

"Where are we going?" I try again, as Alice walks briskly across the brown, frosted lawn.

"The bonfire," she says.

The bonfire. It must be the same one Gregory invited me to.

My stomach drops at the thought. Earlier, going to a bonfire seemed the perfect idea. I needed to get friendly with the in-crowd at Hawthorn if I stood any chance at surviving here.

Now I wonder if that whole goal is pointless. I wasn't selected for a tier. Doesn't that make me some kind of outcast? A pariah?

I study Alice as we walk. Despite also not being selected, she doesn't seem worried about walking into the lion's den.

"Are there other students who weren't selected?" I ask.

"Not that I know of. No one who's here now."

Wonderful. So that makes us even weirder.

We walk around the side of the main building, the bitter cold striking my cheeks. The fog has thinned some, and students walk across the grass, all headed in the same direction.

The woods.

"Is this allowed?" I croak. "For us to leave school grounds?"

"Technically not, but the teachers all look the other way."

But what about the eyes? I want to ask. The glowing eyes that I saw in the dark trees the day before.

Would Alice think I'm crazy if I brought them up? Or paranoid?

She'd probably tell me I saw a wild animal, that's all. The thing is, whenever I think about those eyes a cold shiver goes up my spine. There was something intelligent in that gaze, something almost... human.

But not.

Hell, maybe I am a little crazy.

We step onto the bridge and cross along with several other students. Once they see us, their conversation stops.

Heat floods my face. What must they be saying about us, the two students that no tier wanted? And why didn't the tiers' heads pick us anyway? The questions they asked seemed so random.

At the end of the bridge, Alice and I follow the other students into the woods. The moon shines on a thin path between the tree trunks.

Will Alec be at the fire? The mere thought of seeing him again makes my heart swell. Why do I feel so drawn to him? Like I need to find him and glue myself to his side or else the whole universe itself will rip into pieces.

Laughter echoes through the woods, and we emerge into a clearing with a big bonfire. Kids drink and talk around it, and a familiar figure sits on a log with some other girls.

Upon seeing me, Brynn waves eagerly. I wave back, but then one of the girls Brynn is with whispers something in her ear and Brynn drops her hand.

I guess word is already spreading about me and Alice. The two outcasts that no tier wants.

Alice and I approach, and Brynn's new friends disperse.

"I'm sorry about that," she says, getting up. "They're just excited, you know?"

I nod. It's a poor lie, but it's nice of Brynn to try.

"I'm Alice," Alice says, sticking out her hand.

"Brynn," she replies, shaking the hand. I don't miss the way she looks around, though, like she's worried about who might be watching.

"Nice to meet you," Alice says.

She lets go and waves at the log, silently asking if she can take Brynn's spot. Brynn nods, and Alice sits down.

"So..." I shove my hands between my knees to keep them warm. "You got into a tier."

"Yeah." Brynn ducks her face. "I'm sorry you didn't."

"It's okay." I force a smile. "I'll live."

Brynn grimaces, and I can tell she feels sorry for me.

Suddenly, someone steps into the glow of the fire. My breath catches in my throat, and my vision tunnels.

It's him.


I can hear Brynn and Alice talking, but only random words filter in. All I can focus on is Alec's sharp jaw and hazel eyes. They flash in the firelight, almost golden.

As I'm staring, he looks through the flames and straight at me. It's like my very soul is being rearranged.

He holds my gaze, and once again I feel like he's trying to tell me something.

I’m still staring at him when he turns and walks away, disappearing into the darkness.

My next inhale burns my lungs. It's like fire is being sucked into my windpipe. I want to chase after Alec and scream, "Don't go!"

"You okay?" Alice asks me.

"Um..." I blink my eyes into focus and look at her. "I'm gonna, uh... get some air. It's hot at the fire."

Brynn frowns. "Is it? I'm cold."

I don't respond. I'm too busy walking into the woods where Alec slipped away.

I should be scared, but I'm not. I just want to find him. Feel him. I have to understand him.

I weave among the trees, the cold air slapping against my face.

"Alec?" I call. It's too dark to see much of anything, and I hear my own heartbeat pounding in my ears. "Are you there?"

No answer.


I walk deeper into the woods, the trees crowding around me. The fog has completely cleared, and my eyes are finally adjusting to the poor moonlight. Massive pines and thick bushes fill the area.

"Alec," I say again. But this time, my voice catches.

A rustle in the bushes, to my right.

"Who's there?" I say. My voice is barely a whisper, my heart beating so fast I think it's going to explode.

Suddenly, a figure emerges from behind a tree. I let out a breath. Even in the dim moonlight, I know that it's him.

But how do I know?

It's not so much that I see him as feel him. Which is crazy.

"You're one of the new kids." His voice is like melting butter. Soothing and smooth.

"Yeah," I croak. "That's me."

He comes closer, and I catch a whiff of mint and cloves. My stomach does a somersault.

"How do you know my name?" he asks. Before I can answer, he shakes his head. "Never mind. I can guess. Someone probably told you to stay away from me, didn't they?"

