoy. His Alex fit perfectly in his arms, her arms almost wrapped around his waist but he took it as a side hug.

The mystery did not just entice him but now he wanted to protect his fated. He needed to be this woman's solace, hell if he was going to give up his peace. Hell if he was going to give up the connection that plagued his senses.

The very lush woman in his arms belong to him and he takes care of what is his. If only Alex allows him, he would never mind doing that for as long as they both shall live. Slowly soon after he began thinking about their beautiful future, his dreams claimed him. He wanted to wake her and confess his undying love, then he realized it was just a dream. Thankfully his dreams did not have his fated but instead she's here loved in his strong embrace.

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