
BAB 11 I Not His Ex

Two men lay helplessly inside the dungeon of the Red Cage Building. Bloodstained both of the man’s clothes. Their gaze was half focused on a figure standing in the center of the room. A tall body rose with clenched fists drenched in fresh blood that dripped onto the ends of his shiny leather shoes.

“That’s enough, Jax,” said Rey, who had been watching Jaxon beat up the two men to death.

Jaxon didn’t listen to Rey’s words. His hands quickly grabbed the forearm from behind his back. Jaxon seemed to shut down his conscious senses to his surroundings, drowning in the murderous desire that enveloped his body.

“Jax!” Rey rushed towards Jaxon and pulled out his elbow, aimed at the two men.

“They’re already helpless, brother,” he whispered as he tapped Jaxon’s shoulder, bringing him to his senses.

Jaxon’s mood has been bad lately. He didn’t want Jaxon to return to being the monster that ruled him.

“You know how I work, Rey. These two men clearly challenge me. “

Yesterday they found more than twenty-five kilograms of white powder ready for distribution. And the two men lying on the floor are the ones responsible.

The two men had no right to sell in their area, and the two idiots should have known the game in Denver. They were too stupid to enter this territory. And like a suicide mission, the two resign themselves to being led to the gallows. If only he had not been in the room, Jaxon would have killed them both with a bullet lodged in each other’s foreheads.

The men must have been too drunk to think they could trick Jaxon and his men into playing cat and mouse in the Denver area.

Year after year, many have tried the goddess of fortune to save them while selling stealthily in Denver, but none have escaped Jaxon’s keen eyes. Every wall and window has ears. Like lighthouse towers, nothing escapes scrutiny.

“Come on, brother looks like we need to stretch your tense muscles,” he said while dragging Jaxon out of the room.

“Fritz, finish this and clean up afterward,” Rey added before passing through the door guarded by Fritz and Thomas.

Rey takes Jaxon to the GC. Both had half a bottle of whiskey, but Rey kept himself conscious. In case Jaxon blocks his sanity again.

“Where’s Gavin?” asked Jaxon, whom Rey believed was courtesy.

“Do you really want to know the answer?”

Jaxon shrugged nonchalantly.

“Lately, a lot of newcomers roam around our region. I’m sure this has something to do with the spider organization,” Rey said while supervising GC visitors.

They weren’t talking about local people but other criminal organizations starting to create havoc in Denver. Many of them came from different factions. Even several Motorcycle Clubs also took part. And they both know the reason for the movement.

Mia’s arrival is like a fire that attracts moths.

“I will wait patiently for their entertainment,” said Jaxon sarcastically.

The two of them grinned at each other.

“Jaxon, Baby.”

Rey and Jaxon turned in unison towards a soft voice that obliviously sounded fake.

A slender, blonde-haired figure small face and round blue eyes approached them with an apparent seductive gesture.

Rey cleared his throat and turned away from the beautiful woman approaching Jaxon with an inviting look. Her sensual lips touched the side of Jaxon’s chin.

“It’s been a long time since to see you, Jax. I miss you,” she whispered softly that only Jaxon could hear.

“Hey, Roxane,” replied Jaxon halfheartedly as he let go of Roxane’s grip, which was now wrapped around his neck. The woman clung to him without caring for Rey’s disapproving gaze.

Jaxon sighed hard. He had no time to comfort any woman. Roxane’s presence made his mood worse.

“Get out of my face, Roxy,” said Jaxon in a cold tone without affection.

Roxane, familiar with Jaxon’s temperament, pulled away immediately. She hated this side of him.

Swallowing her shame and anger, Roxane said softly, “When you need me, you know how to find me, Jaxon Baby.”

The glare that Jaxon gave was enough to silence Roxane. She knows she will never win Jaxon’s heart with sweet words. If the man says no, that’s what she gets.

Once Roxane disappeared into the dance floor crowd, then Rey let out a laugh.

“That woman always thinks that someday you will bend your knees in front of her while presenting a diamond ring as big as a goose egg.”

Jaxon stared irritably at Rey, who thought the show was entertaining.

“I’ve only been with her once. She thinks she’s different from other women, and the next morning, she acts like we have exclusive relationships. One mistake I regret because I got out of control that night,” said Jaxon while drinking the rest of his drink.

Even though the event was very long ago happened. And since then, Roxane has always pursued him without giving up. For him, sex is not a primary need, unlike Gavin, who changes partners every night. In a year, Jaxon can count on five of his fingers the number of times he has sex. It’s not that he’s impotent, but he’s more self-controlling than other male species.

“Speaking of women, how about you, Rey? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you touch any woman. “Jaxon’s probing gaze irritated Rey.

“As if you had the story, Jaxon, we both have the same record.”

Yes, it felt like they were in a celibate state for a long time. If Jaxon had reasons for self-control, then Rey’s excuses made even less sense.

“Have you found the girl?” asked Jaxon carefully as he watched the emotional changes on his friend’s face.

Rey was silent for a long time, lost in thoughts of his own.

“I haven’t discovered anything recently, and my investigation has come to a halt midway.”

Jaxon responded only with a light tap. There are no words to describe this predicament. Rey had had enough of being encouraged.

Jaxon decided to end the day by returning to Aurelia Castle after completing the final bottle.

His memory of Mia, who was fast asleep in the next room, made Jaxon growl. He wasn’t ready to go back under the same roof with her. Somehow it was so difficult to control himself around that girl. It felt like he was tired of always running away from his castle.

“I’m back at the castle tomorrow. I want to talk about apartments downtown. Meet me at Red Cage, brother,” said Jaxon before leaving.

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