"No." I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Liar." He keeps coming closer, and I take a step back, torn between aching to be next to him and feeling terrified.

My back hits a tree, and I stop moving.. The rough bark scrapes my skin through my thin jacket, and my breath catches in my throat.

He's only inches away. If I pushed onto my tiptoes, I could touch his lips with mine.

His nostrils flare with an exhale. "You think I'm dangerous. And... more than that." He smiles. "I can tell. It's written all over your face." He leans in even closer, some of his long hair falling over one eye. "You want to kiss me."

"No!" I shake my head.

He grins. "Yes, you do."

"No," I stammer. "I don't."

I'm lying, of course. But I'd rather die than admit that this strange, cocky guy has me wrapped around his finger. And all thanks to one look.

"Yes, you do," he says. He's not even touching me, and yet electricity races across my skin. "I can feel your heart racing."

It's doing more than that. I feel like it's going to burst out of my chest.

"I've been looking for you." His breath is like silk against my cheek. "You're not like the others."

I'm shaking now, and I can't seem to stop. "What?" I whisper. "That's what Alice said too."

"You're different." He leans back and inspects me. "But how?"

"I'm not different," I whisper. "Unless you consider not being accepted into a tier being different."

His lips twist, and I can't tell if it's in sympathy or annoyance.

"Winter," a boy's voice suddenly says.

Alec steps away from me like I'm poison, and every cell in my body aches to have him back, have him close to me again.

"There you are." Gregory crashes through the shrubbery and steps into the moonlight. "Brynn said you took off from the fire. What are you doing in the woods?"

"I'm..." I look to Alec, but he's gone, vanished as easily as a ghost.

An emptiness floods me.

"Come dance with me." Gregory pushes his hands through his hair.

I don't want to dance. I don't want to be around anyone but Alec.

Where did he slip away to? Did he go back to the fire?

"Sure," I say, only because dancing means scoping out the clearing for Alec.

Gregory takes my hand and leads me back to the fire. Alice and Brynn are still there, but they look bored, like they've run out of things to say to each other.

"We need some music. I'll be right back." Gregory takes off, skirting along the edge of the bonfire.

I look around for Alec, but he's nowhere in sight.

I swallow, and my throat closes up.

"What's wrong?" Alice asks.

She won't want to hear this, but screw it. "Did you see Alec? He went this way. We were talking in the woods, but then Gregory showed up and he took off."

Her gaze narrows. "Remember what I said about him?"

An upbeat pop song bursts across the clearing, and a few kids cheer.

"Yeah, that he's dangerous." I look Alice straight in the eye. "But why?"

She sighs. "It's complicated, okay? It's--" She stops talking as Gregory approaches.

"Let's do this." He pulls me to him, his touch warm and comforting, but still not what I want.

Over his shoulder, Brynn chats with a new group. Her new tier?

"Relax." Gregory does a funny dance, almost like he's having a seizure, and I can't help but grin.

Pleasure blooms across his face, and he grins back. "See? That's what a little music will do."

I don't say anything. I'm too busy still looking around the clearing.

I don't know why. Obviously, Alec left.

What would have happened if Gregory hadn't shown up? Would he have kissed me?

Would I have let him?

Even though I don't know Alec, I know I would follow him to the ends of the Earth if he asked me to. Realizing this is absolutely terrifying. Is it possible that I would have no boundaries when it comes to him?

"Hey," Gregory says. He's put his hands on my hips and is dancing weirdly again. "What's wrong?"

I shake my head. Maybe it's for the best that Gregory came along when he did. "Nothing. Let's just dance."

"That's better," he says. He spins me around, his chin brushing against mine as we twirl.

"I think you and I are kindred spirits," he says.

I want to laugh, but I hold it in. Sure, Gregory is a decent guy--and really cute--but kindred spirits? If there's anyone my spirit is kin with it's...

No. I shouldn't be thinking about him. Alice said he's dangerous.

And yet I can't seem to stop myself. Is he still in the woods? Is he watching me?

A shiver races down my spine. The song ends, and I step away.

"Thanks for the dance." I tuck some loose hair behind my ear. "I'm gonna head to bed now, though. It's been a long day."

"It's only nine o'clock," he says with a little laugh.

"I know," I say. "But I'm exhausted."

I glance over his shoulder. Brynn is still talking with her new friends, and I feel a burst of jealousy. It must be nice to be automatically assigned a social group.

"Okay." Gregory looks disappointed, but he shakes it off. "Well, goodnight, then."

"Night." I turn around and search for Alice, but she's nowhere to be found.

That means I'm walking through the woods all by myself.

My stomach knots in fear, and I feel like I might throw up. I push through it though, and run down the path and over the bridge. My sneakers slap loudly against the wooden planks as I try to ignore the feeling of someone watching me.

My dorm is empty--thank goodness. Heather must be out partying like everyone else.

Everyone except for me.

And Alec?

As I sink onto my bed, the tears come.

Why does he have to be so damn irresistible?

I clutch my hands to my chest, feeling like there's fire underneath my skin.

When I finally fall asleep, it's with a hole in my heart.

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